The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3126 taboos that cannot be mentioned

This made Lin Tian think something was wrong, so he opened the "magic eye technique" and scanned around, but nothing was found here. "

" what is the power? It will make those two gods feel so bad. " Lin Tian is very confused. At this time, people who set up stalls nearby shouted to Lin Tian, "my guest, we have a lot of good things here." "

" my guest, do you want to buy some stone? " "

" my guest, I have the best concentration of fensurite. " "

Lin Tianhu asked," kill the stone? " Lin couldn't help but walk to a big man who shouted loudly. The big man pointed to a piece of black cloth and said, "I have the best in it, and the concentration is at least 50% "50%?" Lin Tian didn't know what fifty percent meant, but the big man asked with a smile, "what's the matter? Did you come here for the first time to buy the miesu stone? " "

" what do you look like Lin Tian can't help but ask, and that big man opens, inside a lot of small boxes. Only when he picked up a small box and opened it, he took out a translucent stone inside, "this is the miesu stone." Lin Tian looks at the stone. The white light shining on it is the same as the light of the ruling. "

" that's what you call 50% of the killing stones? " Of course "

" how did this come from? " Lin Tian couldn't help but ask, and the big man said with a smile, "young man, we only sell things, don't say the source, otherwise how can we do business?" When Lin Tian knew what the other side meant, he smiled and asked, "what other people sell is the same as you?" "

" not the same, we are 50%, that is to say, only 50% impurities. " "

" Oh? 50% magazine? " Lin Tian was puzzled, and the big man said, "yes, the others are 34% of the exterminating stones, and the impurities in them are more than 67% "

" so what's the power of your stone? " Lin Tian couldn't help but ask, and the big man explained, "it's not a problem for us to face the anti sky level gods." "

" so powerful? " Of course "

" the price is not simple. " "

" hehe, together, two billion is needed. " Lin Tianleng smiled bitterly. "What's so expensive? Sell it in the stall? Do you think I will buy it? " I'll tell you, I'm cheap. If you go to the store, it's a start of ten billion yuan, and it's hard to buy Lin Tian laughs, "that's at least guaranteed." The big man was depressed. "I said, young man, what I sold is true." "

" in this way, if you answer me a question, I will buy it. " Lin Tian thought about it and asked with a smile, while the big man was very happy Lin Tian shows his blood forgetting worry to the other side, and the big man immediately changes his face when he sees the blood forgetting worry "

" what's the matter? " This strange boy is very fierce The big man immediately frowned, and Lin Tian said, "Oh? Where is he then? " I can't say The big man's head rocked like a rattle, and Lin Tianhu wondered, "why?" "

" you don't understand. " The big man said with difficulty, and Lin Tian wanted to ask, "you say, I can buy more." "

" young man, it's not about buying more. It's about this young man. He can't get up, and his behavior is weird. He doesn't like people to disclose his whereabouts, or he will clean up if he knows it. " After that, the big man stopped talking to Lin Tian and continued shouting. But Lin Tian stopped in front of the big man and said, "if you don't say it, I'll be here all the time." "

" you can't be a rascal. " The big man has a gloomy face. Lin Tian had to wave his hands. All the boxes came to Da Lin Tian's hands. The big man was in a hurry and said to Lin Tian, "boy, what are you doing? "

other stall keepers are also curious about what Lin Tian is going to do. But Lin Tian stared at him, "I just want to know where he is." "

" ask someone else and they'll tell you no. " When Lin Tian thought about it, he showed them the way of blood forgetting worry. But when they saw it, they whispered one by one. "

" what is this kid doing? " "

" who is he looking for? " "

" depending on the situation, it seems to be. " When these people talk about it, Lin Tian says, "who can tell me where he is? I'll give him ten talismans." As soon as this word came out, the scene immediately became lively, but the people who were present did not dare to say it, as if they were afraid of offending anything. The big man said, "boy, don't say ten, it's a hundred. No one will take risks." Everyone obviously agrees with this statement, so everyone is talking about it, and Lin Tian has to borrow the spirit of ghosts and birds, and then ask people, "why don't you dare to say it?" Each of these people held back, but what was in their mind, Lin Tian saw through and said with a smile, "ancient illusory sect, what you think in your mind is that he went to ancient illusory sect, right?" Everyone was shocked because they didn't say anything, but how did Lin Tian know. Lin Tian asked again, "why did he go to the ancient magic sect, but you dare not say it?" All kinds of thoughts flashed in these people's hearts, and through these people's thoughts, Lin Tian knew the peculiar of the ancient magic school.

that is the gate in this city, the supreme existence, and the people inside can not even offend, and in this city, the eyes of the pupil of ancient fantasies are everywhere. As for the reason why the blood forgets worries, the main reason is that the ancient illusory sect once gave an order that no one should discuss him, or else one case will be executed. When Lin Tian understood all this, he looked at all the people again, but they were still afraid to answer Lin Tian's questions. Lin Tian only asked jokingly, "where is the ancient fantasy school?" Everyone shook their heads to show that they didn't know, but Lin Tian did not find the whereabouts of the ancient illusory sect through their mind, so he had to stare at them and said, "it seems that you don't know." Later, Lin Tian turned around and left. Everyone wondered. Until Lin Tian left, Lin Tian found that many people were watching him in the dark. "

" those are all ancient illusions, aren't they? " So Lin Tian deliberately went out of the city. When he got out of the city, there was still a man following him. This man, a little doll, looked only about ten years old. I saw Lin Tian disappear in a blink of an eye, and the ten-year-old kid wondered, "strange, how about people?" Are you looking for me Lin Tian suddenly stands behind him and stares at him. The little doll is scared. He turns around quickly and says, "you, don't come here." "

" are you an ancient illusionist? "

"no!" The little doll insisted, and Lin Tianhu stared at him suspiciously. Through his mind, Lin Tian knew that he was not, and asked, "then why do you follow me?" The little doll bit his teeth and said, "I, my sister, was taken away by the people of the ancient magic sect, but I don't know how to save her." "

" so, do you want me to save her? " "

" in the city, people dare not mention the ancient illusory sect, but you dare to ask. " The little doll explained, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I don't know where the ancient illusory sect is. How can I help you?" I know But the little doll suddenly said, and Lin Tian was curious, "Oh? Is that right? "

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