The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3278 fleeing in fear

"Who is that man and where is my apprentice? How do you know these places? " Lin Tian asked one by one, and the leader of the Qin alliance smiled and said, "Lin Di, if you ask three questions, there will be a little more." "

" more? " Of course The Qin alliance leader laughed and said, while Lin Tian deliberately stimulated, "I see, you don't want to say it." I'll just say two "

" two? " "

" yes, the latter two, such as your apprentice, I used to make him a thug, and I intend to turn around to deal with you, but I didn't expect that the nine color divine fire will trap you. As for these places, the person told me. " The Qin alliance leader said with a smile. Make a hitter Lin Tian was cold and overcast, and the leader of the Qin alliance smiled and said, "yes, and a thug who was only ordered by me." Lin Tian said coldly, "then you, it's not worth dying." "

" death is not a pity? It's funny. You've already lost your life, and you say I'm not sorry to die. " The leader of the Qin alliance laughed, but Lin Tian suddenly let out the fire king, and then swallowed up all the nine colored fire.

the king of fire mutated again, becoming more layers and looking terrible.

the leader of the Qin alliance stared at Lin Tiandao and even said, "you." "

" at that time, my king of fire was already 81 stories, but now it is more than 100 stories. Is there any problem? " Lin Tian asked back, and the leader of the Qin alliance clenched his teeth angrily, "did you cheat me just now?" "

" what are you cheating on? " You can't cheat me The leader of the Qin League said, and Lin Tian smiled at this. "You say this, I just ask casually, see what you know, but I didn't expect that you only told me part of it." After hearing this, the Qin alliance leader said, "OK, you forced me to do this." After that, countless golden people appeared everywhere. These people were Mo Yun, elder kujiu, huangfutian and elder. The elder, in particular, has become more formidable. "

" Lin Di, see, these have been to that hole. " The leader of the Qin League hummed, and those people looked at Lin Tian one by one. They wanted to repair Lin Tian. But Lin Tian stared at them and said, "are you going to come together?" "[P]

the leader of the Qin League hummed," up. " When those people heard the order, they rushed to Lin Tian one by one, intending to clean up Lin Tian, and Lin Tian released the magic shadow. It's very frightening to see these shadows glittering with golden light, but Lin Tian himself had a little accident, "even the shadows can become golden?" Not only that, these ghosts will be holy, so when Lin Tian borrows them to do his work, the power that erupts is huge. As a result, those people were seriously injured by Lin Tian and magic shadow before they even started, and they were scared to flee to the back of the Qin alliance leader. The Qin alliance leader wanted to use these people to clean up Lin Tian, but Lin Tian was more terrible than before Thank you for the hole and the pool that made me nine stars, and my shadow also made a qualitative leap Lin Tian laughs at the leader of the Qin alliance, while the leader of the Qin alliance looks coldly at Lin Tian. "To tell you the truth, you are an ant, for adults and even for the whole wasteland." "

" wasteland? " "

" do you think the wasteland is just the wasteland of the divine kingdom? " The leader of Qin League hummed, and Lin Tianhu asked, "what do you know?" There are many secrets in this wasteland, and it's a secret you will never know The Lord of Qin League deliberately stimulated Lin Tian. As for Lin Tian, he said coldly, "what about my apprentice?" "

" your apprentice? Sooner or later, you will see it, but not now. " The Qin alliance leader said that he planned to leave, but Lin Tian moved quickly and shattered the Qin alliance leader's body. However, the body of the Lord of the Qin League is fake, and it turns into a piece of paper and burns. The leader of Qin League seems to have disappeared. Lin Tian looks around. At this time, the leader of Qin League says with a smile, "the third piece is in the center of the sea. If you have the ability, you can find it." After that, the leader of the Qin alliance laughed and left. At once, Lin Tian closed his eyes and performed the divine divination of heaven. Soon, Lin Tian could see through the specific location of the leader of Qin League. He was on an isolated island in the sea. Seeing the island, Lin Tian picked up his mood, then went to sleep. As for those people, they ran away in panic. But the Dugu Huan Tian worried, "are you OK, my lord?" I'll have a sleep After that, Lin Tian went to sleep. After a while, Lin Tian opened his eyes slightly. But Dugu Huan Tian asked excitedly, "are you really Lin Di?" "

" otherwise

Dugu Huantian didn't know what to say, so he said excitedly to Lin Di, "I didn't expect that you were really Lin Di." "

" OK, don't get too excited. " After Lin Tian finished speaking, he used the divination of heaven and then checked Lin's whereabouts, but Lin could not find out. Lin Tian guessed that the other side should be in the wasteland, but where was it? Only when he found the leader of the Qin alliance could he know. So Lin Tian had a rest again, and that Dugu Huan Tian thought Lin Tian was too tired to disturb him. Until later, Lin Tian woke up again and left. But Lin Tian said, "you don't have to follow me." "

" no, you are Lindy, I must follow you. " This Dugu Huan Tian said, and Lin Tian asked curiously, "why?" Because I adore you, you are my idol "

" but I remember, you said to surpass me. " Lin Tian laughs at Dugu Huan Tian, and Dugu Huan Tian says awkwardly, "that's ignorance." But I don't think so Immediately, Dugu Huan Tian apologized, "my Lord, as long as I follow you, I can do everything." "

" that's how you want to follow me? " "

" yes. " Dugu Huan Tian nodded, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "well, I'm going to a place in the divine kingdom. If you can get there in less than a day, I'll take you and take you as an apprentice." "Really?" he said excitedly Of course Lin Tian just said it casually, and wanted to send him away. But suddenly, Dugu Huan Tian called the beast, and then a huge bird appeared. The bird has big wings, but its body is small and green. It looks strange. "

" God flying birds, one day, can fly more than half of the divine world, how about? " Dugu Huan Tian smiled, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect that you even had this thing." "

" this one is still mutated, so it flies very fast. " That Dugu Huan Tian said, and Lin Tian nodded, "OK, let's go." So Dugu Huan Tian was happy to let Lin Tian come to the bird's back, and then he shouted to Lin Tian, "master is up, and I will be worshiped by the disciple." "

" it's not here yet. What are you doing in such a hurry? " Lin Tian smiled bitterly, and Dugu Huan Tian hurriedly asked, "then tell me an address, and I promise to arrive in one day."

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