The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 333 the spirit root of empty fire, Leng Jun

After playing with the fire pill, Lin Tian looked at the fire Walker and said, "this is called the fire pill. It's the pill of the spirit root of the fire. In general, the power of this pill is very strong. Make good use of it, and you can increase your strength tenfold."

"Ten times more?" The fireman stared, but Lu Nan and Zhang Lingling didn't know what Lin Tian meant.

Lin Tian throws Dan to the Firewalker, "so, what's your name?"

"My name is Leng Jun!"

"Leng Jun? Well, would you like to be my apprentice? " Lin Tian stares at Leng Jun and asks. Leng Jun is stunned. "Your apprentice?"

"Yes, I'm very strict. You are willing to follow me. I can accept you as an apprentice."

Leng Jun hesitated, and Lu Nan on the other side said, "you are honored to be his apprentice."

Although Zhang Lingling didn't speak, she felt that Lin Tian was indeed qualified to accept apprentices. After all, his skills were terrible.

Leng Jun bit his teeth, or said his mind, "I can worship you as a teacher, but can you help me save my wife?"

"So, I saved your wife, and you became my apprentice?"

"I don't mean that, but I don't want to leave my wife behind, let alone be threatened by xuantianzong."

Lin Tian knew what Leng Jun meant, but he agreed, because Lin Tian saw "kinship" in his eyes.

"Well, don't worry. I appreciate you. I won't abandon you. But I will save my wife for you when I enter this forest."

When Leng Jun heard this, he was surprised and said, "you are going to enter this terrible forest."

"Are you familiar with it?" Lin Tian asked, the cold gentleman nodded, "yes, it's the place where the king of poisonous insects lives. Who goes in and who dies?"

Lin Tian understood and said, "well, the three of you are waiting here. But before you go in, I will pass you a magic, which will greatly increase your strength if it matches your false fire pill."

Leng Jun was dubious, and Lin Tian pointed his finger on his forehead, then put on a magic to him, and looked at Lu Nan and his two people, "you, here you are."

Finish saying, Lin Tian let civet stay, and Lin Tian has entered the forest.

Leng Jun was shocked by the extra spells in his mind. "Powerful."

Zhang Lingling looks at Lu Nan curiously. "What's wrong with him?"

Lu Nan explained, "I guess I just got a spell."

At this time, Leng Jun sat down and closed his eyes for cultivation, while Lu Nan and Zhang Lingling waited there.


greenwalker rushes back to the cave, and when the patriarch sees greenwalker coming back, he wonders, "what about them?"

"It's all dead." The greenwalker stammered. The patriarch didn't believe it. He glared, "I say greenwalker, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Lord, I'm serious, these people are all dead." The green Walker was depressed.

The patriarch didn't believe it and frowned, "where are they now?"

"That boy, outside that insect King forest, seems to be going to the forest." The greenwalker said timidly.

The Lord snorted, "I'm going to have a look."

And when he had finished speaking, the Lord took all the people with him, and this time a great army came out.


in the forest, we have come to an opening, and in this opening, we feel the powerful wood spirit.

Lin Tian walked in step by step until he gradually felt a breath and smiled, "come out."

"Damn human, you dare to control my insects." Then an old woman's voice got angry in the dark.

For a moment, a huge Bee King appeared, and his body was bloated. At the same time, he was surrounded by numerous small bees.

Looking at the black queen, Lin Tianxiao said, "this place, life is good."

"Jindanjing? How do you control it. " When the other party saw Lin Tian, his red eyes stared at him strangely.

Lin Tian didn't explain, but said, "I can control them. I control you. It's not a problem."

This poisonous insect Wang immediately laughs at, "joke."

"What? Do not believe it? "

"Once upon a time, Sanxian wanted to subdue me, but in the end, it was not my Chinese food." The king of poisonous insects said confidently.

"I know your poison can break spirit and magic, but you can't break me." Lin Tian is smiling. The

bug burst into laughter, until after a while, joked, "boy, do you know what people call me?"


"Black widow, but I don't like the name. I prefer it. I'm called poisonous queen."

Lin Tian ignored, but said, "I don't care what kind of poisonous queen you are, or black widow. From today on, I have to let you be my gatekeeper."


"Yes, to my Tianshui gate, to be the gatekeeper." Lin Tian feels that if the poisonous Bee King goes to his Tianshui gate, there are so many poisonous insects defending the gate. Even if the Sanxian comes, he is not afraid of the disciples being hurt.

But the poisonous Bee King said, "boy, you are a big kid."

"What? Don't you want to go? "

"I don't think it's you who dare to say such things. I think you are dreaming of you? Or are you looking for death? "

Lin Tian shook his head. "None of them."

Seeing that Lin Tiansi was not afraid, the poisonous queen hummed after talking nonsense in front of her. "How could it be? I'll let you know my strength first."

At this time, the king of poisonous insects released countless black poisonous gases, which were all around the forest.

Lin Tian inhaled these poisonous gases into his body one by one and said, "you poisonous gases are very good, but they don't have much effect on me."

Wang Dun, the poisonous insect, was frightened, and then released the gas. As a result, Lin Tian absorbed all the gas.

"It's impossible. My poisonous gas can't even be absorbed by Sanxian. Why can you absorb it?"

Lin Tian's reincarnation eye can absorb everything. Naturally, it's not afraid of anything. But the king of poisonous insects doesn't know it and still threatens, "say it quickly."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I think you should be polite to me."

"You're welcome? Boy, do you know how to die? "

The other side said, suddenly hit countless flying needles, and these flying needles are black, very fast.

Lin Tian was about to be hit, but Lin Tian smiled strangely and released the technique of trapped animals.

The power of the poisonous insect king was immediately comfortable, and the power of those flying needles suddenly weakened and disappeared when they reached the front of the forest.

The king of poisonous insects looked at himself in shock, then struggled in situ, and found that his strength seemed to disappear from the sky.

"No, no way, my power." The king of poisonous insects is stupid, and Lin Tian says, "turn to me, at least you can live."

The king of poisonous insects stared at Lin Tian incredulously. "You, who are you? Why can I have no power?"

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