The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2646 cold treatment

Looking at this invitation, Lin Tian didn't speak, but he Lian respectfully said, "thank you for your help."

"Do me a favor." Invite the moon to smile, and that smile looks very sweet, the people around look, will be intoxicated.

Some people wish they could follow mingyuyue all the time, but Lin Tian didn't notice. Instead, he went ashore and asked that He Lian, "He Lian, is there a transmission array here to leave the Qin Dynasty?"

"Here." With Lian Kan Lin Tian's indifference to this saint, he has some doubts in his heart, and that mingyuyue usually goes out, which is protected by countless people, and even treated as a treasure.

But today, I met a man who was so indifferent, and a man who was just in the divine realm, and immediately made her a little unhappy, "I said, this young man, just now I saved you."

"Did I ask you to help?" Lin Tian asked back, and the smile disappeared, and the people around him despised, "I said boy, why are you so shameless?"

"That's right. I'm afraid you would have been captured by the Lord of the city if you weren't the saint just now."

Others said, "you really don't appreciate it."

He Lian also felt that it was not appropriate, but Lin Tian continued to walk on his own, and did not pay attention to the words of others.

But this, naturally attracted many people's hatred, on the spot countless people surrounded, blocked Lin Tian on the shore, and one by one.

Some even said, "boy, today I will teach you a lesson for the saint."

"And me, make sure you apologize to the virgin."

These people just want to please the saint, so they are crazy, but Lin Tian laughs at them, "if you want to do something, just come, but if you are beaten or damaged later, don't blame me."

People didn't expect Lin Tian to be so crazy, but immediately one by one, he got angry, and that bright invitation moon shouted, "give me back."

Those people wonder about Xiangming's invitation to the moon. Some of them ask, "holy lady, what are you doing to him?"

"This is my business. What do you do?" Invite the moon to stare, and those people immediately dare not say more, can only quietly retreat.

He Lian hurriedly came to Lin Tian and whispered, "brother Lin, what's going on?"

"Is there a teleport array?" Lin Tian was still saying that, but he Lian hesitated, "generally, there is no transmission array in seaside city. You have to reach the nearby big city."

Lin Tian understood and said, "please take a path, or you can get me a map, and I'll go by myself."

He Lian is embarrassed and says, "I will take you to get a map, and then I will take you to the place you want to go."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but continued to move forward, and He Lian had to keep up with him. Before he left, he also said an awkward sentence to mingyuyue, "saint, goodbye."

But mingyuyue stared at Lin Tian's back, and he was oppressed. "I'm so kind, I even ignore me so much."

People around looked at each other, and whispered, until the invitation of the moon gas, had to follow in silence.

Quming, the servant of He Lian side, said in a low voice, "second young master, you are a friend. It's so strange."

"Nothing." He Lian knew Lin Tian, so he smiled awkwardly, but quming continued, "but the saint saved him. He didn't thank him, as if he also despised others."

He Lian hesitated. "Maybe brother Lin, I don't like being saved."

"If it had not been for the saint, I think he would have been captured by the city Lord." This Qu Ming Tucao Road, obviously feel that Lin Tian is too crazy.

He Lian knew that quming was not familiar with Lin Tian, so he sighed, "you'd better go back to the mansion. Don't follow me."

"No, now I'm going back to my residence, and I'm sure I'll be cleaned up by the young master." Qu Ming immediately wronged.

He Lian had no choice but to say, "then follow me first."

"Yes." Quming nods, but he Lian tells him, "but follow me, and you can't say brother Lin isn't, or I'll drive you away."

Quming said gloomily, "if you don't say it, don't say it."

He Lian was relieved. Then he came to Lin Tian and said, "brother Lin, there is a grocery store in front of us. We need to buy a map of the Ming Dynasty."

After Lin Tianen's benediction, he left there under the leadership of He Lian, and mingyuyue continued to follow him in silence.

As for a teahouse not far away, the wanfutian said gloomily, "I can't do it at all with this saint."

He hesitated, "is there any way to separate this Saint from that boy?"

"Apart? It's not easy. " Wanfutian sighed, but xuedaoshan suddenly blinked, "I remember a incomplete God array not far away from the city. I don't know wanchengzhu. Is it familiar there?"

"You say that Deserted Inn?"

"Yes." Xue daoshan nodded, and wanfutian hesitated, "are you going to lead them there and then separate them?"

Blood mountain grace sound, but that and crazy but headache way, "want to let that kid go to that Deserted Inn, I'm afraid not so simple."

"What if there is enough attraction?" he hesitated

"What appeals to him?" Hekuang wanted to know, and wanfutian also said, "no, what can attract that boy."

"Just now you heard that this guy wants a map, and the best map, I'm afraid, is in the master of Wancheng's place," said xuedaoshan

Wanfutian had a snack and said, "that map covers 50% of the Ming Dynasty, which is still hard for me to get."

"Don't worry, as long as we can attract him to the past, reuse the Inn and separate him from the saint, then we can do it." Blood mountain suggested.

"So, it's up to my chart?" Wanfutian asked, and the bloody mountain nodded, and he said, "if you're ready, let the news out."

Wanfutian bit his teeth and said, "OK, I'll let you know."

Then the people got busy.

Lin Tian is still on his way to the grocery store.

Until a quarter of an hour later, Lin Tian came to the grocery store He Lian said, and asked the boss to take out the best map.

I only saw that these maps were made by different forces of the Ming Dynasty, so some of them were a little surprised.

However, the coverage of these maps is only about 10%, and there is no Tianlai country that Lin Tian wants.

This makes Lin Tian frown and say, "is there no other map?"

The shopkeeper said with a smile, "our pictures are all like this. After all, the territory of the Ming Dynasty is vast, and it's very difficult to explore all the rubbings."

On one side, He Lian was helpless to look at Lin Tian. "Brother Lin, otherwise, let's go to other stores."

But the shopkeeper said, "I don't want to play with you. The whole city and the most complete picture are here. If I don't have what you want, you should not look for it."

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