The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2725 drunk dream

Lin Tian took the letter and read it, and the invitation moon came to him.

After reading it, mingyuyue said excitedly, "this guy, how could he provoke a discord?"

Gu Mingchuan immediately explained, "girl, don't worry, I, Gu Mingchuan, have been standing here and treating you as friends all the time."

"Then you just turn it down." Ming invites the moon a little unhappy, but that ancient Mingchuan embarrasses.

At this time, Gu suiying explained, "girl, this invitation from Fang's family is a normal exchange between gambling houses every year. In general, it can't be refused."

"Can't refuse? Why? "

Gu suiying explained, "in ancient Tang City, in order to prevent private fights among major gambling houses, the city Lord holds a discussion meeting every year. In short, it's the dispute settlement meeting. The participants are sent by the city Lord, and the organizers take turns. This year it's Fang's turn. So he set the day for tomorrow, not only for us, but also for the city, and for the other two gambling houses "

Ming invites the moon to realize suddenly, but Gu Mingchuan says, "two people rest assured, this invitation letter, I will go, however, I will take you to go together."

"Take us?" It's a bit unexpected to invite the moon in the Ming Dynasty, and the ancient Mingchuan gracious voice said, "tomorrow, you go with me, even if he provokes me any more, I won't be cheated."

Ming invites the moon to look at Lin Tian and waits for his answer. Lin Tian smiles and asks, "you mean tomorrow, besides you, there are two other gambling houses and the people in the city Lord's mansion?"


Lin Tianming said, "that line, tomorrow, follow you."

"Thank you." After ancient Mingchuan answered, he left with the shadow.

Mingyuyue doesn't understand, "Shizu, why do you want to attend such a boring meeting?"

"He suddenly set the meeting for tomorrow, didn't he just want to target me? So, I take the initiative to send it up and see what he will do to me. " Lin tianxie smiles.

"But this should be what Miss Mo means."

"I also want to see this Mo girl and give him some ideas." Lin Tian seems to be smiling, but he doesn't know what Lin Tian wants when he invites the moon, so he has to stop asking.

At the moment, in the ancient village, the ancient follower walked beside the ancient Mingchuan and said, "I can't see his way for the time being."

"No matter what the way, I will be more polite to others. After all, I still treat them as friends at the moment." Gu Mingchuan sighed helplessly, but he also knew Gu suiying's character and could not command him.

"In the future, I will pay attention to it."

"Well, I don't blame you." After Gu Mingchuan said a word, he continued to draw.

Ancient with the shadow but look to Lin Tian that room, the heart is puzzled, "is it really just ordinary golden God realm friar?"

Lin Tian's eyes are closed at the moment, laughing in his heart.


the next day, at dawn, the carriage outside the ancient villa was ready. Gu Mingchuan took the ancient shadow with him and Lin Tian, and then the carriage started slowly.

On the way, Gu Mingchuan said to Lin Tian, "this time, Fang's party will be held in zuixiang tower."

Lin Tian was a little impressed by this drunken building, while that mingyuyue said excitedly, "is it the most famous restaurant in ancient Tang city?"

"Yes, it belongs to the industry of Shenjiu Pavilion, and the heaven bet side has a good relationship with them, so you must be extra careful at that time. Don't get on their way."

But mingyuyue asked strangely, "is it difficult? Where will they do it?"

"Many of the wine in Shenjiu pavilion looks like ordinary wine, but some of them are chronic poisons. If there is no cultivation above Shenwang, it's easy to win the battle, and they don't attack until a few days later." The ancient Mingchuan explained.

"It's terrible," he said

But Lin Tian said, "they know we are going?"

"I didn't tell them, I don't know," Gu said hesitantly

"I think they should know." Lin Tian smiled, and Gu Mingchuan immediately explained, "I didn't tell them."

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu. I don't mean you tell them, but they will calculate your mind and think we will go too."

"What? They think I'll take you? " The ancient Mingchuan was shocked, and the ancient suiying asked curiously, "I don't know how you can see it, young master Lin?"

"There are many spies out there, but there is only one kind of people who can guard outside the ancient family, that is, Fang's, unless there are other hostile forces in your ancient family." Lin Tian points out.

When Gu Mingchuan looked outside, he couldn't see anything at all. He felt that there were ordinary people everywhere. However, the ancient nine star God Emperor followed the shadow. Naturally, he noticed that several accomplishments were not simple, and he deliberately restrained them.

Not only that, Gu suiying also found that these people had some marks on their palms, and then said coldly, "it's a spy on the side of heaven gambling."

"Why?" Gu Mingchuan was curious, and Gu suiying explained, "each of them has a small flame mark in their left heart. It's the one who gambles and conceals the secret organization."

"The sky fire hidden all took out to use?" This ancient Mingchuan was a little surprised, but mingyuyue wondered, "what is the hidden sky fire?"

Gu Mingchuan explained, "every big gambling house cultivates independent forces, and these forces are not publicized to the public, but when they perform some special tasks, they are asked to do it, and this day's gambling party is hidden from the sky."

"It's like the ancient shadow Hall of the ancient Tang Dynasty, isn't it?"

"Yes, but the ancient shadow palace is even more terrible." Ancient Mingchuan is gracious.

After mingyuyue knew it, he said, "in that case, we are under surveillance. The people in the Fang's family must have known it already."

"Know better, give them time to prepare." Lin Tian closed his eyes and laughed.

Gu Mingchuan and mingyuyue didn't know the meaning of Lin Tian, but Gu suiying stared at Lin Tian and was shocked, "if those people hide so well, if they don't look carefully, they can't be found at all, but how does he, a golden state, do it?"

With doubts, Gu suiying always stared at Lin Tian from time to time until the carriage stopped.

As soon as they got out of the carriage, they saw a luxurious restaurant in front of them, "drunken house".

At the moment, all around are guarded by Fang's guard team to prevent outsiders from entering.

When Gu Mingchuan took out the invitation letter, a guard led them into the drunken building.

There's nothing special outside the building, but entering the drunken building, there are all kinds of strong smell of alcohol everywhere, and people like it more and more, even have a very exciting feeling.

At this time, there was a woman's laugh on the second floor, "I thought that the old master would not come."

And they looked up, and there was a woman.

I saw this woman in a long red dress, with some delicate decorations, and her lips were painted white, and there was a thin red powder on both sides of the corner of her eyes, which looked like a "demon".

When Gu Mingchuan saw her, he immediately said with a smile, "Madame, I haven't seen you for a while. You are more beautiful."

"Is it?" The woman smiled and looked pretty. Gu Mingchuan said to Lin Tian, "she's the boss here. She's drunk."

"Drunk dream?" Lin Tian laughs at this woman, but mingyuyue is disgusted, "Shizu, don't be confused."

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