The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3400 Lei Tianchi

After the three of Lin Tian left, the clan leader was very depressed. He also asked Tuoli, "how did you bring this monster?" "

" patriarch, you don't know, he is so terrible that he can enter my conscious space at will. " This Tuoli, how could not have thought it would be like this. The patriarch had no choice but to say to Tuoli, "OK, you can quit!" Tu'oli had to retreat, and the patriarch continued to be depressed. When the three of Lin Tian walked out of the mountain, the Ziqin said, "you have solved all the five wild gods, the golden wood, the water, the fire and the earth. Which is the rest?" "

" leihuang Protoss. " Lin Tian said after meditating, while Ziqin wondered, "it's said that the leihuang Shenzu has already retired, and few people know their trace." "

Muluo nodded," yes, the leihuang Protoss, although it is said that the top ten Protoss, but now it is very difficult to find them. " Hearing this, Lin Tian glanced at the two men and said, "you don't know where, either?" They shook their heads, and Lin Tian had to ask, "where can I find out the whereabouts of Lei Huang Ziqin hesitated and said, "you can only go to the largest city in the wasteland, wasteland and empty city." "

" empty city? " "

" yes, the desolate empty city is the largest city in the desolate world, and people of all major forces will be active there, and it's much easier to inquire about information at the same time. " Ziqin said in a kind voice, while Lin Tian had to clear up his mind and said, "OK, let's go." After that, Lin Tian took them to the desolate city and asked again, "how can I ask now?" "

" well, I'll go to see the stronghold of my tianqin academy and see if they have any news. " After Lin Tianen's benediction, Ziqin left. After watching Ziqin's departure, Muluo immediately said to Lin Tian, "look, there is no one now. You can take me as an apprentice." "

" do you think I don't accept you as an apprentice, someone is around? " Lin Tian laughs strangely, and the wood Luo says strangely, "isn't it?" "

" No. " Lin Tian said, "why?" There are things you will never understand When Lin Tian finished, he found a teahouse and sat down. "

Mulao asked," what is it that you can't understand? And why don't you accept my apprentice? " I have too many apprentices Lin Tian's words make Muluo more depressed. "You are so many that you don't care about me."

care "

" by This Muluo is very discontented, and Lin Tianxiao says, "one, I have nothing to teach you. Two, you have a strong winning heart. You may want to worship me as a teacher, learn some of my skills, and then defeat me, right?" At once, Muluo said, "aren't you afraid that I will surpass you?" Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "are you ahead of me? It's still tender! " Why not teach me I said, I have nothing to teach you Lin Tian said with a smile, while the Muluo said, "for example, when your spirit comes out, you will be invincible." You can't learn Lin Tian smiled, but in his heart he knew that he had learned a lot of skills. In addition, he had a thousand times of time to gain support, and now he has achieved. But the wooden collaterals were unwilling to accept it, and promised, "I will learn." Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, while Muluo keeps nagging. Lin Tian hesitates and says, "in this way, if you find the temple of famine, I will pass on some skills to you." "

" the temple of famine? It's more difficult to be a teacher in such an ethereal place! " This wood Luo immediately grievances way, and Lin Tian smiles to see him, "that depends on your own ability." Muluo had to bite his teeth, "I will find it." When he finished, the Muluo left, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "finally, he sent away." Weizun academy then Lin Tian waited in silence until Ziqin came back. Then he looked a little sad, "there is news, but not good news." "

" say. " "

" the leihuang Protoss is hidden in a place that no one can reach. " Sighed the viola. "

" where? " "

" leitianchi in the wasteland. " "

" Lei Tianchi? " Lin Tian was curious, and the Ziqin Eun said, "the thunder and lightning there is very strong, and the non thunder people, if they enter into it, will suffer more damage than the emperor's wasteland." After thinking about it, Lin Tian smiled, "let's go and have a look." As soon as Lin Tian got up, he didn't pay attention to the shock of Ziqin. Lin Tian let Ziqin lead the way. Although Ziqin didn't want to, she still led the way, but on the way, she kept nagging, "I tell you, this Lei Tianchi is really dangerous." I didn't know until I went Lin Tian didn't take the warning seriously at all. Ziqin had to ask, "what about the little head of the wood family?" Let him go to the temple of famine "

" what? " Ziqin is shocked, and Lin Tian laughs and looks at Ziqin? Any questions? " The Ziqin said awkwardly, "this place is hard to find. How can he go there?" "

" I said that when I found the temple of famine, I would be his master. " Lin Tian said to Ziqin, "he is really persistent." Lin Tian doesn't speak, but Ziqin brings the topic back to Lei Tianchi again. "It's said that there are many people who died in Lei Tianchi, and their divinity is floating there, like an irregular threat. They explode at any time and blow up the people around them." "

" Oh? Sounds like fun. " "

" interesting? That's one of the ten forbidden areas in the wilderness. " The Viola sighs, but Lin Tian doesn't think so. "So what." Seeing Lin Tian, Ziqin didn't listen to his advice, so he said, "I don't want to talk about you." It took them a few days to come to Lei Tianchi. There are thunders all over the sky of leitianchi, and these thunders make a sound. At the same time, there are countless deities in the air. These deities can't leave but float there. Seeing this, Ziqin was startled, "look, do you see it?" "

" yes, but not much. " Lin Tian said, and Ziqin was shocked. "What's the matter?" Lin Tian turns into a spirit. Seeing this, Ziqin says, "I'll see if you really have such a spirit!" But Lin Tian is very calm, and he is still wandering around in this sky. As for the mid air, countless thunders appear, and the goal is to hit the spirit of Lin Tian.

but Lin Tian's spirit moves very fast, so these thunder and lightning can't touch Lin Tian. Instead, Lin Tian can easily avoid them one by one. It's terrible Ziqin has already looked silly.

as Lin Tianze moves, he opens the "magic eye technique" and pays attention to the changes of every movement around him. "

Ziqin is a wonderful way," you, have you found it But Lin Tian frowned, "I don't see any trace except thunder and lightning and divinity!"

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