The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2905: getting possessed by fire

Stone dust completely stunned, and two eyes motionless, has been staring at Lin Tian, the onlookers have worship way. "

" little brother, you are so good. " "

" yes, little brother, with your skill, I think it's better than some two-star and three-star gods. " Listen to these words, Lin Tian is helpless and says, "two stars and three stars? Am I so weak? " In that year, the spirit of Lin Tian was the most powerful NINE-STAR God, but it was rebuilt later. It seems that only in the Golden State, but all the defense and control forces are still there, that is to say, when using some ghost skills and soul skills, you still need to borrow others' soul power to break out the greatest power. But we don't know. We thought he was just a golden state, while the dancing swallow stared at Lin Tian strangely, "what are you doing?" "

" is it important? " Lin Tian smiled back, and Wu Huoyan wondered, "you look like a golden God on the surface, but I always feel that your spirit is not weaker than the general God." Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, while the dancing swallow laughs as if she guesses something. "I guessed it right, didn't I?" Lin Tian still didn't speak, and the dancing swallow had to say, "if you don't, I will find out." "

" check "

" yes, I'm a panacea. If I want to, I can find out everything about you. " This dancing swallow is full of confidence, but Lin Tian doesn't believe it. But at this time, Ding Qiu came back, but he was a little worried, "that Tiancheng elder martial brother, practising Kung Fu became possessed." "

" possessed by fire? " Lin Tian is confused, and Ding Qiuen says, "he is in the process of cultivating the cave. The elders can only seal him there." Show me Lin Tian says to Ding Qiu, and Ding Qiuen's voice immediately leads Lin Tian to the cultivation cave. Only some important disciples of the inner door can enter the cultivation cave, so the stone dust immediately stopped them, "you can't enter here." Elder martial brother Shi, why are you so rigid Do the elders agree? Did the patriarch agree? " This stone dust asks, but that Ding Qiu is depressed, "he is looking for elder martial brother Tiancheng, and now elder martial brother Tiancheng is crazy in it." "

" it's nothing to do with me. I'm just going to have to obey the rules when anyone is here. " Stone dust is stubborn. Lin Tian looked at him and said, "what can you do to stop me?" In Lin Tian's words, stone dust was covered on the spot, and he didn't know what to do, but Lin Tian ignored it, and directly performed a space jump in front of him, and then disappeared in front of him. When he turned around, he saw Lin Tian running towards the cave, and he began to catch up with him. Ding Qiu and others also quickly followed up. At the moment, there is a person in the place of cultivation in the cave, who screams wildly, and the spirit flashes red. Around this man, there are several elders who are casting spells, forming a border and trapping him there. When Lin Tian appeared, those people stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Ding Qiu hurriedly said, "elder, he is the one I told you to help." At this time, an old man with white beard blinked and stared at Lin Tian, "are you the one who killed the devil by hand?" "

" yes. " Lin tianensheng, and the old man with white beard introduced himself, "I am the elder of luoyezong, Bai Lao." After nodding his head, Lin Tian looked at the crazy man, "is he Tiancheng?" "

" yes. " Bai laoen said, and Lin Tian asked curiously, "how could he do this?" "

" some time ago, when performing a task, he was accidentally hurt by the power of a devil, and that power would devour his spirit. So in order to fight against this power, he shut up for a while, and that's the result. " After hearing this, Lin Tian went over step by step, and Bai Lao immediately said, "don't get close, he will hurt people." Lin Tian didn't pay attention, but the stone dust called out, "don't you come near, don't you hear?" But Lin Tian still didn't take it seriously. He went straight through the crowd's border and made the elders stare at each other. How did he get there "

" how is this possible? " These people talked about it one after another, but Lin Tian stood in front of Tiancheng, and then a white light enveloped him.

the spirit of Tiancheng is smoking wildly, and the ghost in it disappears one by one until Tiancheng comes back to him, and stares at Lin Tian strangely, "it's you who saved me?" People didn't expect Tiancheng to wake up, but Lin Tianen asked, "you are the dean of the genius academy, Tiancheng?" "

" do you know me? " Tiancheng is a little surprised, and Lin Tian laughs when he hears that it's him. "I'm from the genius school, too." Happy to hear from Tiancheng, "really?" After Lin Tian nodded his head, Tian Cheng was happy, but when he saw Lin Tian's Golden State, he didn't understand, "but what are you doing?" You don't care what I do Lin Tian laughs, and that Tian Cheng nods his head, "right, strength can't only be seen as cultivation." Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "can we talk alone?" Naturally, Tiancheng is grateful for Lin Tian's waking up. So he wants to have a good chat with Lin Tian, so he says, "yes." Let's talk while walking Lin Tian knows that there are many people here and it's not easy to ask, so he directly suggests. After the sound of Tiancheng's grace, I looked at the elders and said, "I'll talk with him, elder." "

" well, take him back after the chat. We need to get to know him well. " Bai Lao is very interested in Lin Tian at the moment, so he said with a smile. He walked out with Lin Tian. The stone dust was rigid and wanted to stop Lin Tian. But Bai Lao said to him, "OK, don't hinder others." "

" yes, elder. " Stone dust reluctantly retreats to one side. Lin Tian walked out of the hole with Tian Cheng smoothly, but the dancing swallow followed him to death. Lin Tian just looked at her funny and said, "what are you going to do?" "

" I came with you, of course, to follow you. Why don't you dump me? " The dancing fire swallow is in a hurry. But Lin Tian wryly smiled, "it's you who insist on following." I don't care The dancing swallow hummed, and then insisted on following Lin Tian. Lin Tian had to smile bitterly at this Tiancheng and said, "let's spread the word." "

" that's fine. " Tiancheng could see Lin Tian's concerns, so he had to walk and pass on his voice. However, Lin Tian asked, "it's said that the three deans came to the soul world, but why are you alone here?" "[P]

Tian Cheng sighed," at the beginning, our three brothers came together, and then came across a bunch of demons, and we were separated. " "

" stray? " Lin Tian frowns, and Tian Cheng says, "but we often use the symbols to communicate with each other." "

" Oh? Do you know where they are? " "

" well, they are all in the spirit world, and they live well. " Why don't you go to them Lin Tian asked.

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