The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2820 "day and night" on the sea floor

Cold weather wind knows that Lin Tian has that monster, so he reminds people, "you, if you don't want to die, you should retreat obediently, otherwise, he will release the monster to clean you up."

"Monsters? Ha ha! " These people don't believe it at all. They even think the cold weather is fooling them.

Some people are ready to start, but the cold wind looks at Lin Tian. "You'd better let that guy out quickly."

"Don't let it go."


"With you, these guys, it's not a problem. Besides, they're just spirits. Why not me?" Lin Tian said confidently.

"Just blow it." This cold wind laughs, but Lin Tian is not blowing, because his spirit is so strong that these people can not shake it, so it's nothing at all.

However, those people used their soul skills and ghost skills one by one. They wanted Lin Tian to be obedient. But when they hit Lin Tian with their soul skills and ghost skills, Lin Tian did nothing.

"That's terrible." The people present, one by one, stared at each other, unable to believe what was happening.

Some people think that the strength is not enough, so they increase the strength there, and the result is only one, Lin Tian is still OK.

All of them screamed one by one, while Linghu Xiaotian exclaimed, "OK, how powerful."

The cold wind wondered, "why do you suddenly become so terrible?"

"Terrible, it's still in the back." At this time, Lin Tian unleashed countless shadows, and then played a way of virtual extinction. The target was those people.

After those people were hit, they fled one by one.

Some screamed, "monsters, monsters!"

All of a sudden, three people were left at the scene, and the dark blue sky scolded, "this guy, how powerful is the spirit?"

"You know spirituality?" Cold weather wind looks at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian laughs, "yes, is there a problem?"

"No wonder." The cold weather wind understood, but what he didn't understand was why Lin Tian was such a powerful spirit in the Golden State.

Linghu Xiaotian said excitedly, "it turns out that the elder generation is deeply hidden."

"I didn't hide it." Lin Tian joked, while Linghu Xiaotian said awkwardly, "I knew that you are so powerful. You can catch someone to lead the way. Why spend a pill?"

"I have many pills anyway." Lin Tian said, let Linghu little day dull, as for that Lin Tian smiled, "go."

Linghu Xiaotian Oh sound, immediately with Lin Tian into the fog, and that cold weather wind helpless way, "this guy, is to install."

Linghu said as he walked in the small sky, "the fog here is called sea fog. Generally, the visibility is only a dozen steps, and it's hard to feel any breath beyond the ten steps."

Hear this, that cold day wind is strange way, "really have so strange?"

"Yes!" Linghu nodded.

Cold weather wind tried, and sure enough, the consciousness didn't penetrate, as if it was bound by something. But Linghu Xiaotian said with a smile, "don't try, it's useless. Even if half step God respected this, he can't use the divine sense."

The cold weather wind asked curiously, "what's special about this sea soul world? Why are so many people here? "

"Cultivating the soul, and the stronger the soul is, the better the cultivation will be. Therefore, many people who are stuck in the bottleneck will come here to find a breakthrough." Linghu Xiaotian said one by one.

The cold wind suddenly realized, "so it is."

Linghu Xiaotian then said, "but cultivation is not suitable for everyone. Because some people are not good at spiritual cultivation, so when they come here, they are very slow, but some people are very fast."

"It's estimated that the ghost cultivator will be faster?" That cold day wind answers a way, that Linghu small day nods a head way, "right."

The cold weather wind understood, but Lin Tian asked with a smile, "what is this Haishan town? Why have you been there? And then come out again? "

"Haishan town is a small town in the realm of sea spirit. However, due to the strong ghost spirit, it is suitable for ghost practitioners to stay. But the general spirit can't support it after a long time, so they can only leave. But outside the town, there are a pair of weird corals. These jungles are everywhere, hiding many demons."

"Devil?" Lin Tianhu is suspicious, and the cold weather wind is also weird, "what devil? Is it scary? "

"No, they have heads, bodies, and many unique skills. The spirit of the beast is even stronger. If they catch them, they will only escape. If they can't escape, they will die."

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "Is there a lot of such things?"

"Hidden in coral groves, and when the bottom of the sea is dark, it will come and go." Said the Linghu Xiaotian.

"Dim? Isn't it dark now? " Lin Tian looked around curiously and found that there was a weak blue light in the water.

"No, it belongs to the daytime here now, but the darkness is that the blue light disappears completely and there is darkness everywhere. Then it will be the most terrible thing here, so we must hurry to get to that Haishan town before the darkness, or we will not come out." Linghu Xiaotian explained one by one.

Hearing this, the cold weather wind was a little nervous, "not so scary, right?"

"Really, these demons are terrible. Once they are caught, even if you are the spirit of half step God, you have to escape." Linghu Xiaotian said it was terrible.

Cold days wind half believe, but Lin Tian is very spirit, still smile, "go, see what the devil looks like."

"No, sir, you must not have such an idea. If you encounter it then, your life may be gone."

"You're scared." Lin Tian can't help smiling, but Linghu Xiaotian says awkwardly, "I've seen too many talents, but these people died in this sea soul world one by one."

Lin Tian said, "let's go and stop thinking."

"Yes." Linghu Xiaotian quickly leads the way.

That blue sky secluded behind, heart dark scold, "I must clean up you just."

At this time, the blue sky felt something under his feet. He picked it up curiously. It was an octopus tentacle.

"How can there be octopus tentacles?"

At this time, the tentacles of Octopus suddenly flash black, turning into a huge octopus, and swooping into the blue sky.

The blue sky turns into a fish and rushes to Lin Tian's area.

At this time, the big octopus came over at full speed, and the wind in the cold day was shocked, "this, what is it?"

The blue sky is quiet, but no matter what this thing is, first hide in the forest and wait for someone to watch, and that Linghu Xiaotian stutters, "how, how so unlucky!"

"What is it?" Asked the wind in the cold.

"Black octopus is one of the rarest sea animals here. Although it's not as terrible as the devil, it can't run away once it catches people's spirits. Moreover, it can swim very fast." Linghu stammered.

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