The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3296 adding disorder

This blue jade Qi agrees with the snow side very much, so he laughs at the snow side, "yes, you are right, they just want to fake the Luo God clan." "

" little blue Lord, this kind of fake people must not give them a good face. " Snow side said, while blue jade Qi looked at Luo Han and said with a smile, "girl, as long as you are willing to make friends with me and you fake the Luoshen family, I will not investigate." After all, her "intelligence quotient" is comparable to that of a child, so no matter what this blue jade Qi said, she still doesn't understand, or even look at it. If this town could not fight, I would have caught you After that, Lanyu snorted and turned around. Before leaving, he said to Lin Tian, "don't let me have a chance, or I will repair you."

but Luohan still ignores it, which makes lanyuqi feel shameful and humiliated. He hums, "go." Later, lanyuqi took people away, while Xueyi sat on a table with two people in Lin Tian and smiled at them, "I didn't expect that we would meet in this way." Why didn't you die Lin Tian could not help but ask a sentence, and the snow side smile, "my patriarch let me feign death." Lin Tian wryly smiled, "I should have known that your patriarch is working with you." "

" no, I cooperated with my patriarch. " Snow said with a strange smile, while Lin Tian said with a smile, "how dare you come here? Not afraid to be cleaned up by me again? " "

" boy, I know you will let this girl deal with me, but you saw just now that I have lit a fire for you, so it's not likely that you want to get out to deal with me. " The snow side complains. But Lin Tian smiled, "do you think she will abide by the rules here?" The snow side immediately steps back and laughs, "boy, here, any magic will become nothingness. You can try it if you don't believe it." When Lin Tian heard this, he really tried it. As expected, after a spell failed to gather, he laughed, "no wonder this town is so peaceful, so it is." The snow side smiled, "I, jushenyuan waiting for you!"

after that, Xuefang laughs and turns to leave, as if eating two Dinglin Tians, but Luohan doesn't know what happened at all, and asks curiously, "what does he laugh at?" It's just a clown. Don't care what he laughs at

Luo Han shouts, and then continues to pester Lin Tian to explain all kinds of interesting things. Lin Tian sighs in his heart, "I knew, I didn't tell her what is beautiful!" But Luo Han likes Lin Tian's explanation very much. Lin Tian can't help but continue to explain until a few hours later, Dugu Huan Tian comes back. "

" master, I have walked around and found many interesting things. " Dugu Huan Tian said with blood boiling, and Lin Tian was curious, "Oh? Talk about it. " "

" first of all, this synagogue will gather a lot of genius of different gods, and they want to make their blood vessels stronger change through the blood pool of the synagogue. Secondly, there are many people, non gods, like us, who join the yard after they come here, hoping to have real blood vessels of the gods one day. " After hearing this, Lin Tian said, "it seems that these two messages are nothing special." "

" then I'm going to say that there must be. " "

" Oh? Talk about it. " People who are not Protoss can't leave the wasteland, just like they have been in a big maze, so they can't leave here Qingfeng literature

"you mean, we want to leave the wasteland now, but we still can't leave?" Lin Tian asked curiously. "

" yes, that's what it means. " Dugu Huan Tian nodded, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "It seems that the news can't be spread out, that's why." "[P]

Dugu Huan Tian also said," although this congregation Temple says that all living beings are equal, as you said, there are really 369 ranks, especially some of the gods, who have high status, so many ordinary gods, or non gods, will bow to them. " "

" so this Protoss is also divided into three, six, nine grades? " Lin Tian asked, and the Dugu magic heavenly grace voice, "but no one knows exactly how to divide it, because the people of the Shenzu will not tell the non Shenzu about some wasteland things, unless there is the blood of the Shenzu." I know that Lin Tian already knew that, at the same time, he knew that to know the situation of the wasteland and find Nangong Xue, he had to pass the examination first and have the blood of the Shenzu. Seeing Lin Tian's meditation, Dugu Huan Tian smiled and said, "master, how are you? Are you sure? " "

" sure? "

"it is said that this assessment will be held once a month, and countless people will participate in it every time, but nine out of ten people can not pass the assessment and can only wait for next month, so I want to know if you can pass it once." Lin Tian hasn't seen the assessment, so he can't be sure, "well, only after reading the content of the assessment." He nodded, "that's right." Lin Tianze looked at the sky and said, "I guess it's going to be dark." It is said that the night in this wasteland is very long, and the night in the wasteland is also more terrible than the day For this problem, Lin Tian also wants to know why the night is long. But since he knew the wasteland, he has never made it clear, and no one knows. Therefore, Lin Tianxiao said, "it seems that the blood of this Protoss must be condensed." Please help me, master Suddenly, Dugu Huan Tian felt sad. Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "don't you think you are a genius?" "

" I think so, but when I got here, I found that I was far from them. " The Dugu Huan Tian sighed. "

" it's good to know the gap, otherwise I think I'm very good all day and don't know how to improve. " Lin Tian smiled at him, but Dugu Huan Tian was embarrassed and said, "master, I still have this self-knowledge." After Lin Tian smiled, it was dark in a flash, and the lights of the shops were on everywhere. Go When Lin Tian saw this, he got up, and Dugu Huan Tian and Luo Han followed. When the three people came to the store, a lot of people had gathered there, apparently to join. Seeing this, Dugu Huan was shocked. "No, so many people?" Lin Tian wondered, "it's nothing if there are so many people in a day, but if there are so many people in a day, is this place too attractive?" "

" maybe there are a lot of Protoss and non Protoss people in the wasteland. " Dugu Huan Tian guessed, and Lin Tian wryly smiled, "it seems that we really found something interesting this time."

Dugu unreal heaven's benediction, and ready to show his strength.

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