The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3449 who are these people!

"Why are you here?" Lin couldn't help but ask, and the Black Dragon said angrily after turning around, "I, I was cheated." "

" cheated? " "

" yes, at the beginning, there was a voice that broke into the place of your rebirth, and I was attracted by that voice. Then my body was trapped by people. Just after my animal soul escaped, it was inhaled into the tower, and finally the iceberg rose. " Lin Tianning got up again. "This tower, however, is in the desert God battlefield." "

" desert God battlefield? Where? " The black dragon didn't know what happened at all, and Lin Tian said after a little introduction, "that's it."

the black magic dragon was shocked, "is there such a place in the wasteland of the divine kingdom?" "

" yes, but what shocked me most was that I was able to go to the lower level, trap you so easily, and get you to this wasteland battlefield, which is the most terrible place for the other side. " Lin Tianning recovers. "

" do you have a clue? " "

" I have been tracking a person. His name is the evil god. He is the leader of the wasteland and the evil god family. He has something to do with my younger martial sister's disappearance. " Are you dead, younger martial sister The black magic dragon was puzzled, and after Lin Tian explained again, the black magic dragon was shocked. "Master, how do I feel? There is a terrible net for you?" Lin tianensheng, however, did not understand, "with their strength, they can kill me before I can recover my strength. Why do they always lead me to the wasteland?" "

" yes, what do these people want to do? " The black dragon didn't understand, and Lin Tian thought of a man, that is the flaming man. At the beginning, the flame man followed himself and said he was his junior brother. At the thought of this, Lin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "it seems that things are not as simple as he imagined." "

" master, what do you mean? " "

" now it's imperative to find your body first. " Lin Tian said to himself, "yes, master." Only Lin Tian sealed the black magic dragon into the wild beast sword, and the black magic dragon itself was the spirit of ancient gods and beasts. After it was integrated into the wild beast sword, the sword became more unusual. But at the moment Lin Tian doesn't care about the sword, because he wants to take down the pagoda first.

therefore, countless shadows of Lin Tian scatter and look for the boundary of this magic weapon. But this tower seems endless, but Lin Tian didn't give up. He also used "divine eye skill", space peeping skill and other skills. What can I do? Lin Tian still can't solve the problem in front of him when all his skills are used. It seems that we can only talk to tielaoguai Lin Tian disappears from his place. In the hall of the sea god, the old iron monster laughed when he heard that Lin Tian was trapped in the wild God pagoda and said, "we, the Luoshen family, have heard about the house of refining utensils, the wild God pagoda." "

" Oh? Who built the pagoda? " "

" the wasteland has existed for a long time. I don't know why it is in the wasteland God battlefield, but I can't help it if I want to leave. " Iron old strange confident way. Listen to Lin Tian, immediately come to the spirit, and laugh at the old iron monster, "come on, let's talk." "You really want to know?" he said After Lin Tianen's benediction, iron old monster said, "find the spirit of this divine soldier, as long as you subdue it, you can go out naturally." "

" are you talking about the soul of magic? " "

" yes. " "

" but I searched for half a day, but I didn't find anything. " Lin Tian's face is helpless. The old iron man laughs at Lin Tian and says, "I'll pass you a move. It's called the spirit seeking and soul fixing skill!" "

" spirit seeking and soul fixing? " "

" yes, it's aimed at divine soldiers. When I pass it on to you, you will know how to find it. " Old iron laughs. Lin Tian smiled, "thank you very much."

the old iron monster passed on to Lin Tian later, and Lin Tian used his separate body to learn. It took about a few days for Lin Tian to reappear. Then he closed his eyes and began to search for the spirit of the divine soldier.

within a short time, Lin Tian sensed it, then made a leap, rushed to the void, and then found a tower soul flashing with dark light in the dark place of the void. Lin Tian stared at the soul of the pagoda and smiled, "that's it." Only Lin Tian begins to subdue the spirit of the pagoda, but there is a strong seal of Rune outside the soul of the pagoda. When Lin Tian touches the seal of the rune, there is a sound of chiding and shouting, "who, who will come to my magic weapon!" Who are you Lin Tian said coldly, and the voice froze, "Lin Di?" "

" do you know me, too? " Lin Tianhu doubts, and the voice laughs, "finally until you." "

" wait until me? " "

" nonsense, I've trapped the black magic dragon here. I hope that one day, I can attract you. I didn't expect that you really came. " This man has a happy look instead. Lin Tian wondered if he had not been hit by mistake and sealed here. How could he know there was a magic dragon? So Lin Tian said coldly, "who are you?" It will be known sooner or later The more they say it, the happier they are. When he finished, the voice of the other side disappeared, and Lin Tian broke the seal, but became more dignified. But the tower is controlled by itself, and you can enter and leave freely. At the moment, the top ten God of war outside didn't know what happened until Lin Tian suddenly appeared, and ten people were shocked. But Lin Tian split up countless ghosts and retreated in different directions, because he was not able to fight with the top ten warlords. But those warlords were not happy, so they divided into five groups, two in one group, and began to look around for Lin Tian. Lin tianben stood on a mountain and waited silently until the God of water and the God of fire appeared again. "

" boy, are you a shadow? " The God of water war has met several ghosts, so he asked doubtfully. But Lin Tian stared at him and said with a smile, "if it's the shadow, do I need to wait for you here?" "

" wait for us? " I want to ask you something Lin Tian laughs at the water war god and the fire war god, and the water war god says strangely, "ask us something?" "

" yes, it's the God tower. Where did it come from? " Lin Tian questioned the two men, and the water god of war said with a smile, "boy, the wild God tower, of course, is the God of the battlefield." "

" yes, as long as more than two ares of war work together, they can urge. " The God of fire is right. Lin Tianhu doubted, "the divine soldier in the wasteland God battlefield?" "

" that's right! " Water war god is proud, but Lin Tian is staring at water war god and fire war god. When the God of fire saw Lin Tian's eyes, he laughed, "what's the matter? Any questions? " There is a big problem Lin Tian stared at the two men and then took out the soul breaking sword. Seeing Lin Tian's use of it again, the two men immediately got on guard. As for Lin Tian, he stared at them and said with a smile, "even if you are in a hurry, it's very difficult for you to work hard." "

" what do you mean, boy? " "Water war Shenhu doubts, and Lin Tian laughs," I mean, you should not be urging any more recently The water war god was stunned and hummed, "we have already sent people." "

" yes, soon other warlords will come. " The God of fire also worried.

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