The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3074. I know who I am

"Of course. Otherwise, I'm not happy. How can I find the king Shensui?" Lin Tian smiled. The commander felt that Lin Tian had dug a big hole for the adults, but he added, "are you sure that you can find the God King within one year?" "

" yes, it's my business, but it's you. You can answer my question. " "

" his name is Modi, formerly molondi. He is a member of the Mo clan of the ghost God clan. Later, the ghost God clan was unified by the current king, and he once assisted the king. Therefore, the king called him the ghost master. Privately, we all call him an adult. "

"molondi!" Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and the commander said, "yes." Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "it's him." Merondi, Lin Tian had been in contact with him when he came to the ghost world. He was a man of great intention. He was seriously injured at the beginning, but after he escaped, Lin Tian never paid attention to him. What Lin Tian didn't expect was that molondi became the master of the ghost Kingdom and the divine Kingdom, and then used his separate body to run to the divine kingdom to fake himself. But there is a question that confuses Lin Tian, that is, what does the other party pretend to do? After all, the other party hasn't used his identity to do anything out of the ordinary. In addition, Lin Tian is curious about how a ghost and God people can gather human beings and live in the divine world. What's the relationship between this morondi and the owner of that voice.

a series of questions can only be asked if molondi is caught. But Lin Tian knows that molondi is cunning. There is no way to prevent him from escaping. When he is not allowed to escape, Lin Tian will not expose his identity at will to prevent the other party from escaping again. "

" what's the matter? Son of the devil? " When the commander saw Lin Tian's stupor, he couldn't help but ask him a question, and Lin Tian smiled back, "nothing, just think that the teacher of this country is a little interesting." Are you still in the mood to laugh Why can't you laugh "

" what should you do this year? " The commander thought Lin Tian could not finish it, but Lin Tian said to him, "I have my plan, you don't need to worry." What are you going to do "

" don't tell you. " Lin Tian finished, turned and left, but the commander was in a hurry. "Where are you going?" Of course, do things Lin Tian laughs, and then Lin Tian leaves the commander's office, and the commander immediately calls red charm Bingyun. Red charm Bingyun wondered, "commander, I don't know what you call me. What's the matter?" "

" just now, Lord Mo came. " "

" what? " Then the commander explained the matter to one side, and after listening to General Hong, he was completely paralyzed "

" now, I want you to follow him in secret. If you have any news, report it immediately, or if he has any danger, you must cooperate with him, you know? " "

" yes, commander in chief. " Go ahead General Hong then left, and the general leader said gloomily, "the God is brave, even the national division dares to fight against him." After walking on the street for a while, Lin Tian disappeared. When Lin Tian reappeared, he had taken off his mask, changed back to himself, and then came to the inn.

Chen Jinshan, who was shouting outside the inn, immediately backed away. Lin Tian smiled at Chen Jinshan and said, "everyone, what are you doing?" I, we are not afraid of you Chen Jinshan plays and says, but Lin Tian laughs at Chen Jinshan. "Go back and tell you two princes, if you want my life, come and take it at any time. Don't waste time here." When he finished, Chen Jinshan said, "OK." So Chen Jinshan immediately took people away, and Lin Tian entered the inn, and Jin miesha saw Lin Tian coming back from the outside, and all three were lost. Tao lie still doubted, "aren't you in there?" It's just a shadow Lin Tian said, and the three people immediately depressed after listening, especially the Tao lie complained, "we are guarding every day, but we are guarding a shadow." "

" you don't have to stay here all the time. " In Lin Tian's words, let Tao lie immediately say, "no matter what, we will follow you." Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled, "what if I want to fight against the second prince?" "

" yes, it is. Anyway, I have a bad relationship with the Chen family. " Tao lie summoned up his courage, but Xin Yun said, "I'm not afraid." In any case, I've become a traitor to the second prince. He probably would like to catch me and kill me Lin Tian wryly smiled, "it seems that you really intend to follow all the time." Of course Tao lie patted his chest and Lin Tian said, "well, let's go to the second prince's mansion." "

" what? " The three agreed, and Lin Tianxiao said, "instead of letting them come to us for trouble, it's better to have a good duel with him. Maybe we can teach these two princes a lesson." The faces of the three men were bad at once. Jin miesha said, "big, sir, I'm not scaring you. There are a lot of ghosts and gods around the second prince. If you want to "

" don't go if you don't dare. " When Lin Tian finished, he smiled and left the inn again. The three of them looked at each other and hurriedly followed. As for Chen Jinshan and them, they have first returned to the second Lord's mansion and told Lin Tian what he said one by one, while the second Lord's airway said, "this boy, I think we dare not touch him." The head of Chen's family congealed and said, "how can you explain this to the little prince?" I don't want to lose some people for no reason At this time, a guard came and said, "no, it's not good." "What are you doing?" said the second prince Two lords, he, they are here The guard was in a hurry, but the two lords didn't understand, "what's up?" "

" the inn. " The second prince doubted, "what is he doing?" Chen Jinshan pretended to be stupid and said, "two lords, why don't I go out and ask?" No, let him in. I'll see what this guy is up to The second prince hummed and immediately asked people to invite Lin Tian and others to the yard. In the yard, the two princes sat in a chair, while others stood, but they stared at Lin Tian fiercely. The three people were scared, especially when a lot of powerful breath swept around them. They shivered, but Lin Tian smiled. The second prince looked at Lin Tian coldly, "what do you mean, boy?"

"didn't you send someone to deal with me? Now I'll bring it to the door myself, won't I? " Lin Tian laughs, but Lin Tian's words shocked countless people, especially the guards muttering, "what's the matter? How can you deliver it to your own door? " "

" are you scared by our two princes, so you came to seek peace? " "

" I think it's the initiative to admit the mistake. " At the beginning, the three people thought Lin Tian was just as they said. As for the two princes, their breath was a little bit less, "courage is not weak." It's OK The second prince continued, "boy, in fact, I'm not a ruthless person, so as long as you join me and don't work for the fourth Prince anymore, I'll put you in the important position!"

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