Lin Tian smiled helplessly. "I don't admit it." After that, Lin Tian went to find a place to study the magic weapon, while Lu woman followed Lin Tian. As for Jian Zhongtang, she continued to choose some people who could participate in the competition. "

" Hey, you don't care about the position of dean The Lu woman asked in doubt, and Lin Tian shook his head. "No interest!" Why are you so strange Lu women always feel weird. Lin Tian is too lazy to pay attention to it. Instead, he tidies up his mind, finds a place and lets the shadow appear. Naturally, he enters the sea temple. In the sea temple, Lin Tian takes out the dish made by the host God and studies it. The Lu woman outside doesn't know about it at all. She also talks with Lin Tian. Lin Tian's evil shadow is totally ignored and is left to the other party's nagging. Lin tianben is in the sea temple, staring at that thing. After a while, Lin Tian made the soldier and himself integrated. At the moment of integration, Lin Tian felt as if he wanted to suck up the spirit around him. But the old hammer monster in the sea temple walked over and looked at Lin Tian curiously, "what are you doing? So much movement? " "

" large? " Lin Tian didn't understand and asked, and the old hammer said, "you suck up the air around you." Hearing this, Lin Tian looked around and found that the spirits in the sea temple had indeed dissipated one by one. It's a little interesting Lin Tian murmurs, and Lin Tian also feels that the root of God seems to be affected by something, and it will change, but it has not changed. Lin Tian had to get up and go to the outside of the hall of the sea god. But the Lu woman didn't know what Lin Tian was doing. But when Lin Tian absorbed the air around him, the Lu woman found something wrong. "How can I not feel the air around me?" But Lin Tian hesitated to look at the Lu woman, and finally turned away. What is this guy doing But Lin Tian had disappeared, and when he appeared, he had already come to the outside of the college, and he deliberately wandered there, waiting for the evil spirits to find himself. Sure enough, after a while, there was a group of evil spirits, and the leader was a bald head. The bare head and hands hold two hammers, and the golden light on the hammers flickers and the accomplishments reach the end of the world. If Lin Tian is an expert in the wilderness, he will lose. But he is the king of nine stars at the moment, and he wants to try the effect. Therefore, when these people appeared, Lin Tian did not escape, but laughed. "

" boy, do you know who we are? " The bald head stared at Lin Tian's icy path, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "of the evil gods, isn't it?" "

" yes, I am sent by the evil spirits to clean you up, and everyone calls me fan Guang. " When hearing fan Guang, Lin Tian said, "no matter what your name is, anyway, you can't help me." "

" you're too wild. " This fan Guang airway, and the momentum of his body is released, and then the strength of two hammers, crazy impact together.

it's like two golden lightning entanglements, and Lin Tian wants to try what he thinks, so he opens the power of the magic soldier. Let the spirit of the surrounding disappear, and the entangled golden lightning become very weak, just like a person's magic, suddenly bound by something. It seems that it can weaken other people's magic Lin Tian was secretly happy, but fan Guang wondered, "strange, how can it be?" In 12345 novels, many people also felt and found that the air around them seemed to disappear from the sky. Lin Tian stared at the bald head and said, "most of your divinities need to borrow the spirit of the outside world, not the spirit of your own body, right?" "

" so what? " Of course, fan Guang knows about it, but he doesn't know what it has to do with the disappearance of the air around him. Lin Tian laughed at his bald head and said, "if your divinity is weakened, it will be easier." "

" what? If you think it's weakened, what can I do for you? " Fan Guang said furiously. Lin Tian smiled a little and performed the blood breaking magic. The power of fan Guang decreased again. "

" what's going on here? " Fan Guangmeng, and Lin Tian's strange smile, coupled with the realm of reincarnation. In the field of reincarnation, it has reached 20% reduction, 50% cooperation with blood breaking divinity, and greatly reduced the power of divinity. The magic power of fan Guang is not as good as one tenth of the original. In this way, Lin Tian had nothing to be afraid of. He even said with a smile, "is there any way? If not, I'll do it! " I'll kill you Fan Guang roared and then hit Lin Tian with a hammer, hoping to shock him to death. Lin Tian easily avoided the hammer, and he grabbed the hammer with one hand and said with a smile, "you're a magic weapon, don't want to go back." After that, Lin Tian confiscates his opponent's magic weapon, while fan Guangmeng stares at Lin Tian strangely, "what about me, my magic weapon?" "

" of course, I take it away. How can I give it to you? " Lin Tian said, but fan Guang was so angry that he clenched his teeth Those people want to go together, but Lin Tian uses the same tactics to deal with them. Their magic skills become very weak one by one. "

" this. " Everyone was in a hurry, and they were curious about what was going on. Lin Tian looked at them and said, "You evil spirits, that's your strength."

"monsters, monsters!" Fan Guang looked foolish and ran away. He shouted to the crowd, "run!" Those people are scared to catch up with fan Guang and escape here. But Lin Tian stared at the God made dish in his body and murmured, "it's not easy, this god soldier." After trying, Lin Tian turns around and leaves. After a group of people ran for a distance, fan Guang was stopped by a blood light, which turned into a mountain of evil pride. "What are you doing?" he said angrily "

" big man, that guy is terrible. " Fan Guang explained, and Xie Aoshan Qi asked, "what happened?" Fan Guang explained the matter once, and the evil Ao mountain didn't hesitate to even stare, "you, do you think I'm a fool?" I, we don't mean that Fan Guang hurriedly explains, and this evil Ao mountain airway, "then you still say such absurd words?" People shook their heads, saying they didn't say such absurd things, but that they really met. He is just a God King. He is a waste without the help of the shrine

"he, he didn't even release the wild animals, so he defeated us." Fan Guang tensed. It's no use to you! A bunch of rubbish! " Xie Aoshan scolded a few words, but these people looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

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