The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3314 gas barriers

Lin Tian knows that the blood breaking magic is still too weak. If he can reach the five realms and weaken half of his opponent's strength, it will be much easier to deal with it. However, at this moment, he can only find opportunities, so he ignores the shadow and spreads out, and opens up the field.

the realm of fire killing. At this moment, the realm released by Lin Tian, the one star God King, can spread to 20 steps, and the range becomes larger. More than that, the number of magic shadows can overlap, making the hundred area become the two hundred area.

the power of these two hundred areas is very powerful, but it seems a little pale in front of the divine genius. Therefore, Fengyu is attacked by these divine fire swords at will, and doesn't care. Because of his wind, he breaks these swords at will. Lin Tian looks at his reincarnation field, which has weakened one tenth of his strength. Even if he cooperates with the skill of breaking blood spirit, it is still a little insufficient. So Lin Tian had to say to the king of thunder python, "it's up to you to help." "

" adult, this guy is not easy. However, I can use poison gas to make the opponent defensive. " The God thunder Python king knew that this wind feather is not simple, said immediately. "

" yes. " The king of thunder Python suddenly spewed out a black airflow with lightning, and trapped the plume in an area on the spot. Although Fengyu is not poisoned, he condenses out the hood to protect himself. Then he wonders, "boy, did you poison him?" "

" this is the time. Do you still want me to release the poison? " Lin Tian laughs, and Fengyu hums, "despicable!" It's funny that I'm just a God King of a human race, but you are a god race, can you compare with me

Fengyu is so angry that he wants to fight. But those poisonous gases are always there. He is always looking for opportunities to invade the body of Fengyu. Fengyu can only protect himself all the time. Then he shouted to Lei Tianming, "brother Lei, come and clean him up." Lei Tianming hurriedly came to attack Lin Tian, and the king of thunder Python released the poisonous gas again and trapped him there. "

Lin Tian then shouted to Luo Han," you go to the exit first, I'll come right away. " Do you really come Luo Han is worried, but after Lin Tian nods, Luo Han goes. Lin Tian smiled at them and said, "I won't play with you guys." After that, Lin Tian jumped into a space, arrived at the transmission array and left here.

Feng Yu was so popular that he broke the gas and walked out of the gas barrier. However, Lei Tianming said angrily, "I didn't expect that one kid would play with the people of our top ten clans?" "He must die!" said Fengyu coldly "

" go! " Lei Tianming is also depressed and walks out.

Fengyu is very unwilling, but still helpless, quietly out of the transmission array. At the moment when Lin Tian and Luo Han come outside, the leader of the Dragon Pavilion and teacher Hu look at them quickly, and they are relieved after they are OK. At this time, Lin Tian came back to the body, and made Dugu Huan Tian come out. When Dugu Huan Tian saw that he was ok, he asked with relief, "master, what about the two guys?" "

" after. " Lin Tian points to the back, then the two angry. The master of Dragon Pavilion and the teacher of tiger are curious about what happened to the two people, and that Dugu unreal sky immediately complains. When the leader of Longge heard this, his brow furrowed, "Lei Tianming, Feng Yu, you two, are you really doing this?" He yuan book bar

who knows Lei Tianming said with a smile, "we see his strength is good, so we play with him, not to hurt him." "No," Feng Yu said with a thick smile "You are jealous of my master's skill," said Dugu Huan "

" jealousy? " Lei Tianming asked, and Fengyu sneered, "we are the top ten young gods, who are jealous of a family?" "

" my master, one can use three runes to seal the abyss, so you are jealous. " Said Dugu Huan Tian. Hearing this, the leader of Longge was surprised and said, "what? He's on his own, using three symbols? " Mr. Hu also wondered, "what's going on?" After explaining the matter, Dugu Huan Tian said, "it's because of this that they are jealous, and then they kill each other."

the leader of Longge was very excited and stared at Lin Tian and asked, "are you sure?" "

" that abyss is nothing more than an attack on people's spirits. As long as the spirits are strong enough and have more defenses, they can survive. "

in the eyes of the master of the Dragon Pavilion and the teacher of the tiger, this is a wonderful thing, while Lei Tianming despises saying, "don't be complacent." "

" yes, our Protoss spirits are powerful, many of them are. " Feng Yu despises Tao. Seeing these two people, Dugu Huan Tian, who was not admitted to death, naturally didn't give up. He also said to the two leaders of Longge, "you must make the decision for us, two people, or we almost will." The leader of Longge looked at Lei Tianming and Fengyu Leng Leng and said, "both your rewards will be cancelled. You can also go to the law enforcement Pavilion and ask the leader of Heige how to punish you." There was something wrong between Lei Tianming and Fengyu, but they had no choice but to say, "yes." Later, they left angrily, and the leader of the Dragon Pavilion looked at Lin Tiansan and said, "this time, it's really a trouble." "

" what about the points and rewards? " Dugu Huan Tian looks forward to it. "

" 200000 points, we will record them for each of you in the future, and the huge reward is this, one for each of you. " Finish saying, this Dragon Pavilion Lord takes out three small boxes, inside all have a glittering silver ray of elixir. "

Dugu Huan Tian did not understand," what is this "

" shenxuedan, although it can make people have or change the blood of the Shenzu without shenxuechi, it can make people have the blood of the Shenzu for a short time and last for an hour. If necessary, it can protect your life. " "

Dugu Huan Tian was very happy, but Lin Tian was curious," with this pill, I have the blood of the Shenzu? " "

" false Shinto blood. " The Lord of the Dragon Pavilion said, and Lin Tian was curious, "then, can you know something about the protoss?" The tiger teacher immediately interrupted, "some things of the Shenzu, or not, must go through the Shenxue pool." Lin Tian had to put the box away and said, "nothing, let's go." After that, the three people left, while the leader of Longge said happily, "this boy, it's not easy. He can use three talismans by himself." "

" it's not that he's powerful, but he can escape from Lei Tianming and Fengyu's hands. " Mr. tiger regained his composure. This immediately surprised the Lord of Longge, "yes, I forgot if you don't say it. There is still this thing." "

" a human race, just a God King, can escape from two great geniuses. " The tiger teacher was puzzled. Take a deep breath, "let's go and have a good talk with other guys first." "

" go ahead, I will continue to protect them secretly. The evil gods of the province will stare at them again. " With that, Mr. Hu immediately followed Lin Tian and others in secret.

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