"Isn't it?" Lin Tian laughs at this sneak step, but the sneak step hums, and doesn't take Lin Tian seriously. "I tell you, in order to deal with you, I invited a space sneaky." "

" space sneaky? " Lin tianxie smiles, and the sneaking step responds, "yes, space is sneaky. It can create a powerful space that you can't leave. In this space, our sneaky power will soar." After that, this sneak and other sneaky forces really began to get stronger, while the red spirit ice cloud was shocked, "this is terrible." There's nothing bad about it Lin Tian doesn't care about it at all, but the red spirit Bingyun worries, "master ghost, you don't know something about it. It's one of the most difficult things to deal with." "

" it's simple. " Lin Tian finished saying, and directly released the lamp demon.

the light devil has broken through the variation. And under the command of Lin Tian, the light devil swallowed all the weak and sneaky gods nearby.

the red charm ice cloud startled, "here." "

" I raise an evolutionary sneaker, and it is strengthened by devouring other sneakers. " It's terrible

sneak is annoyed, and then fight with the lamp demon, but they are all sneaky, and both of them become very violent under the power of space sneaky. "

at the same time, the red magic ice cloud muttered," these two ghosts are very scary. " "

" I'm going to find that space first, and you just watch it. " Lin Tian finished, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared. Red charm ice cloud was shocked. When Lin Tian appeared again, he stood in the void and stared at an old man. There was a faint star light on the old man's body, and he smiled at Lin Tian, "little guy, you can find me." "

" it's hard not to find the space you make. " Lin Tian said with a smile, but the old man smiled, "then you should know that I am a space ghost, not so easy to deal with." "

" it's a bit difficult to deal with, but in my eyes, it's just like that. " Lin Tian smiles at him. "

" that's it? Do you know my real strength? " "

" at most, five-star mutation is sneaky, isn't it? " Lin Tian said with a smile, while the space ghost said with a furtive smile, "then you should understand that I am not so easy to deal with." "

" in fact, one kind. " Lin Tian smiled and then gathered a light of judgment. Seeing the light of the ruling, the space ghost easily shattered, and then smiled, "boy, you are too weak to exert much power." "

" it was a little weak just now, but you can use your strength. " Lin Tian laughs and then borrows the power of the other party to make the light of the ruling stronger. After being trapped in that area, the spirit of this space suddenly changed his face, "boy, you!" How about

? "? Is my little space more interesting than yours? " Lin Tian looks at the space with a smile. Why does this space ghost snort, "boy, do you know what is the most powerful space ghost?" I know, space "

" that's right, and I can hide and move in my own space. " With that, he disappeared, but his laughter wandered around.

Lin Tian looked around, then closed his eyes and performed space peeping. "

" boy, don't be dazed. You can't find me. " This space is surreptitious, and Lin Tian knows his hiding place under the space peeping skill. But Lin Tian didn't do it right away, because Lin Tian knew that to deal with him, he had to show some real skills, or it would be hard to win the other side. So Lin Tian suddenly disappeared after meditating for a while. Ha ha literature net

that space spirit is surreptitious and curious, and still doubts, "this boy, how can I not see you?" Do you think you will disappear in this space As soon as Lin Tian appears, he will take the divine and quiet corner. Later, the dark cover of Shenyou single corner directly trapped the space.

when the space ghost thought that he could leave, but found that no power could be used, he began to lose his color and exclaim, "what's the matter?" "

" have you heard of Shenyou Lin Tian laughs at him, and the space ghost says in horror, "what?" "

" scared? " Lin Tian laughs at him, but the space is very urgent. "Let me go!" "

" you are a rare space ghost, how can I train well. " Lin Tian smiles at him. This space is full of ghosts and flusters, "boy, please, let me go." "

" is it possible? " Lin Tian looks at it with a smile, and then some shadows enter the black cover and surround it. "

What are you going to do?" said the space ghost Make a contract with me, and I will not let you die. Otherwise, you can't escape. You can only be killed by me alive Lin Tian laughs at this ghost. "

" can you really let me go? " "

" that lamp devil is my cultivation. As long as you follow me, I can also cultivate you and make you stronger. " "

" really? " The ghost began to move, and Lin Tian smiled at him, "you have no choice." The ghost hesitated and said, "OK." It was Lin Tian who made him enter into a contract. Although he was helpless, he said to Lin Tianke, "my name is emptiness. Please give me more advice later." Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "now, get me that ghost step." "

" this. " "

" what? Any questions? " Lin Tian laughs at emptiness, and the emptiness worries, "I'm afraid of revenge." Don't worry, who can get back at you with me Lin Tian said with a smile, and the empty man thought about it, so he started to sneak. Therefore, in this space, the strength of this sneaking step is immediately weakened, and he is in a hurry, "emptiness, what are you doing?" At this time, Lin Tian and emptiness came to the sneak step and said, "what do you mean?" I'm loyal to him today "

" what? " Guibu is silly, and the red charm Bingyun is also surprised, and they are curious about what Lin Tian has done. But Lin Tian laughed at the ghost step. "Now you have to turn to me, otherwise, you have no way to go." "

" you dream! " This sneaky and quick way, and then want to leave, but the empty said, "in my space, you can't leave." "

sneak into a rage," empty, you are not afraid of adult revenge? "

"adults." Emptiness hears this, look changed, obviously he is also afraid of that sneaky guy, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "with me, no one can get revenge on him." "

" boy, do you really think you're good at yourself? " The ghost step defied. "

" if I'm not strong, how can I make you have no way to escape? " Lin Tian laughs at him, and the anger makes him gnash his teeth.

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