The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2668 joint efforts

Looking at the distance, Lin Tian explained, "Shenghuang mountain, known as one of the four secret sects of Oriental Shenzhou, records a lot of secrets."

"Secret news? What are you looking for? " Ming invites the moon to doubt, but Lin Tian didn't say, just a smile, "want to follow, don't want to follow, you go."

"You." The moon was suddenly depressed, but Qingyu was shocked. "Shenghuang mountain is much stronger than our smallpox cult, especially the secret news. It's not accessible to ordinary people. Are you sure you want to go?"

"I'm not going to rob." Lin Tian laughs strangely, and Qingyu doubts, "so you are?"

"If I remember correctly, in order to win over the world's wizards, Shenghuang mountain has a rule that if anyone can break through the Shenghuang road and win, they can get a secret message they want." Lin Tian thought about it. After all, he just wanted to find the secrets of the resurrected man. However, there was no record there. Finally, he was busy.

But this time, Lin Tianxin thought of a place that should be accessible, so he planned to go to Shenghuang mountain again.

May invite the moon two people to hear this, the different mouth Tongsheng way, "Saint emperor way!"

"What? Any questions? "

Mingyuyue doesn't have the heart to crack down on it. "Boy, it's not that I despise it, but that road. There are nine checkpoints in total, and one is more terrible than the other. Even if in millions of years, only one person can really pass the customs."

"Oh? Alone? "

"Yes, that is to say, Lord Lin, who did not become a God in those days." Ming invites moon two eyes to reveal the adoration, but Lin Tian coughed a way, "the divine world has no other genius?"

"Yes, but there are not many who dare to challenge. What's more, there are few who can succeed." Ming invites the moon to murmur.

Qingyu said with a smile, "brother, you'd better give up. This kind of place is not for ordinary people to break in."

"It's been a long time." Lin Tian smiles and then closes his eyes. But I don't know what Lin Tian said. I can only follow him and chase him.


half a day later, the Pope rushed out of the array with the sedan chair under his control, and came outside. All the people waiting outside said respectfully, "the Pope."

"People!" The idea in the sedan chair was like a snowstorm walkway, and an elder tightly opened up and said, "Lord, when he came out, he left."

"You, won't you stop him?" This thought is like snow, and the five people have no choice but to bow their heads.

"Waste! A bunch of rubbish! " Nian Ruxue is in a hurry, and the five people look even worse, until Nian Ruxue says, "the messenger said, make sure we clean him up."

"Emissary?" When they heard this, they were shocked, and read it as snow hummed, "that's right, so now, immediately, immediately, the police station has a spy to find him for me."

These five people have already been taken by Lin Tian, so they look at each other, but with Lin Tian's permission, these five people have to send spies.

"If you let me catch it, I can't spare you," said nianru Xue in the sedan chair

Not only smallpox teaches here, even in the city, that Hongfeng sits in an inn, and there are spies coming back to report one after another, until the last one says urgently, "temple Lord, there is news."

"Say, where?"

"We went to smallpox education outside the suburbs, and we found out from some people that this guy was easy to look at."

"Transfiguration?" Hong Feng was suspicious, and the man reported, "yes, he not only changed his countenance, but also went to the forbidden area. At last, he trapped their God Lord in a battle, and then escaped."

"Trapped the Lord of God?"

"Yes, it's like using the array."

Hongfeng frowned after listening, "where are they going now?"


"Damn it." Hong Feng was so angry that he got up, and then said after thinking, "go, tell all the pictures of that guy after he changed his face and the pictures now to all the countries, and let them arrange for them to go down for investigation."


Then the man left, and Hongfeng congealed, "Yirong?"

At this moment, when Hong Feng thought of this, he was even more angry. He also went to smallpox to teach in person.

In smallpox, nianruxue was still resting behind the wind screen in a large hall until an elder came to report that "the Pope, the Lord of the knight hall in the Ming Dynasty, and the Lord of the Hong hall came."

"We have nothing to do with the court. What is he doing?" Read as snow fox hesitated, and the elder hesitated, "it seems that it's also for the boy."

"For the boy?"


"Let him in." Read like snow look uneasy, until a while, that Hong Feng came in, and looked at the wind screen and said, "you are the leader of this church?"

"Yes, I don't know what wind is blowing the Lord of the hall of Hong to the place of this poor and remote corridor?" This read like snow don't understand ask.

Hongfeng said coldly, "I want to catch a man who has come to you, so I'll investigate carefully."

"That boy, is the man you want to catch?" Read like snow some accidents, and Hong Feng en said, "yes, he caught our saint."

"The virgin? Why didn't I see it? "

"Then there are others around him?" This Hong Feng doubts, but that reads like snow to recall, "an inn shopkeeper, an old woman."

"Old woman?" Hong Feng is suspicious, but reads like the sound of snow. As for Hong Feng, he asks, "what does she look like?"

Read such as snow a wave, a clear invitation to the moon in the air to grow old appearance, and that Hong Feng surprised, "God pidan, let yourself grow old."

"Shenpidan?" Read like snow some surprised, and Hong Feng en way, "yes, is the God of pitan."

Read like snow but some don't understand, "but I see that Saint seems to follow him voluntarily."

"No way, our saint is threatened." Hongfeng said with oath, and nianruxue had to say, "then I don't know."

Can read such as snow in the heart but always feel that invite the moon is with Lin Tian.

Hongfeng then continued to say, "I heard that the missionaries are looking for them, aren't they?"

"Yes, I'm looking for that boy."

"Then we can share the news." Hong Feng said, and read like snow doubt, "sharing information?"

"Yes, no matter you or us, as soon as we have news, we will tell each other and then join hands to take the boy down." Said the Hong Feng.

Nianruxue thinks it's a good way, but she doesn't understand, "who is he, and why did he abduct the saint?"

As for Lin Tian's identity, Nian Ruxue has been trying to figure it out, and Hong Feng doesn't quite understand the way, "if I knew, I would have looked for his nest for a long time, and would not have looked for him everywhere."

Read like snow but frown, "I thought he had something to do with Lin Di."

"Lindy? How can we see that? " The flood peak was shocked, and nianruxue explained, "he will fight with all his might."

"What?" Hongfeng glared, and nianruxue explained the matter one by one. At last, Hongfeng frowned, "our saint's master is Lin Di. How can he know Lin Di's skill as a kid?"

"The saint's master, is Lin Di's Apprentice?" That reads like snow curiosity, Hong Feng grace sound, but reads like snow to be suspicious, "looks like the saint daughter, with that kid, the relation really is not general."

"No way, never mind." Hong Feng once again insisted, and read such as snow do not want to guess, had to say, "then catch him, then slowly interrogate."


Then Hong Feng stayed here and waited for the news.

For Lin Tian, he continued to control his sword and went to Shenghuang mountain. When Qingyu saw that Lin Tian didn't duel with him, he had to ask, "then tell me why you are the unique skill of Lin Di. Let's fight with fire and fist!"

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