The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2736 wind cultivators

"Yes!" When the other party finished, the space around Lin Tian changed, and Lin Tian laughed, "image space."

"Yes, I am the God of three stars!" When the other party finished, he took off the veil. It was a strange man with hair all over his face.

"Tell me, who asked you to come?" Lin Tian smiled at him, and the man said confidently, "I will tell you when you die."

Finish saying, the other side across the air a flame boxing shadow hit in the past, and Lin Tian disappeared.

The man frowned. "How about people?"

"You say that you, a three-star God, dare to use image space indiscriminately, not afraid that the space will be destroyed by me, then smashed, and hurt yourself?"

"Funny, I can't destroy the image space without the level of God and Emperor."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "if you are the God of eight or nine stars, maybe I can't break this space, but it's just that you are only a three-star, so you can gather the image space soon, and it's not stable everywhere."

"Kill you enough!"

Lin Tian smiled strangely. "Do you know what it means to smash the space?"

"Less nonsense!" The other side turned around and attacked Lin Tian, who was talking not far away, but Lin Tian disappeared again, and countless ghosts appeared in the air.

Seeing so many Lin Tian, the man was shocked, "what kind of skill is that?"

"Look." Lin Tian smiled, and then the ghosts attacked other places one by one.

Seeing Lin Tian attacking everywhere, the man didn't understand, "what are you doing?"

"Smash space." Lin Tian laughed, and then the four spaces began to tremble, and finally "boom".

As soon as the image space is broken, and the surrounding space dissipates, the man is seriously injured on the spot and scared the other party to flee.

Lin Tian rushes into his body with several magic shadows, and takes his spirit and says with a smile, "do you want to run like this?"

Seeing that Lin Tian easily intrudes into his consciousness space, the man is frightened, "you, what do you want?"

"No one who wants to kill me will have a good end." Lin Tian finished, and immediately put out the shackles and trapped him.

The spirit of the man said in horror, "you."

Lin Tian said coldly, "tell me who sent you."

"Mo, Mo girl!"

"Miss Mo?"

"Yes." The man stuttered, and Lin Tian pulled the spirit of the other side and entered the spirit seal.

Then Lin Tian withdrew from his consciousness space, and the man tensed, "you, don't you kill me?"

"You are still useful. Didn't you dirty my hands by killing you?" Lin Tian sneers, and the man panics and says, "you, what you say is."

"Lead the way!"

"Lead the way?" The man was stunned, and Lin Tian said coldly, "look for that girl mo."


"Ah what? Let you lead the way. " Lin Tian said that this man had to take Lin Tian on nervously.

After a while, Lin Tian was taken to a private yard.

The yard is full of arrays, and no one can be seen. As for the man who brought Lin Tianlai, he stood at one part of the yard and said, "Miss Mo?"

At this time, on the balcony of an attic, there was a laugh, "yes, let you kill people, and you've caught everyone."

"Catch?" The man's face was ugly, and the woman's voice continued to smile after the wind screen, "here is 500 million stone."

The other party throws a bag to the man, and then asks the man to retreat. The man looks at Lin Tian. As for Lin Tian, he laughs at him and says, "if you have money, don't you put it away?"

"My Lord, this one." The man said awkwardly, and the woman in the pavilion doubted, "my lord?"

The man said in embarrassment, "Miss Mo, in fact, he is coming, not me."

"He's coming? What do you mean? " The woman was suspicious, and the man shivered, "I, I have been taken by him."

When the woman heard this, she frowned, "what?"

Lin Tian said, "well, don't be surprised."

"Boy, you beat him?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian smiled, and the woman said coldly, "you beat him and dare to come here to find something?"

"I have always had my revenge! Therefore, I come here to settle accounts with you. " Lin Tian said without hesitation.

But the woman laughed, "it's the first time for me to see such a crazy person, Mo Yun."

Lin tianxie smiled, then suddenly disappeared from the original place, and Mo Yun was shocked. Then he immediately whirled around and wrapped himself up to prevent anyone from approaching.

Lin Tian stood outside the wind and laughed, "the wind is the God Emperor. It's rare."

"Boy, you know who I am, you should know my ability!" The other side said, one hand a dozen, a whirlwind directly rushed to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian blinks and leaves from his place, and Mo Yun says coldly, "boy, do you think hiding is useful?"

"I didn't say hide, just don't want to be hit by you."

"Wait, you won't be able to say that." Finish saying, Mo Yun moves around the array, and then a golden sword and shadow lock Lin Tian.

Lin Tian then cast countless shadows, and the devil Yun stared, "why so many parts?"

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Tian is really like a separate person, and like the Buddha, he can't be separated at all.

So that those swords don't know which one to attack, but Lin Tian's demons rush into the array one by one.

At the same time, Lin tianben said with a smile, "unexpectedly, you have arrays here. I will let these arrays play with you."

"Funny, I can only control this array!" The Mo Yun said confidently, while Lin Tianxiao said, "the array is really yours, but it will not be yours soon."

"Just blow it." Mo Yun despises Tao, and the array in this time and space once again condenses countless swords.

All of a sudden, the shadow of the sword gathered, which made magic Yun have a kind of foreboding.

Sure enough, at the next moment, all these swords rushed to Mo Yun, who was scared to gather the wind barrier.

Those swords were blocked by the wind one by one, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "yes, there are seven star God Emperor's abilities."

"Hum!" Mo Yun is angry, and immediately a whirling wind blows to Lin Tian in the air. But Lin Tian has too many demons. Mo Yun can't do anything at all. She is so angry that she leaves a shadow, but she scolds, "boy, wait, I will try to clean you up."

The next moment, Mo Yun is gone.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "This array is still too weak."

That three-star God Emperor is scared to be silly, until Lin Tian falls, he flatters fart way, "adult, you are really fierce."

"Give me a good look for her."

"Ah? You're looking for her? "

"Nonsense, I will not let go of those who offend me." Lin Tian said coldly, and the man said graciously, "I, I will go now."

When the other party finished speaking, he was scared to leave, and Lin Tian had to clear up his mind and leave.

Mo Yun is annoyed to return to Mo Ge, where a group of fangs are welcome.

"Miss Mo, our master, would like to ask you to give us some advice. I wonder if you can go there?" A guard saluted at the place where the light had just come on.

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