The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3441 a bunch of Masters

When Emperor Qingfeng was asked, he trembled a little. Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "it seems that he has looked for you." "

" I wanted to contact you, but I found that there was a strange force wrapped around my spirit, so that I could not contact you no matter how I contacted you, until you contacted me, I felt it. " When Lin Tian heard this, he looked at the memory of emperor Qingfeng and said, "OK, I see." Emperor Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, but Lin Tian was curious, "what is he looking for you?" "

" said that there was a black stone recently, let me find it. " "

" black stone? " "

" yes, it's similar to the last time. " That emperor Qingfeng said, and Lin Tian thought of that dark slave, so Lin Tian said, "where is it?" "

" in a place called Fengtian Town, I was going to go there, but you came to me, and I came to see you first. " Let's go and have a look Lin Tian says, and that emperor Qingfeng Leng next, "together?" "

" what? Is there a problem? " I'm afraid that evil god knows that I will kill me with you "

" that line, you go first, I will come back, you can continue to pretend not to know me. " After Lin Tian finished, Emperor Qingfeng thanked him and left. Lin Tianze looked at the little white rabbit lying on one side and said, "OK, come out." At this time, the little white rabbit, turning into Anya, said gloomily, "you say you are human, how can you think so much?" "

" it's all forced. " Lin Tian's face is dignified, and Anya doubts, "forced? Who forced you? " "

" said, you do not understand. " Lin Tian said, and left, and the Anya followed, but she was suspicious, "where are you going?" Find something Lin Tian knows that it's very important for the evil god, so he can't let the evil god get it. But Anya wondered, "can't you just stay here?" "

" not available. " "

" not available? " Anya is depressed to follow, and in his ear nagging, "I have to follow you out?" "

" whatever you want. " Lin Tian's words made Anya angry, but she could only follow them silently. A few days later, Lin Tian came to this small town called Fengtian, and there were many people here. These people come from different forces, different clans, and their goals are all for the black stone. It's just that Lin Tian doesn't understand how the news of the black stone came out and what we want him to do. When Lin Tian was doubting, Lin Tian heard many people nearby talking about Anya. "

" look, that girl, how can her eyes be red? " I don't think her breath is human like Is it a beast "

" that's interesting. " Therefore, many people immediately surrounded Lin Tian, who seemed to be the weakest man in the eyes of all, but the land was in a state of scarcity. As soon as someone saw Lin Tian, he said, "boy, give this girl to us. If you take it with you, it will be taken away sooner or later." As a result, Lin Tian said, "if she is willing to go with you, you can take it." As soon as everyone listens, they are all happy. Some of them stare at Anya. "Little girl, follow us. We promise to make you happy every day." Anya is grumpy and dislikes human beings, so Aikido said, "if you don't take me lightly, I will kill him." This words, instead, make everyone laugh, and Anya has a flash of green light and a slap on countless faces. Many people are also directly hit and fly Those people, one by one, fell heavily on the ground, which can be said to be very miserable. The people who were present were all dumbfounded. Some of them stammered, "well, it's cruel." This female beast is really extraordinary Some people were scared to run away, while Lin Tian laughed in secret. As for Anya, he hummed, "I'm really angry." Lin Tianze walked and laughed until he came to a place where there was no one and sat down, but people nearby still talked about it. I don't like it "

" then you can go. " At this time, Lin Tian made Ziqin come out. When Ziqin saw the light outside, the whole person was comfortable, "I almost forget how long I have been hiding." When Ziqin saw Anya, she wondered, "this girl?" Lin Tian gives a brief introduction, and the Ziqin immediately laughs at Anya. "Little girl, I'm older than you. How about I become your sister later?" Can you teach him a lesson Anya suddenly points to Lin Tian, and Ziqin says awkwardly, "you can't teach him, how can I?" "Can no one cure him?" Anya lost No one Ziqin's face was helpless, and Anya had to sigh, "that's my misfortune." Ziqin smiled bitterly, and Lin Tian said to Ziqin, "you are good to persuade her, or I'm afraid she will be angry with me." The Viola smiled and said, "OK." Later, Ziqin and Anya began to talk, and the two women, as expected, had a lot of topics. But people nearby have been staring at this place, while Lin Tian has closed his eyes and silently paid attention to the changes of people. At the same time, from the public's comments, Lin Tian knew that the dark stone appeared and someone had deliberately sent out messages. In three days, the dark stone will appear from this town. This made Lin Tian curious about who released the news. When Lin Tian was in doubt, a black sarcophagus fell from the air and hit the ground heavily. When they saw it, they retreated. Some people said in horror, "it's the Black Ghost clan." "

" who will it be? " At this time, a voice came from the sarcophagus, "that thing is mine. Whoever grabs it with me, I will kill it!" Hearing this voice, people were surprised and said, "it's the genius of the ghost clan of the black wasteland, the old thief of the black wind." Ziqin also said to Lin Tian, "it's said that this black wind old thief is a ghost cultivation expert, and his cultivation is also the emperor's wasteland. Several presidents are not necessarily his opponents." Lin Tian smiled, "it's just the wasteland of the emperor. It's not good." "

" what's wrong with the Empire's Wasteland? " This Ziqin doesn't know whether Lin Tian is really confident or not. Lin Tian didn't speak, but closed his eyes. For a while, a black fan came out of the air. On the fan, there was a crazy woman. The crazy woman, whose red make-up is flooded and her eyes are full of black robes, said in her mouth, "don't rob what I like." When you see this, you are even more surprised, "it's the black lady!" "

" why is this terrible freak here? " Ziqin was shocked, and Lin Tian said, "what's the matter? Is it great? " It's said that she is one of the top ten masters of ghost cultivation with amazing strength The purple Qin said.

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