The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 336 Fengdu, the city of the sky

Seeing that Lin Tian is OK, Fan Li breathed a sigh of relief and said, "are you ok?"

But Lin Tian said, "in the future, Tianlong mountains will be your world."

"What?" Fan Li didn't know the meaning of this, but when Leng Jun appeared, Fan Li doubted, "aren't you the five voyagers of xuantianzong?"

"All the people of xuantianzong no longer exist." Said the cold gentleman.

As soon as this words came out, all the people in the room were shocked and curious about what happened. Lin Tian didn't explain it much, so he took the people away. Fan Li knew that it was a big thing, so he quickly reported it.

After receiving the news, the Tianya clan leader immediately sent people to investigate the situation in the forbidden area.

Some of the onlookers still pay attention to tianlongzhu, so they follow in the dark. Some of them are watching. As for Fan Li, he plans to continue to escort Lin Tian and others.

But when passing a place, the surrounding array is activated, and suddenly the surrounding sky changes.

Then Xu Chang's old voice began to sound, "idle people, etc., back to one side."

Everyone was shocked and retreated to one side, while fan Liqi said, "are you going to be against us, immortal beast?"

"Tianyazong, I know you are powerful, but now in this array, I'm in charge." The elder Xu said proudly, Fan Li was in a hurry, but Lin Tian looked around and said, "a garbage array, just want to trap me, do you look down on me too much?"

Elder Xu immediately sneered, "rubbish? Boy, this is a seven star array. "

"Xuantianzong's array is not better than you, but how about it?" Lin Tian looks at the darkness like a fool. Elder Xu is speechless at once. People around him wonder how Lin Tian broke the Xuantian sect array.

But elder Xu was not willing. After a moment of silence, he hummed, "now it's just beginning."

After saying that, a group of spirit beasts ran out in the dark, and these spirit beasts were all of the immortal beast clan.

I saw one by one very large, very fierce momentum, people have dispersed.

"Boy, see. Besides the array, I have the spirit beast."

"It seems that your people didn't tell you that the spirit beast is useless to me." Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly. The spirit beasts all fell down and dared not approach at all. This made elder Xu angrily say, "you."

"Well, don't want to waste time." Lin Tian points to a place directly.

The civet immediately hit numerous wind blades, and elder Xu, who was hidden in the dark, was seriously injured by these wind blades and fell to the ground heavily.

Later, the array was self defeating, and the people on the scene exclaimed. Fan Li quickly sent someone to stop the immortal beast clan.

Elder Xu gnawed his teeth and said, "wait, boy. I'm not finished with you."

Elder Xu immediately turned into a bird and took off.

Everyone was stunned.

"You can be a beast." Lin Tianxian is YILENG, but he soon regains his mind. However, blue snake and others are not so lucky. They are frightened after being blocked by tianyazong.

Lin Tian then approached step by step. The blue snake knew how unlucky he was. He immediately said to Lin Tian respectfully, "well, I'm wrong. Let me go."

"Are you sincere?"

"Me." The blue snake trembled with fear, but Lin Tian was not a kind person, especially the person in front of him. How could he let go of each other if he found fault several times.

So at the next moment, Lin Tian is not polite, so he seals his cultivation and then gives it to civet to kill him.

For the rest of them, Lin Tianfeng did not pay attention to the cultivation, while the onlookers watched in horror.

As for those who want to pay attention to tianlongzhu, they also disperse one by one and dare not approach.

Lin Tian didn't want to talk nonsense, but picked up his mood and left here.

After Fan Li sent them to the outside of Tianlong mountain range, he took them back to zongmen.

When Fan Li arrived at the gate of the clan, he was summoned by the patriarch immediately. The patriarch asked urgently, "have you seen him off?"


The patriarch said with dementia, "it's terrible."

"Master, what's the matter?"

"The place where xuantianzong was closed was empty, and the poisonous insect disappeared, as if it had disappeared." The patriarch didn't know what happened, but he knew it must have something to do with Lin Tian.

Fan Li was shocked and said, "what? Is xuantianzong really destroyed? "

"It's said that outside the king of poisonous insects, I saw a pile of corpses of xuantianzong. I don't know what they were." As soon as the patriarch thought of it, he felt numb.

Fan Li exclaimed, "it seems that this guy is really terrible."

"Do you know what he came from?"

"It is said to be the ancestor of tianshuimen." Fan Li explained that the patriarch nodded and said, "order that no one should have a festival with Tianshui gate, or else a heavy punishment will be imposed."

"Yes." Fan Li immediately went to work, and the patriarch murmured, "fortunately, it's not the people of Tianya sect who offended him, or now it's estimated that we are the one who fell down in Tianlong mountain."


Lin Tian didn't know what happened in Tianya family, but now he asked Zhang Lingling to take him to Zhangjia.

Although this Zhangjia is not one of the ten families, it is one of the three families under Fengdu.

Fengdu, a second-class City, is also the top of Tianlong city.

When Lin Tian and Zhang Lingling came to Fengdu, it was three days ago.

There are countless powerful monks on the walls of Fengdu, and each of them is wearing the best armour. Not only that, there are floating rocks in the air.

There are also bridges between these mountains and rocks, which make the city and the sky become two cities.

"Fengdu, also known as the city of the sky, is the place where ordinary people and friars live. On the top, there are some dignitaries and dignitaries, or the accomplishments above the divine realm, so that they can go up."


"because Fengdu, belongs to seven star spirit pulse, and this spirit pulse is unusual, the spirit is thin, the upper spirit is strong, therefore the ancients has made the city two layers, at the same time the upper layer also gathered Seven Star spirit veins essence."

Lin Tian understood and asked, "so, on the top floor, is it not rich or expensive?"

"You can say so, and you can't cross the border, or you will be picked up by the guard." Zhang Lingling explained one by one.

Lin Tian can't help shaking his head. "A small second-class City, the level is so clear."

"This is also to stimulate the friars under Fengdu to strive to become useful people."

"What is a useful person?"

"In Fengdu, there are many special official pavilions, such as demon subduing pavilions, guild pavilions, weapon refining pavilions and pill refining pavilions. As long as you feel that you are excellent in some aspect, you can go to the certification and get the air pass."

Lin Tian understood, and after Zhang Lingling brought Lin Tian into the city, she said to him, "I think it's not a problem to get a pass as you are."

"You say the air level?"

"Yes, my family, it's on the top floor."

Lin Tian doubts, "your family? Do they all contribute? "

Zhang Lingling shook her head and said, "my family, one of the three big families, has a long history and has made many contributions. Moreover, I have my family's help in urban reconstruction and so on. Therefore, my family and the other two families are not allowed to pass."

Lin Tian then followed Zhang Lingling to get a pass. Halfway through, there was an excited voice, "Lingling! You're back! "

Then came a group of people, and the leader was a man whose IQ was estimated to be only a teenager, but judging by his clothes, he should be a wealthy family.

When Zhang Lingling saw this person, she was a little disgusted, but that person saw Zhang Lingling as if she saw treasure.

Lin Tian doesn't have to guess, but he knows what's going on. But when he saw Lin Tian, he suddenly put away his smile and asked Zhang Lingling, "Lingling, you, you've been away for so long, are you with him?"

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