The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2705 the shadow of the devil

Buckteeth stared at Lin Tian strangely and whispered, "my Lord, this forbidden God's right hand is not a joke."

"He didn't really blend in at all, so it didn't affect me much." Lin Tian laughs and says, and bucktooth doubts, "didn't fuse to the root?"

"Once I saw a man who had been integrated into the essence, even the divine bones of the whole body were integrated into the animal bones, so his whole body became a god forbidding body, a very powerful existence." Lin Tian said one by one, and then thought of a man.

"Forbidden body?"

"Yes, almost any divination will not work for him." Lin Tian said with a smile, and that bucktooth wondered who could be so powerful.

You Xie Jun, look at Lin Tian's two people ignoring themselves. After they laughed at themselves, they immediately became angry, "dare to ignore me?"

Other people even heckled, "elder martial brother you, kill him."

You Xie Jun's right hand dances, and then a strange golden light appears from the other side's arm, and covers Lin Tian.

Buckteeth are shocked, but Lin Tian laughs at these lights and says, "you forbidden God's right hand, and that's it."

After that, Lin Tian intentionally released his momentum, and his strength was not weakened at all.

It stunned everyone. "How could it be?"

"What's the matter?"

Some people are very confused, and the look of the evil Lord is ugly, "no, it's impossible, how can you ignore my God forbidding right hand?"

"Want to know? I can give you another chance. " Lin Tian seemed to laugh, but now people dare not laugh.

You Xie Jun is one of the two great geniuses of the God of the magic heaven palace. Now I feel that I can't face it, so I want to kill Lin Tian.

So when the evil Lord danced his right hand, he suddenly became a palm technique, and then he hit Lin Tian with a palm across the sky.

Lin Tian immediately turned to earth. In this way, when his opponent's hand fell on Lin Tian, Lin Tian just stepped back, but he was not hurt at all.

When people saw this, they were all stupid. Especially when you Xie Jun started, Lin Tian was in good condition, which was the most incredible place for them.

Even buckteeth are dementia way, "adult, you."

But Lin Tian smiled at the evil prince, "are you still here?"

"You really think, boy, what can I do for you?" You Xie Jun began to get angry, and God Jun's border opened and rushed to Lin Tian.

People think that you Xie Jun, such a strong God, should be able to easily take Lin Tian down, but at this time, unexpected things happened.

Lin Tian suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he stood on a rock nearby and smiled at him. "You don't know where I am, how can you hurt me?"

You evil Lord felt the inexplicable insult and was very angry. "Boy, I'll let you try my magic!"

"Magic? Let's have a look. I want to have a look. Now there are some authentic magic. " Lin Tian said with a smile.

I saw the evil spirit rolling on your body and disappearing at last, as if it was out of nowhere.

They all wondered where the evil Lord had gone, but Lin Tian saw through everything and said, "do you think that you have turned into the spirit of the devil, and these air streams are combined, I can't find you?"

Before the people could react, the evil prince suddenly appeared behind Lin Tian and hummed, "what do you know?"

A hand split down, who knows is only shadow, and that you evil gentleman startles to lose color, "impossible."

At this time, Lin Tian said with a smile not far away, "I have a lot more. Would you like to try one by one?"

Finish saying, Lin Tian cast the magic shadow, and the people saw the magic shadow one by one, scared silly, some people stuttered, "ten thousand magic?"

Buckteeth also dementia way, "this."

You evil gentleman glares, "impossible, how can you do all kinds of magic?"

Lin Tian wryly smiled, "this is superior to ten thousand magic. Can you see which one is my real one?"

People really can't tell, and the evil prince was shocked and said, "ten thousand magic can really distinguish the shadow and the Buddha, but you are here."

"If you know that, you should understand that my skill is much better than your magic."

You evil Lord was frightened, so he took out the sound stone quickly. After whispering, he put down his momentum and stared at Lin Tian. He was very depressed and said, "please come to the magic heaven palace."


"Yes." That you Xie Jun's cold way, and Lin Tian smiled after seeing his attitude changed greatly. "He doesn't want me to go to the devil's heaven palace, and then catch me."

"You evil gentleman hums a way," if have no courage, then don't go

"Go, yes, but you don't need to take it." Lin Tian said, then looked at buckteeth and said with a smile, "go, take me."

"Yes," said bucktooth awkwardly

Only saw buckteeth take forest sky, but that you evil gentleman is very angry, but also can only follow at the same time.

Someone said, "what's the matter, elder martial brother you?"

"You Xie gentleman's face is ugly," I just informed the elders, ten elders, let me take people to the past

"Do the elders want to see him?"

"I think the elders are curious about his ability." The evil Lord murmured, and everyone understood.

In this way, the people around them went to the magic palace.

However, in order to prevent being destroyed by the gods or being encircled by some powerful people, there are many magic arrays outside the magic palace, and these magic arrays can only be accessed by the people of the magic palace.

For Lin Tian, the bucktooth stopped immediately and said, "my Lord, only our disciples of the magic heaven palace can enter this array. If you want to enter, you have to wait for the array to open the channel."

Lin Tiangang wants to say something, but you Xie Jun says with a smile, "I have a way to let the channel open, so if you want to go in, you have to beg me."

Lin Tian looked at the evil king and said with a smile, "do you want me to beg you?"

"Yes, please. Maybe I can open the passage." The evil Lord looked at Lin Tian with a strange smile, but he murmured to himself, "I don't believe it. I can't cure your majesty."

But Lin Tian said, "it's just a little array."

After that, Lin Tian walked into the array directly, and the magic array didn't attack him, which made everyone stupid.

Bucktooth is dementia way more, "this, how to be possible."

Someone muttered, "elder martial brother you, who is he?"

You evil prince also began to think that this forest is not ordinary people said, "go, keep up."

Everyone followed, and Lin Tian walked into the array and saw a new mountain range.

I can only see that the mountain is full of magical spirit, and there are many buildings and countless people practicing here.

When these people saw a man of God come in, they were curious and surrounded. When they saw the evil king of you, they respectfully said, "elder martial brother you."

"Elder martial brother you, who is he?"

"Ten elders want people." This evil Lord has no good airway.

They wondered why the ten elders wanted a man of God, but also a man of God.

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