The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3329 show identity

To this question, Lin Tian didn't answer immediately, but said, "nothing." "

" nothing? " Bai Mu didn't believe it, but at this time, a woman stood in the distance and stared at Lin Tian and Bai Mu sitting there. There are many butterflies on this woman's face, and there are all kinds of strange butterflies. On a tree beside her, there is a red light, "see? It's him." Are you asking me to kill him "

" it's hard for you to kill him in the hospice, but you have to find a way to get him out of the hospice and start again. " But the woman said coldly, "a God King, do you need me to work so hard?" "

" you think he's simple? " The blood light asked, and the woman confidently said, "let him challenge me, no way." Do you think people are stupid? To challenge you is to challenge you? " The woman hesitated and said, "you're not a beast. Are you looking for our evil god clan? I'll bet with him that if he wins me, I'll tell him that he will naturally compete with me. " "

" maybe it's not so easy to be fooled. " "

" let's see first. " The woman said, and a flash, and the blood light muttered, "I hope I can succeed." At the moment, Lin Tian is asking Bai Mu about staying in the shrine. At this time, the woman with the pattern of butterflies comes, "are you the new king?" White wood hears the sound, turns around, and is startled, "wind, wind butterflies." Lin Tian knows that this is the second woman on the list of Su Tianfeng, but she suddenly appears here, which makes Lin Tian a little confused, so he opens the "divine eye skill", and sure enough, the other party is related to the evil spirit family. At this time, the butterfly said, "I want to talk to him." "He?" asked Baimu It's said that he is very powerful and defeated the top ten people. I want to compete with him The wind color butterfly said, but the white wood startled under, "joking, you are the second." Isn't he very good Feng Caidie stared at Lin Tian, his eyes motionless, but privately told Lin Tian, "boy, if you want to know where the evil spirit clan is, fight with me. If I lose, I will tell you, but if you lose, you will give me your life and that girl's life." Who knows that Lin Tian smiled and said, "do you all like to treat others as fools?" When Bai Mu heard this, he was puzzled, "the evil god clan?" "

" yes, she is also a member of the cult. " Lin Tian said with a smile, and Bai Mu was shocked, but the wind colored butterfly installed silly way, "who do you say I am, who am I?" "

" Oh? Don't admit it? " "

" what about recognition and non recognition? Can you prove it? " Feng Caidie smiled, but Lin Tianze said, "well, you'd better not duel with me. Anyway, if you lose, some of you will kill you in secret. So, it's impossible for me to know about the evil gods from you." After listening, the butterfly smiled, "so you don't want to compete?" I don't want to waste time When Lin Tian finished, he didn't pay any attention to her, but in his heart he knew that the other side was eight stars in the wilderness. In addition, he was on guard. It was very difficult for him to win. Besides, even if the other side loses, someone will deal with it secretly, so Lin Tian directly refuses to let the other side stimulate him. After seeing Lin Tian's failure, the butterfly frowned. "Are you sure?" "

" no matter win or lose, there is no result. Why compare? " Lin Tian asked, and the butterfly had to hum and turn away. As for the white wood, she was in a hurry. "Do you want to inform the peak Lord that she belongs to the evil spirit family?" "

" is there evidence? " Lin Tian knows that he can see it, but other people can't see through it as long as they don't expose it. "How did you find out?" said Bai Mu "

" I have my way, but it's just me. " "

Bai Mu sighed," I didn't expect that the people of the evil spirit family were around us. " "

" wait, sooner or later, they will really be exposed. " When Lin Tian finished, he closed his eyes and smiled, because he knew that the other side could not wait, or he would not expose it in advance. As for the butterflies, when I went back to the forest, I saw the blood light coming from the edge of the tree. "He's not fooled." "

" that thousand dead, let him know even if won also have no way, so he did not want to compare. " The blood light said, and the wind color butterfly came to the airway, "Damn it." "

" so, the key is to force him out of the synagogue. " "

" he's been there all the time, how can he force it? " The wind color butterfly impatiently way, but this blood light says, "this is simple, you give him an address, say there, have a lot of our evil spirit clan." Will he believe it "

" it is natural to send him a real address so that he can see the real picture, and he will naturally believe it. " This blood light says with a smile, but the wind color butterfly is curious, "then, what if he told the shrine?" Don't worry, he won't This blood light confident way, but after the wind color butterfly thought, said, "how to do?" At this time, a wooden Jane flew to the butterfly and said, "give this to him and say you are waiting for him." After seeing the butterflies, they hesitated, "what if he really told others?" No, go ahead The butterfly had to look for Lin Tian again. When Bai Mu saw her coming again, he immediately got on guard, "you, come again?" I want to give him one thing The wind color butterfly stares at Lin Tian, and Lin Tian smiles and says, "all said, I won't compare with you." "We'll wait for you there," she said When he finished, the butterfly left, and Lin Tian looked at the contents of the bamboo slips and smiled, "these guys, in order to put me in the past, are really bleeding." "

" what's inside? " "

" where they usually work. " Lin Tian said with a smile, and Bai Mu wondered, "where is the activity?" "

" yes, it's a group of evil spirits. " "

surprise white wood," go, tell the peak master. " "

" it's no use. Their purpose is to guide me. If you tell the peak Lord about them, they will escape temporarily. It's meaningless. " Lin Tian explained, but the white wood wondered, "you are not going to go alone, are you?" "

" yes. " White wood immediately said, "how can I do that? It's too dangerous. " Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "I have my own plan. You can wait here." When Lin Tian finished, he turned around and left, but Bai Mu was in a hurry. He was going to find the peak master. As for the butterfly in the forest, he smiled and said, "it seems that he has really gone." Go to the stronghold to welcome him The blood light laughed, and the wind butterfly said with deep smile, "yes." Later, the butterfly turned around and disappeared in the forest.

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