Hearing this, everyone was shocked and thought it was incredible. After that, the temple leader disappeared, and the people were talking about it. Lin Tian picked up his mood and went to the secret place. When Lixiang and Kongmo saw Lin Tian coming to the secret place again, they looked puzzled. Lin Tian stared at them and said, "do you know why I'm here?" They were just about to ask, but this time Lin Tian asked, so they looked curious. Lin Tian explained, "emperor Qingfeng, is still in this secret place." "

" what? " This leaves the fragrance to startle, but that empty Mo does not understand, "he does not escape?" "

" he also wants that dark slave, so he will not run away at will, but will continue to stay in this vast secret place, so that no one can find him. " Lin Tian explained. It makes sense to listen to Lixiang, but Lin Tian closes his eyes and summons the God of kaihuang again. After a while, Lin Tian confirms the location of emperor Qingfeng, and then cleans up his mind and leaves.

keep up with Lixiang and Kongmo. Half a day later, Lin Tian came to a forest, and in this forest, there was a strong ghost spirit everywhere. Lin Tianhu asked, "Why are there so many ghosts?" Lixiang and Kongmo don't know, so they are confused. Lin Tian looks at them and asks, "don't you know anything?" After their benediction, Lin Tian looked at them and said, "what do you know about this secret place?" "

" we only know that when the temple of famine was established, there was a secret place. " Li Xiang explains, and Lin Tianhu doubts, "when it was established, it was there?" "

" yes! " This is from Shane sound, and that empty Mo also said, "yes!" Lin Tian thought that this place was built by the temple itself later, so he couldn't help asking, "before, I heard that this place was built by the temple itself, and then he practiced with wild animals?" They look embarrassed and say it's declared to the outside world. Lin Tian has to stop asking questions, but he says to them, "you'd better go to my space, or you don't know how to die!" They had to follow Lin Tian's words. Lin Tian turned into a spirit and began to open the "divine eye technique" to see the traces left by the four emperors. At the place where the trace disappeared, Lin Tian smiled and said, "come out, don't hide!" I won't be stupid enough to come out and be cleaned up by you The voice of emperor Qingfeng immediately rang around. "

" are you so timid? " Lin Tian smiled and said, while emperor Qingfeng hummed, "boy, I know your spirit is powerful, so I won't be stupid to come out and ask you for trouble." Lin Tian smiled, "it seems that I have to get you out." But emperor Qingfeng smiled, "you can't dream."

Lin tianxie laughs, and then suddenly plays the virtual soul skill to a place, and then plays the virtual extermination.

the open space, "bang!" One thing was hit. The ghost body of emperor Qingfeng appeared, and then angrily said, "you." "

" you don't need a good physical body, but you need to cultivate with ghost body. " Lin Tian laughs at the emperor Qingfeng. "

What do you care about me?" said Di Qingfeng "

" let's talk about why it's here, and it's still ghost like. " Lin Tian is very confused, and that emperor Qingfeng glares, "it's adults, let me do this, can you manage it?" Hearing this, Lin Tian said curiously, "that evil god?" "

" yes! " "

" where is he? " How do I know Emperor Qingfeng hums, and Lin Tian looks around. "He makes you look like a ghost. Stay here?" "

" yes! " Emperor Qingfeng answers, but Lin Tian thinks there is definitely a problem here, but what is the problem. Seeing Lin Tian look around, Emperor Qingfeng despised him and said, "don't look, it's useless!" Lin Tian doesn't pay attention to him, but walks around here, and finally finds a rock. Lin Tian uses a force to break the rock. A deep hole appeared later. Seeing the deep hole, Lin Tian laughed, "there must be something he likes below." "

" you! " Emperor Qingfeng was shocked and rushed into the cave. Lin Tian sneered and went down quickly. After a while, Lin Tian saw an underground maze.

Lin Tian has "divine eye skill" to know the marks left by the other side, so Lin Tian will soon pass the maze. After a while, Lin Tian saw a big black egg about the size of a man. The emperor Qingfeng is hiding in the egg, and the airway, "boy, I won't let you destroy adult things." "

" adult stuff? Is that what he sees? " Why tell you "

" but you just told me. " Lin Tian stares at the emperor Qingfeng, who hums, "you can't come in anyway." Lin Tian stared at the egg and said with a smile, "it's just the eggshell. I can still go through it." After that, Lin Tian rushes to the eggshell, which has a magic array. When Lin Tian enters, he falls into that magic array. Emperor Qingfeng laughed and said to Lin Tian, "boy, you've been cheated." "

" cheated? " "

" adults know you will find it, so they deliberately let me cheat you with this egg. " The emperor Qingfeng laughed. Later, Lin Tian was in the array, and was suddenly inhaled into a dark space, and he could not see the side. "

" your adult, what else did you say? " Lin Tian was not frightened, but looked around. The emperor Qingfeng joked, "adults said that if you are trapped in this place for 49 days, you will turn into ashes." When Lin Tian heard this, he laughed, "just a broken egg? Just want to kill me? " "

" breaking eggs? Boy, I tell you, this is not a broken egg! " That emperor Qingfeng despises Tao. But Lin Tian laughed, "I say breaking an egg is breaking an egg." "

" OK, then you come out? " The emperor Qingfeng laughed. But Lin Tian laughed, "you can go in and out freely, so can I." But the emperor Qingfeng laughed, "don't be naive, it's useless"

but Lin Tian disappeared, and the emperor Qingfeng was shocked, "where are you "

" where are you, I am! " Lin Tian finished saying, came to another space, and here, the emperor Qingfeng stood there. When Lin Tian suddenly came behind him, the emperor Qingfeng was frightened. He immediately kept a certain distance from Lin Tian. Then he asked, "Why are you here?" "

" what do you say? " Lin Tian smiles at the emperor Qingfeng, who stammers, "you, how did you find this place?"

"your voice, betrayed you." Lin Tian smiled, but in fact, he used space peeping to find that there was double-layer space, so he came here quickly. Emperor Qingfeng thought that Lin Tian had listened to his voice, so he trembled with fear. "I tell you, adults said, if you really find me, start the closed array here, and let me die with you."

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