The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3111 ghost sedan chair

The one eyed shrimp thought Lin Tian was afraid, so he grinned, "die!" This huge wave, with its powerful power, beats wildly on the spirits of the forest sky, just like the sea, with its waves on a small boat. Everyone thought that Lin Tian would be easily smashed.

but after the big waves, the one eyed shrimp was a little tired, but Lin Tian had nothing to do with it, and he also smiled at the one eyed shrimp. I can't believe what I saw. "How could it be?" Those ghosts are even more frightened, and they are all in a hurry. "

" what are you thinking? " Lin Tian stared at the one eyed shrimp and asked with a smile. The one eyed shrimp stammered, "that one." "

" what is that? " Lin Tian laughs. "I tell you, I'm here, you can't leave!" Hearing this, Lin Tian laughed, "Oh? Is that right? " I saw the one eyed shrimp turning into a prawn, but the flower resentment began to say, "boy, you're finished, he's in his original shape." Seeing the original shape, Lin Tian disdains to say, "it's just a shrimp. What's the big deal?" "

" shrimp? " Hua Yuan didn't know whether Lin Tian was really capable or arrogant. After the one eyed shrimp became illusory, the breath became stronger, and he also threatened, "boy, you beg for mercy now, and there's still a chance." "

" beg for mercy? Just you? " "

" yes. " "

" I've always been begged for mercy, not for it. " Lin Tian said with a smile, and the one eyed shrimp hummed, "if you want to die, I'll make it up to you." After that, the one eyed shrimp attacked Lin Tian crazily, while the sneakers stared at Lin Tian as if they were watching a play. Everyone thought that Lin Tian would be destroyed by the power of the one eyed shrimp, but to everyone's surprise, Lin Tian was OK at all. As for the one eyed shrimp, it was covered, "how can it be?" But Lin Tian stared at the one eyed shrimp, "OK?" "

" what can I do? " The one eyed shrimp glared at the way, but Lin tianxie smiled and then played a light of judgment. The light of the ruling trapped the one eyed shrimp there, and the one eyed shrimp shrunk a little bit, and finally became a man's back airway, "boy, what are you One thing that scares you Lin Tian smiled at him, but the one eyed shrimp was in a hurry. "You wait, the big one inside will kill you." Lin Tian doesn't know what a big one is. Look at this one eyed shrimp. Lin Tian knows that this big one is not simple. When Hua Yuan heard this, he said to Lin Tian, "boy, you have to find a way to avoid that big guy, or you will be finished." "

" this big guy, is it very powerful? " "

" nonsense, this big man is much more terrible. " "

" legend? Or against the sky? " Lin Tian wanted to know, but after seeing that Lin Tian didn't know anything, he said, "this big man is like a kind of dark shadow, and it's also huge. Besides, your human attacks have no effect on him." "

" yes? " Lin Tian has the light and emptiness of ruling. He is not afraid to let the other party be strong. Seeing Lin Tian, he was not afraid of anything. But Hua Yuan said, "when you see him, you will know that he is terrible." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but the one eyed shrimp shouted at him, "untie the light." The sixth book

"don't untie it." Lin Tian said calmly, but the one eyed shrimp was so angry that he couldn't speak. Until Lin Tian put the lamp demon into the light of the ruling, and the one eyed shrimp foolishly dodged around in the light, and even scolded, "bastard." No matter how the one eyed shrimp calls, it's useless. At last, it's swallowed by the lamp demon. The people who were present all looked stupid and couldn't believe it was true. Lin Tian put up the lamp demon and went to the mountain. But Hua Yuan said, "you are such a madman that you can even handle this one eyed shrimp so quickly." "

" because he's rubbish. " Lin Tian, in order to make complaints about this flower, had to say "you, you are a big monster." Lin Tian didn't pay any attention until the mountain's ghost disappeared, and the flower said, "it seems that this dark god is near here." But Lin Tian continued to move on until a while later, and black smoke began to smoke everywhere, and the black smoke said, "trespasser, die!" "

" how to die? Show me. " Lin Tian looked at the black smoke and said with a smile, "I don't know how to live or die!" At the next moment, countless dark shadows rush to Lin Tian, and Lin Tian's ruling light resists these shadow attacks. The shadows recede quickly, like the tide, and the black smoke is in the airway, "who are you?" You don't have to know Lin Tian said with a smile, and the black smoke hummed, "then I have to wipe you out." At the next moment, the darkness starts everywhere, and it's the kind that can't reach for five fingers. At the beginning, Lin Tian's ruling light was still shining, but in the dark, the ruling light suddenly dimmed, and Hua Yuan joked, "it seems that he has suppressed your skill." "

" is it so easy to suppress? " "

" boy, I didn't scare you. This big guy has one skill, that is, he can suppress all forces to a very weak level. " Hearing this, Lin Tian laughs. "

" what are you laughing at? " After seeing Lin Tian's confident smile, Hua grudged and wondered, but Lin Tian said, "believe it or not, I'll make him afraid?" "

" you blow it. " Hua Yuan doesn't think Lin Tian can succeed this time, but Lin Tian laughs, "then you'll see." I'm here to see The flower complained and doubted, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, and suddenly the light of the ruling was stronger, and strong enough to break the darkness around him. The dark spirits in the dark screamed one by one, like burnt creatures, smoking like crazy. But he wondered, "Why are you stronger and stronger?" "

" strong in strong! " Lin tianxie smiles, but Hua Yuan doesn't know what it means. Those black smoke are still there, threatening Lin Tian. "Boy, if you don't want to die later, you'll be obedient, or you'll know what life is like." "

" many people like to threaten me like this, but in the end, they all died in my hands. " Lin tianxie laughed, and those black smoke hummed. Next moment, gongs and drums began to sound everywhere. At the same time, there is red light in the distance, and there seems to be a red sedan chair in the red light. "No, why is she here?" he said "

" who? "

"it's said that the dark night is a terrible woman." This flower complains to say this, have a bit afraid, and Lin Tian is not to return a responsibility however way, "a dark god is furtive just." "

" different, she is absolutely different! " The flower complained.

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