The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 318 the patriarch has a beginning

For a moment, Lin Tian appeared in a desolate mountain, and could not see the edge of it. The wolf demon was shocked, "my Lord, here."

"It seems that you, a fake monk, know a lot of things." Lin Tian laughs and looks into the dark.

The clansman in the dark was shocked. "Boy, how do you know?"

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a wild Buddhist school with many disciples, and there was an illusion spell in it, which was called the heaven wild charm. Once you get the charm, you will enter a kind of illusion. But tens of thousands of years ago, the wild Buddhist school was dissolved, and the whereabouts of the heaven wild charm is unknown."

Lin Tian explained one by one that the people in the dark were a little surprised, but soon he calmed down and said, "what do you know?"

"It's very simple to break this curse. Just find the right place and attack with powerful soul." Lin Tian explained.

The man sneered, "although I said that I can't practice this curse, it's enough to deal with you and the demon."

"If I'm just an ordinary person, it's enough, but you really underestimate me." Lin Tian smiled strangely.

Then Lin Tian put his hands to the void, and made a circle with his hands. A black light hit him.

Whew, this black light hits an area.

The area immediately seemed to tear a crack, and then gradually disappeared completely. The patriarch sitting there stared at Lin Tian, "you."

"Tell me, how did you come from your curse of the end of heaven?" Lin Tian stared at the patriarch. The patriarch hummed and didn't want to talk.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "it seems that your accomplishments are not enough, and you are forced to cast the curse of the end of heaven to confuse people's hearts. There is only one result, that is, being backfired, which leads to your total paralysis, and your consciousness will be gradually blurred, right?"

The patriarch even stared, "you."

"Well, I don't want to hear your nonsense. Hurry up, or I won't mind imprisoning your soul."

The patriarch glared, "you underestimated me!"

At this time, the patriarch suddenly glittered with golden light, and then grew countless hands, and practiced palm techniques on Lin Tian.

"A thousand hands." Lin Tian recognized it at once, but the wolf demon didn't give the other party a chance to show it, so he went up and knocked him down.

As a result, the body fell and turned into a pool of water.

"This," said the wolf demon

"It seems that behind this man is a man with a beginning." Lin Tian suddenly laughed and the wolf demon wondered, "adult, what do you mean?"

"This is his separation, and he can make it so similar. It's estimated that cultivation is at least a disaster."

The wolf demon takes a breath back, "a sack of the immortals?"

"Well, leave him alone. Let's go." Lin Tian knew that he couldn't find anything valuable at the moment, so he left with the wolf demon.

However, on the way back to Zong, Lin Tian first absorbed the repair stone on the seal repair roll. However, his cultivation remained at the peak of Jindan. Without any progress, he murmured to himself, "it seems that if we want to achieve great perfection, we need the cultivation of many strong people."

The wolf demon didn't know what Lin Tian was doing. He could only follow him silently until Lin Tian brought the wolf demon to tianshuimen new place after a period of time.

Seeing this abundant aura, the wolf demon was shocked and said, "my Lord, here."

"New place, you will be in charge of everyone's safety."

The wolf demon immediately led, "yes."

Then the wolf demon put up his breath, and Nangong Yan and other people saw the wolf demon coming, and they all came forward to welcome him, but Lin Tian received a message and looked at them, "I have to go out."

"Grandfather, where are you going?" As soon as Tianbing heard that Lin Tian was going to go far away, she immediately looked curious. Nangong Yan also pestered Lin Tian, "big brother, are you going to play?"

"Do you think I'm going to play?"

Nangong Yan shakes her head, while Lin Tian looks at the crowd. "I'll show you how to use these arrays."

After that, Lin Tian began to teach these people how to let people in and out of this array, and how to start some rebound arrays.

After all the explanations, Lin Tian takes the civet and leaves.

"My Lord, you are so relieved to leave here." Lingmao asked with Lin Tian's curiosity, and Lin Tian said confidently, "there is a wolf demon and Murong Wei. With my array, unless Sanxian comes, it's useless for others to come."

When the civet heard Sanxian take a breath, "adult, how powerful is this array?"

"Eight star defense array, plus some other arrays, what do you say?"

The civet understood, and then asked, "my Lord, where shall we go now?"

"Tianlong mountains."

After Lin Tian finished, he gave the general position to the civet, and the civet disappeared rapidly under the blessing of Lin Tian's thousand fold skill.

Half a day, before nightfall, Lin Tian came to a busy town outside the mountain.

This town is not under the control of the imperial court, but because many people are used to looking for spirit grass or some spirit beasts here, it has become a "trading town", and many big businessmen, or some people from large doors, will set up some shops here.

So although no one cares, there is an unwritten rule here, that is, don't fight in the town, otherwise it will cause public anger, and the consequence is to be cleaned up by many "chivalrous men".

Or by some scattered repair, or even some people invited to the gatekeeper, guard to rectify.

Therefore, when Lin Tian arrived, he saw a prosperous scene, and it was very lively everywhere, just like the ancient town.

However, Lin Tian takes out the voice stone and looks at the address left by Xialu Nanliu, but he can't get in touch with him anymore.

"This guy, if he sends a message, he's gone?" Lin Tian was confused, then went into the street and began to look for the address.

Until half an hour later, Lin Tian came to a shop selling lingcao, and there were many juniors in the shop.

These sophomores are not weak in their accomplishments. They are all thugs, just like maintaining the order of the shop.

"It seems that the people here are all self-organized maintenance teams."

After Lin Tian understood, he found the shopkeeper again. The shopkeeper was a little fat. The whole man looked like more than thirty people, and he liked singing.

When Lin Tian found him, he was still talking to himself and singing a little song.

"Shopkeeper." As soon as Lin Tian opened his mouth, the fat shopkeeper smiled back and said, "what do you need, little brother?"

"I want to ask you something." Said Lin Tian.

As soon as the shopkeeper heard about it, he immediately took out a sign and put it on the table. It said, "I want to inquire about things. I want to taste the spirit stone once. I want to inquire about the spirit grass. I will judge the price according to the value of the spirit grass.".

"What kind do you want, little brother?" The shopkeeper is very good at business, and he pointed to the sign and said with a smile.

100000, it's not a problem for Lin Tian, especially when he robbed two clans. He can be said to be very rich, so he said as soon as he opened his mouth, "I'll show you his portrait."

Later, Lin Tian simulated Lu Nan's portrait with a force, just like a real person.

But the shopkeeper's face changed after he saw it, and his brow furrowed.

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