The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3419 assessment of elders

At this time, the voice of Tieming rings in the air, "boy, you have nowhere to hide!" After that, the black vortex moved to the top of Lin Tian and Lixiang. That Lixiang suddenly can't move, because her spirit has been bound, and Lin Tian also finds that his spirit is limited. There is no place for the black bull to hide. It can only shiver there, and the three peaks of muchI appear one by one. Those people stare at Lin Tian and others as they are watching. But the iron hell is no longer here, as if it has disappeared. But Lin Tian says with a smile, "this skill is a little awesome." "

" it's not a little bit, it's very powerful. " In that whirlpool of time and space, Tieming boasted. "

Lixiang shouts," Tieming, hurry up and put this power away. " I won't put it away until he falls down completely This iron Ming is very persistent way, and that leaves fragrant airway, "you this is not from seek dead way?" "

" it's my business how I love to die. " "

" you. " I'm anxious to leave the fragrance. I don't know what to say, but Lin Tian says, "nonsense, I won't say more!" People laughed at Lin Tian when he was so crazy, especially the three peaks of the wooden ruler, saying, "are you crazy, boy?" "

" boy, do you know where you are now? " "

" boy, our elder martial brother tie's ability can make you smoke at any time. " But Lin Tian smiled and then disappeared. The scene stunned everyone, and Li Xiang was stupid, "here." Lin Tian has the ability of "piercing the soul", which is against the sky. For Lin Tian, the soul method of the other party is just like an illusion. It takes a lot of energy to use this move. It can be said that the whole body strength is used without any defense means at all. Therefore, Lin Tian rushed into the vortex and saw a spirit sitting there. When he did not move, Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "it costs a lot to use this move." "

" you, you When Tieming saw Lin Tian, he was stunned. He couldn't believe Lin Tian rushed here. Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "it's a price to deal with me." When Lin Tian finished saying that, he immediately played virtual death. I saw the emptiness, which hit the iron hell spirit heavily, and the iron hell spirit immediately smoked. It's not only that, Lin Tian's soul skill becomes more miserable, but also tie Ming consumes a lot because of his soul skill. In addition, Lin Tian's spirit screams on the spot. At the next moment, the soul of Tieming will disappear, and finally the black vortex in the air will disperse. When Lin Tian reappeared, the three peaks of Mu Chi were shocked. Lin Tiansi is merciless and asks the black bull to attack these guys. Those guys screamed one by one, even in a dream. It would be such a result. Lixiang was foolishly shocked, until for a while, the three peaks of the wood ruler and so on burned to escape. Lin Tian sneers, "that's it. Do you want to deal with me? How naive! " "

" how did you break the soul method just now? " Li Xiang can't help but say, but Lin Tian takes a look, "I can ignore all soul methods." After that, Lin Tian left and left Xiangmeng. "Ignore all soul methods? This, how can it be! " Lin Tian didn't explain, but soon returned to the temple of famine, and went to Shengxing Pavilion, and handed over the task. This shocked countless people and brought in countless elders. After all, those elders are indispensable for the nine star assessment, and they look at Lin Tian curiously one by one. The blue Xiu said excitedly, "he, he is from our forge." "

" blue Xiu, when did you have such a talent in the forge? "

Blue Xiu boasted one by one. Everyone suddenly realized, but Lanxiu said with a smile, "nine stars examination must pass the examination of five elders. I don't know who is going to try it?" After the elders looked at each other, blue Xiu said, "I'll come first." After that, LAN Xiu looked at Lin Tian and said, "boy, although you are from my weapon making Pavilion, I still want to assess you." "

" let's talk about it. How to assess it? " "

" it's very simple. You can make ten rounds under my attack, even if you win. " This blue Xiu explains. When Lin Tian heard this, he said to the blue monk, "come on." "

" are you sure you want to come? "

Lin Tianen voice, this blue Xiu immediately gathered his strength and began to attack Lin Tian, while all the people on the scene watched. For Lin Tian, he is naturally in the best state of spirit. It's easy to avoid blue Xiu's attack in the state of Lin Tian's spirit. Other elders also want to try. Later, Lin Tian easily won the examination of several elders, but at this time, a voice came from Shengxing Pavilion, "the last one, I will come." At this time, an old man appeared and looked fierce. This man is the wooden old devil. He comes in with a serious face. Blue Xiu doubts, "wooden old devil, aren't you shut up? How did you get out? " I'd like to have a look at it when I hear that genius has come to our temple of famine The old wood devil looks at Lin Tian as if he has some enemies. People are talking about it, but Lixiang says, "you are here for your apprentice, aren't you?" "

" No. " The old wood devil pretends to be silly, but that leaves the fragrance to take the wood ruler three peaks to say the matter intentionally. But the old wooden devil didn't take it seriously. He said to Lixiang, "do I need a reason to assess him?" "

" that's not true. " Li Xiang is embarrassed and speechless, while mu Laomo stares at Lin Tian. "Boy, I won't let you pass the examination like other elders." I didn't say they let me pass the exam at will Lin Tian explained. But the old wooden devil didn't believe it and stared at Lin Tian. "Boy, I will let you know that nine star disciple is not what you want to be, but what you can become." When he finished, the old wooden devil gathered a huge palm, and then grasped the forest sky. Lin Tian didn't take it seriously and easily avoided the "first move." The old wood devil didn't expect to catch the air, and the onlookers were even more commenting, "he's only a half step God. Why is he moving so fast?" Is he really terrible Lin Tian is not terrible. He only relies on his own soul instant skill. But if he wants to win them one-on-one, Lin Tian is totally impossible. Therefore, Lin Tian knows that he is opportunistic at the moment. However, the old wood devil was not willing. After all, he was an elder. How could he not win Lin Tian? So he tried the second move.

only one chain appeared, quickly twining to the spirit of Lin Tian, but the spirit of Lin Tian disappeared.

"the second move!" At this time, Lin Tian stood behind the old wood devil and said with a smile, and the old wood devil hummed, and suddenly turned around, that is, a palm. "

" the third palm. " When Lin Tian finished speaking, he disappeared from his original position.

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