The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3089 ten thousand souls gather sword, how about it!

These people have been dazzled by Yan Aotian's treasure and put Lin Tiangang's strength in their eyes. Therefore, some people take the opportunity to attack Lin Tian. But the attack hit Lin Tian, which had no effect on Lin Tian. Lin Tian sneered, then put out his hands and fell on the man, who screamed, and then the spirit smoked.

the others immediately stepped back, and an old man in the crowd, holding a sword in his hand, pointed to Lin Tian. "Boy, I'm the largest sword clan in the world of ghosts and gods, the elder of the ghost sword and God clan, and the sword has no long wind." When people heard that there was no long wind in the sword, they exclaimed one by one. Some people also complimented, "I didn't expect you to be the elder of the sword." Elder Jian, you must uphold justice for us Red charm Bingyun frowned. "Elder sword, you are the God of ghost sword. You should be fair, not greedy like others." "

" greed? General Hong, all of us are here to find something. Therefore, this young man should hand over Yan Aotian's things and let us study them together. " This sword has no long wind and cold path. Red spirit and ice cloud look dignified, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "people of ghost sword and God clan are reduced to looting?" "

" boy, shut up! " The sword does not have the long wind to drink a way, but Lin Tian smiles to see him, "how? Not yet? " "

" if you say more nonsense, I will kill you. " This sword has no long wind to stare, but Lin Tian smiles bitterly, "Oh? Did you waste me? Then hurry up and let me see how capable you really are. " Hearing Lin Tian's words, Jian wuchangfeng said coldly, "it seems that you really don't want to live." When he finished, the sword did not move in the long wind, and the sword split into countless shadows, then rushed to Lin Tian. Everyone is looking forward to watching, even thinking that the sword without long wind should be able to destroy Lin Tian's prestige soon. But when these swords and shadows hit Lin Tian, Lin Tian didn't have anything, and Lin Tian joked, "what? Is that all you can do? " "

" you, don't be crazy! " The sword has no long wind to stare, and Lin Tian sneers, "if you only have this ability, then I'm sorry, I'll give you a ride." After that, Lin Tian put his hand to the sword, and it was hit by the other side on the spot, and then "boom" out. Everyone was scared. They rushed around and shouted, "elder sword, are you ok?" This sword is not willing without long wind. Then one gets up and stands up, looks at the spirit of smoke, and says to Lin Tiandao, "you forced me to do this." When he finished, he shouted to the crowd, "everyone, if you want him to die, lend me your strength." Everyone looked at each other, but the sword itself turned into a sword without long wind, and then shouted to them, "come on, attach all your strength." As we all know, the sword has no meaning of long wind, so these people fight to the sword one by one. Later, the sword did not have the power of long wind, and red spirit Bingyun quickly said to Lin Tian, "this is the ghost skill of ghost sword God clan, the sword gathering of all souls." "

" it sounds very interesting that ten thousand souls gather swordsmanship. " Lin Tian laughs, and the red spirit ice cloud rushes, "don't you worry?" "

" how powerful do you think it can be Lin Tian asked slowly, and the red spirit ice cloud looked at the people and said, "if you stack the power of these people, I think it's like the power released by a nine star ghost emperor." Lin Tian said in a voice, "Nine Star ghost emperor, it sounds really scary, but I can try it." "

" try? " Red enchantment ice cloud is uneasy, but that sword has no long wind but ridicules, "boy, you really don't know how to live!" "

" I don't know about life and death, but I think that your strength is too weak to have any impact on me. " Lin Tian smiled and saw that the sword had no long wind, and the sword had no long wind. He said, "believe it or not, I will kill you?" 67 novel

"come on, don't talk nonsense." In Lin Tian's words, the sword wuchangfeng was very angry, so the sword wuchangfeng gathered all the strength, and suddenly "boom" hit Lin Tian. The power of this sword is really huge. When it hits Lin Tian, Lin Tian's spirit shakes like a shadow, and the sword's power is released continuously.

Bingyun is in a hurry. He starts to stare at Lin Tian and says, "are you ok?" Lin Tian didn't answer, and the sword laughed, "you're dead." Other people were very satisfied with the result. They even thought Lin Tian was dead this time, but at this time, Lin Tian smiled at the sword that had not been changed by the long wind. "Just like you, do you want to hurt me?" After that, Lin Tian once again emptied, and borrowed the power of the sword, and the huge power fell on the sword without the long wind. The sword without the long wind was smoking wildly on the spot, and it seemed to be going out of smoke. This scared the sword out of the wind. "Boy, wait, I can't spare you." Lin Tiancai didn't care, but stared at him and said, "you can die!" After that, Lin Tian emptied again. The seriously injured one disappeared completely, and the people on the scene looked stupid and fled here one by one. "

Red charm ice cloud loosened his mouth and said," you are too scary. " It's OK Lin Tian smiled, but red spirit Bingyun said, "is that ok?" "

" isn't it? " Lin Tian laughs at the red charm Bingyun, and the red charm Bingyun doesn't know what to say until Lin Tian cleans up his mood and says, "go." "

" go? Where to go? " "

" get out of here. " Lin Tian finishes saying that, a leap, soars to the sky, and that red charm ice cloud looks at the top of his head, doubts also follow up, and in a place, Lin Tian grabs her, and then disappears there. When other people saw this, they thought there was an exit on their head, so they flew up one by one, but no one could go out. "

" what's the matter? " Someone got it.

"that kid, know how to leave." Some people are demented, while others regret that "if I had known he could leave, I would not have been against him." "

" it's over. We can't get out. " More people are in a hurry. Lin Tian and Lin Tian have come to the outside, but those ghosts have disappeared. As for the red spirit ice cloud, he asked, "what do you know about the exit?" "

" just now, their strength gathered on the sword, because of the strong power fluctuation, the surrounding space appeared instability, and I remember the space cracks, and then came out. " Lin Tian laughed. Red charm Bingyun had to praise, "it's powerful, it's really powerful!" Hearing this, Lin Tian said, "let's go and go fishing." "

" fishing? " That red spirit ice cloud one face is suspicious, and Lin Tian laughs way, "those sneaky, will certainly come." I don't know how to deal with you, young adult

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