Lu woman stared at Lin Tian in disbelief. At last she asked, "how do you know there is shengguangcao here?" "

" the beast told me. " Lin Tian said casually, while Lu NV doubted, "wild beast? Are you kidding? " Do you think I'm joking Lin Tian asked, and the woman hesitated, "it's hard to say."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. Then he collects the sacred light grass here one by one and says with a smile, "let's go!" After that, Lin Tian turns around and leaves. When she gets to the forest, the Lu woman grabs Lin Tian's arm in fear of being eroded by the poison.

Lin Tian takes her step by step, until after a while, he steps out of the toxic forest. However, Lu's daughter was worried that "the people of the evil spirits must be nearby." "

" you don't mean to seek revenge from the evil spirits. Why are you afraid now? " Lin Tian asked the Lu woman with a smile, and she said awkwardly, "I am." Lin Tian smiled and said, "it seems that if you want to cooperate with me, you can also talk about it casually." "

" I said at that time, I want to cooperate with you, that is to find the evil spirit clan together, and then I want to find the experts of our college and the peak Lord to help them. " Lu explained. Hearing this, Lin Tian just smiled and walked on her own, while the Lu woman wondered, "what are you laughing at?" I laugh, you don't know what I really want to do Lin Tian explained, but Lu said, "you said, you want to find the old house of the evil spirit family, but that's impossible."

"wait, I'll find it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, she didn't say anything more, but went her own way. The Lu woman wondered, "how can he be so sure that he can find it?" But just after they had been away for a while, poisonous dagger sky appeared again with people, and that poisonous dagger sky was still crazy. "Now there's no poison to help you, see how crazy you are." At once, Lu NV was on guard, and there were many people from the evil spirits. They went up and surrounded Lin Tian. But Lin Tian was calm and meaningful, "can you not waste time?" "

" boy, are you crazy? " This poisonous dagger heaven sneers at Lin Tian when he sees that he is still crazy, but Lin Tian stares at that poisonous dagger heaven. "Do you really want to die?" "

" now that you have no poison, what do you want to play with us? " The poisonous dagger sky questioned, and Lin Tian smiled a little, then his heart read a move, and the wild beast appeared. When people saw the wild animals in public, they were scared one by one and couldn't believe what they saw in front of their eyes. Lu's eyes were even bigger. "You really took this wild beast." I said it earlier, but you don't believe it Lin Tian said, let this Lu woman not know what to say. But the forest has let the wild beast do it, so those people, one by one, are shrouded in a brown light, unable to use divinity. They scare these people, take out the talisman and run away one by one. "

" that's how it all escaped? " Lin Tian sighed for a while, feeling bored, and Lu woman said, "it's a fool not to run like this." Let's go After Lin Tian let the beast retreat, he took the landing woman to leave. Because of the wild beast, the land lady was full of spirit. She smiled at Lin Tian and said, "it seems that with the wild beast, it's not a problem to deal with the evil spirit clan." "

" the wild beast can't restrain the talisman, so it's OK to scare them. " Lin Tian nodded her head and said, "that's right." 596 novel

"let's go back to study detection." "

Lu NV's voice said," but this detection technique has not been practiced for thousands of years. It's hard to learn it. Moreover, many people in our college have tried it, but how can we practice it for thousands of years at a time? Even if we have more points, it's not enough for them to consume. Therefore, no one will learn it. " Hearing this, Lin Tian said, "let's have a look first." Seeing that Lin Tian is still so confident, the Lu woman looks puzzled, and Lin Tian continues to walk. Now in one place, those evil spirits gather together, and the evil mountain is attached to a plant, and the airway, "you think I'm a fool?" "

" my Lord, really, that wild beast, listen to him. " Poison dagger sky hurriedly explained, but Xie Aoshan didn't care. He glared, "I don't care what you do, I will take him down!" As soon as he thought of the wild beast, he said, "my Lord, why don't you think of a way to trap the wild beast? Let's clean it up." How dare you cheat me The evil Ao mountain stared and asked, and the poisonous dagger said, "I really don't have it!" Xiaoshan gets angry, and other people say they have seen it, so they ask Xiaoshan to find a way to solve the wild beast. "

" do you really see that? " Xie Aoshan stared at those people curiously, and those people nodded to show that they had seen them. After meditating for a while, Xie Aoshan said, "OK, I'll invite someone to help you in a few days." Everyone is very happy, and the blood light of the mountain disappears.

Lin Tian and Lu NV soon returned to the college, and handed in the task in the task hall. But when the person in charge of the purgatory counter saw Lin Tian throw out more than 100 magic light herbs, those people were dumbfounded. Some people are still stuttering, "how is this possible?" The person in charge was even more stunned, "hundreds of them?" "

" yes. " Lin tianensheng, and the person in charge saw Lin Tianhao for a while before he exchanged points for Lin Tiansheng. Moreover, one hundred of them means one hundred million points. It's terrible for everyone to think about it, and Lin Tian left here after he got the points. Everyone talks about how Lin Tian did it, and the Lu woman sighs, "one hundred million points, it's just like that." I don't know what to say about Lin Tian, so I think it's amazing. Lin Tian didn't speak, but went directly to Shenshu Pavilion and went straight to the top. When Lin Tian entered the top floor of the house, he was reminded by his disciples, "one hour, one hundred thousand points, do you have a clear idea?" "

" yes. " "

" then you can go in. When you get points on your token, it will be deducted automatically. " When the man finished speaking, Lin Tian entered. After all, she also has some points to spend. When Lin Tian came to the house, he asked directly, "where is the most advanced detection technique?" Are you sure you want to waste time Lu woman frowned, and after Lin Tianen's voice, the Lu woman had to say, "if you want to go crazy, I will make you." After that, the woman asked Lin Tian to keep up.

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