The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 302 the gang reappears

Tang Gao, a high-level disciple of tianzhui sect, is also a tracking expert of Yunzhou government. How could he not be able to do it? And he is still "blind" and arrogant. "Without me, Tang Gao can't find it!"

With that, Tang Gao took out some herbs, sprinkled them on the mirror one by one, and then dropped a drop of blood.

At this time, the blood light of the bronze mirror flickered, and then saw a shadow of blood color. People wondered what it was.

That Tang Gao complains way, "see, even if his breath changed, or used magic weapon for this, but his blood, after all, did not change."

"Blood?" You elder is curious. Xia Changlao and tieqianshou also look suspicious. Tang Gao closes his eyes and explains, "blood gas tracing method!"! Chasing after the door in the sky, it's only a few, and I'm one of them! "

Although they don't know very well, they just want to find the thief quickly, so you elder asked curiously, "can you find him?"

"Bullshit, blood, he's nowhere to hide." Tang Gao is very confident, and then he takes everyone forward.


Lin Tian has already returned to the mountains, and his cultivation remains in the later stage of Jindan.

"I swallowed the magic weapons of two clans in the later period. It seems that I have to continue to work hard." Lin Tian sighed.

When Lin Tian was going to rob, the fox demon came to Lin Tian's side, "my Lord, the wood mud has news, and it's a ten thousand year wood mud."

"Oh? Where is it? " Lin Tian was curious. The fox demon gave Lin Tian the specific location, and said, "if you can fly at the speed of a genius in the divine realm, maybe ten days will arrive."

Lin Tian stared at the words on the edge of that position, "Tianlong mountains?"

"Yes, Tianlong mountain is the largest mountain in Tianlong city. Recently, some people have seen the wood mud. Now it's estimated that many people go there to investigate." The fox demon explained.

Lin Tian understood and said, "I know!"

The fox demon hesitated. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he held back. Lin Tian was very sensitive. He found out that she was not strong and asked, "tell me, what's the matter?"

"The mountain demon king sent a lot of demons to look for us, and the double headed demons have to run around to avoid them, but if it goes on like this, I'm afraid they will find it." The fox demon was worried.

When Lin Tian heard this, he comforted him and said, "if they do find it, you should go back to the array and hide."

"Yes, my Lord."

After Lin Tian nodded, he let the fox demon go down and busy, while Lin Tian thought, "now go to find the mud?"

Lin Tian is a little uneasy. After all, zongmen is just stationed here. There must be a lot of troubles. So Lin Tian finds Lu Nan at Sanxian mountain.

When Lu Nan saw Lin Tian, he looked at him curiously. "What can I do for you?"

"I want you to go to a place."

Lu Nan wondered, "where is it?"

"Tianlong mountains."

"What? That place? " Lu Nan was a little surprised. Lin Tian nodded and said, "yes, you can find something for me. If you find something, please contact me immediately."

Lu Nan hesitated and looked at Lin Tian. "Why me?"

"You can move fast, or even fly at more than ten times the speed of the same level."

Lu Nan looks at Lin Tian in surprise. "How do you know everything?"

"At your pace, in the final analysis, it's done with speed, which is too fast for ordinary people to see, which makes people have the illusion that you are flickering and moving."

This xialunan was even more shocked, and Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "go ahead, help me find it."

Lu Nan naturally won't refuse, but he stares at Lin Tian strangely for a while before letting him tell him what he needs.

After Lin Tian told Lu Nan what he needed, he sent him down the mountain, and Lu Nan hesitated and disappeared in a leap.

"At his speed, it is estimated that he will arrive in a day or two." Lin Tian murmurs to himself after seeing each other disappear.

After a sigh, Lin Tian returns to the array, but as soon as he enters the array, Lin Tian sees a group of dodging people nearby.

"It's them." Lin Tian recognized the underground monks at a glance.

Although these friars are now old and small, they are still moving fast.

Lin Tian hesitated and walked over.

Those people immediately began to pretend, especially the old man said with a smile, "little brother."

"You are?" Lin Tian pretended to be curious, and the old man said excitedly, "little brother, it's like this. We also want to practice on your mountain."

"Oh? Really? " Lin Tian asked, the old man nodded wildly, "yes."

Lin Tian hesitated and smiled, "yes, come with me."

Everyone was very happy. Immediately, Lin Tian followed Lin Tian's steps, and Lin Tian directly brought more than a dozen people to the family.

When he arrived at the main peak, Lin Tian saw them. He saw these people looking around one by one, and they also walked towards the underground palace.

About a moment later, when he came to the entrance of the underground palace, the old man asked awkwardly, "well, can we be at the entrance?"

"Yes, come in!" Lin Tian leads the way, and the people rush in.

But the next moment, these people began to change, and the children became young people, the old man became a middle-aged man.

Not only that, but also other people changed, and two of them came to the hole quickly, took out a stone, and threw it on the hole.

The stone immediately grew larger and blocked the hole, while others surrounded Lin Tian. As for the "old man", he became a normal middle-aged man. He stared at Lin Tian with two eyes and apologized, "young man, we are very grateful for your kindness, but this is what we want."

Lin Tian looked at them and smiled, "the underground friars living in the South wasteland?"

"You know?" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Tian doubtfully, and Lin Tian asked with a smile, "say, what's your name?"

"My name is tuobatian. These are my people." The middle-aged man introduced himself. When Lin Tian understood, tuobatian stared at Lin Tiandao. "Young man, I don't want to hurt you, so you stay here now. When we find what we want, we will leave here."

With that, tuobatian looked at the others and shouted, "look."


These people began to look around here, and finally rushed into the mirage array, so they could not get out.

Tuobatian regained his composure. "What's the matter?"

"It's a nine star mirage array." Lin Tian said there, and tuobatian frowned, "what? Nine star mirage array? "


Tuobatian was in a hurry. "Damn it."

"I can save them, but only if you mess with me." Lin Tian has no taboo to say his purpose directly.

Tuobatian was stunned and immediately refused, "it's impossible. We underground monks will never surrender to anyone."


"It's a curse, or we'll die if we give in." When tuobatian thought of the so-called curse, he trembled.

Lin Tian asked after half believing, "then you have to tell me, what are you looking for?"

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