The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2909 baby phantom

When Tiancheng heard this, he immediately surprised, "can we cultivate these stones?" "

" cultivation? You try and make sure you're drained. " Lin Tian laughs at this Tiancheng, and Tiancheng is embarrassed. "That's all right." The dancing swallow is curious to see Lin Tian, "how do you know so much?" "

" there are similar stones in the world of ghosts and gods, and I have been to the world of ghosts and gods. " Lin Tian is very straightforward way, and dance fire swallow actually two eyes blinked blink, "this pour is." "This road is blocked by this kind of stone, and there are mountains on both sides, so it's impossible to pass through." "[P]

dancing fire and swallow make their own wise way," you can hide "

" hiding Tiancheng couldn't help laughing, but dancing Huoyan wondered, "what's the matter?" It is not only difficult to fly here, but also impossible to escape That day Cheng explains, and dance fire swallow half believe, try spirit to "wear" these crags. But the spirit couldn't pass and was bounced back, which made the dancing fire swallow wonder, "what a ghost, it's so hard to wear." "

" the terrain and rocks of this day's spirit world are more powerful than the spirit trapping skill released by a nine star god statue, so if you want to pass through these, you must be more powerful than the nine star god statue. " The sincerity explained. The dancing fire swallow's face was covered. "This world of ghosts and spirits is full of troubles." "

" yes, or it won't be inconvenient to go around. " Tiancheng sighed, and Lin Tian stared at the stones in front of him and said, "move the stones away." "

Tian Cheng congealed and said," I just tried, and I couldn't control it at all. " "

" that's because these stones are special. The general art of controlling things is not good, but I can. " When Lin Tian finished speaking, he thought that the stones were removed one by one. "

Tian Cheng was stunned," fierce. " The dancing swallow wondered, "how can you do anything?" Lin Tian didn't pay attention to them, but kept moving the stones until a long path appeared again. But on the path, there are many demons lying around, and those demons see that there are human beings, and they rush forward one by one. Lin Tian directly added a white light cover to Tiancheng and said, "go straight ahead." "Yes," he said So they went to the path together, but the dancing fire swallow said, "and me." "

" can't you avoid those demons? " Lin Tian thought that before this, she could avoid the devil's ability all the time, so she laughed. I just said that I can avoid weak ones, but they are not weak at all I don't believe it Lin Tian doesn't believe it, but continues to move forward. As for the demons, they first collide with Lin Tian and his two people, but they are scared to avoid them after being burned by the white light.

dancing fire swallow quickly stood in the center of Lin Tian and Tian Cheng, so as to avoid these demons approaching. Tian Cheng said with a smile, "little girl, it's really smart." Of course, Miss Ben is smart. There are still some The dancing swallow cheekily smiles, but Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, and goes on. The dancing swallow despises "the cheapskate." Lin Tian didn't pay attention to it, but there was a sound of fighting behind. Then the three turned around and saw that the stone dust was entangled with some demons. "

" isn't this the wood man of the deciduous family? " The dancing fire swallow laughed, and that day Cheng was shocked. He hurriedly looked at Lin Tian, "little brother, help me, help him." Save him Yes, he is also the one who belongs to Ye Zong and has helped me a lot Said the heavenly sincerity one by one. Lin Tian had to throw a white light cover to the stone dust, and the demons around the stone dust immediately scattered one by one. Only when Shi Chen was relieved, he looked at his cover, walked forward, and finally stared at Lin Tian for a long time, then he held his breath, "thank you very much." Don't thank me, thank him Lin Tian points to Tian Cheng and continues on his way, while Shi Chen doesn't know what to say. "

" Why are you here? " Tian Cheng can't help but ask, and stone dust embarrassed way, "I just want to see his ability." "Follow me first," sighed Tiancheng "

" yes. " Stone dust is embarrassed way, and that dance fire swallow but smile to see him, "you are not very rigid?" He didn't know what to say, but he followed with a thick face and didn't say anything. If the dancing swallow doesn't talk, it doesn't make much trouble, but continues to walk. After lasting for about a quarter of an hour, there is a fog around, and it seems to be very laborious a few steps away. "

Tian Cheng congealed and said," so many mists? " In the spirit world, once there is more fog, there are more powerful demons, and the thicker it is, the more terrible it is "

" really? " Wu Huoyan stares at Shi Chen strangely, and Shi Chen explains, "I've been in the spirit world for hundreds of thousands of years, and I still know a lot about some things." "

" old monster. " Dance fire swallow wow, and stone dust embarrassed way, "just know a lot." "It's good to take you with you. At least I know a lot of things." Thank you very much Stone dust before and after the same as two people, smile to see dance fire swallow, and dance fire swallow smile way, "you ah, than the first time before to see you, more eye-catching." I'm sorry to say, "I've been offended before. I'm sorry." At this time, Lin Tian stopped and began to have baby calls everywhere, which sounded very scary. "

" what is this? That's scary. " The dancing fire swallow was startled at once, and the stone dust explained, "the baby phantom, it is said that this kind of devil, is a terrible devil formed by the aggregation of some baby dead spirits in the dead god world and some resentments." "

" ah? Baby phantom? So terrible? " Dancing fire swallow shivered for a while, and then a cry came directly to dancing fire swallow, and dancing fire swallow shouted. People thought that they were all staring at her when they saw a red baby on the top of the dancing swallow's head. The baby laughs with black light in his eyes. He is going to attach the dancing swallow. "

" you, what do you see? " Dancing fire swallow has a kind of foreboding feeling, and stone dust says in horror, "baby phantom, on your head." "

" ah? " Dancing fire swallow immediately rushed to Lin Tian and lay on the white light. Lin Tian looked at her and said, "it's not attached to you. What's the hurry?" "

" no, it doesn't mean wait. " Said the dancing swallow, stuttering at the evil baby. The baby phantom suddenly laughed, and the laughter was lovely. Seeing this, Tiancheng said, "it should not pass through the white light protective layer, right?" No, unless it wants to die At this time, the baby's phantom suddenly collided with the white light of the stone dust, and a red smoke came out, the other party screamed, then retreated into the air, and began to cry. The crying of the baby is very frightening. Shi Chen and Tian Cheng stand together in fear. Then there are many baby shadows around the four people.

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