The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3463 this man, a bit fierce

Lin Tian took a few days to come to a road called wasteland. Here, there is a desolation everywhere. It seems that no one has been here at all, but the air is very strong, just unstable. Standing there, Lin Tian began to absorb the surrounding forces, and those forces rushed into the forest celestial bodies one by one. "

" it feels. " Lin Tian feels as if he wants to break through. As expected, the next moment, I arrived at the five stars in the wilderness, and did not stop the trend. "

" this! " This sudden change made Lin Tian a little surprised. At this time, Lin Tian saw an old woman in front of him. Lin Tianhu is suspicious. Until the cultivation stops at eight stars, Lin Tiantian moves forward. However, the wife looks strange with half black face and half white face. But he was kind, "young people, don't be greedy." "

" greed? " "

" although the air here is good, if you breathe too much, your body will collapse. " The wife said, coughing a few times, and then continue to pick up the stones. Lin Tian wondered what was special about the stones, so he looked at the old woman curiously. When the old woman saw Lin Tian like this, she laughed, "what's the matter? Any questions? " "

" who are you? " Lin Tian knows that the other side is definitely not an ordinary person, otherwise he will not appear here for no reason. When she heard this, the old mother-in-law laughed, and Lin Tianhu asked, "what are you laughing at?" "

" I look like this, are you not afraid? " But the old mother-in-law couldn't help asking, and Lin Tian said, "what I'm afraid of is people's hearts, and you, I don't feel murderous, so naturally there's nothing to be afraid of." "

" people? Interesting. " The old woman smiled, but Lin Tian didn't understand. Later, the old woman continued, "the road to the wasteland is to a terrible place." "

" terrible place? " "

" you go in and you'll know. " The old woman smiled and said, "after that, the old woman turned and left.". Lin Tian was just about to ask her, but the other party disappeared in a blink of an eye. It's not a normal person Seeing this, Lin Tian was shocked. But he was curious about the terrible place that the old woman said. So Lin Tian cleared up his mind and went in, because he knew that only when he went in could he understand, and that Muluo also said that in it, he could find his own and their grudges. So Lin Tian had to go in. In this way, Lin Tian moves forward step by step. About a while, Lin Tian sees a pile of stones piled up into a high wall. The high wall, like a huge barrier, is impossible for people to fly by and has no entrance. So Lin Tian took out the sword and wanted to break the wall. When Lin Tian picked up the sword and hit the strength on the wall, the wall had a strong force, and one by one resisted the power of the sword. "

" this. " Lin Tian was shocked by the power in front of him. Obviously, he didn't expect the wall to be so terrible. But Lin Tian was not willing to take up his sword and put his hands on the wall to absorb the strength of the wall. But Lin Tian can't absorb this power all the time, just like he repels it completely. "

" the first time I've encountered such a force. " Lin Tian felt strange, but there was a huge figure on the wall. After a flash, the figure appeared in front of Lin Tian. Looking up, Lin Tian is a huge stone man, and it has more than ten floors. It looks terrible. But Lin Tian soon calmed down, and the giant looked down at Lin Tian and said, "just you? So weak, want to go in? " "

" what's in it? " "

" where the strong can enter, and you, even the emperor's wasteland is not! " The other side despises the way, but Lin Tianhu doubts, "the strong?" "

" that's right! Beyond the emperor's desolation The man said, and Lin Tian murmured to himself, "is this Muluo for me to come here to let me in?" "

" get out of here! " The man said coldly, while Lin Tian stared at him and said, "I want to fight with you." "

" you? Boy, are you naive? " The man despised Tao, and Lin Tian danced the wild animal sword. At this time, the shadow of the black magic dragon twined around the sword, and its power soared. The man frowned. "No wonder you are so crazy. You have such a sword."

"just know." Lin Tian said, but the other side said, "don't think that with such a sword, I can't help you." After that, countless "stones" grow on each other. These stones are the same as those on the wall. No matter how Lin Tian attacks them, he can't do anything about them. "

the other side is also proud of the way," boy, see, on your broken strength, even if there is a good sword, how? " Lin Tian didn't expect that a doorkeeper would be so terrible. Are you afraid The stone man despised, but Lin Tian didn't mean to be afraid, just said, "there are always flaws." "

" flaw? That is, you must have enough strength to find my flaws. " The stone man is crazy, and Lin Tian closes his eyes, and then performs "divine eye skill". Under "divine eye skill", Lin Tian wants to see what happened to the stones on this guy. At this time, Lin Tian found that there were cracks in many places of the opponent's body, and those cracks gave off strange breath. "

" what happens if you break into these cracks? " Lin Tianxin is suspicious. So Lin Tian began to hold the sword and dance there. After a while, the sword broke out. Later, these swords strike the cracks in the opponent's body. The stone man was not happy. "What are you doing to attack my opponents?" It seems that you don't like people attacking that "

" nonsense! " The stone man took it for granted, and Lin Tian immediately turned into a spirit, and then smiled and said, "I want to see what's inside." "

" do you still want to enter my body? You dream! " The other side said, and Lin Tian heard that this can enter his body, a leap, shuttle past. When Lin Tian came inside, he came into a space of brown light, and the stone man said, "how dare you come in?" Only in this way can we find your spirit Lin Tian laughed at the moment, and the other party was annoyed, "do you still want to find my spirit? I don't know how to live! " After that, these brown lights began to flash around the spirit of Lin Tian, and to block Lin Tian. The soul piercing skill of Lin Tian can block all the soul skills and ghost skills of the opponent, so the stone man can't block Lin Tian at all. On the contrary, Lin Tian traveled all the way to the other party's consciousness space, and then the spirit of the stone man stood in the consciousness space and glared at Lin Tian. "

" so face to face, it's much better. " Lin Tian saw this and laughed. The stone man stared and said, "don't think your spirit is the emperor's wasteland, I can't help you!" "

" let me see if your spirit is more powerful than your body. " Lin Tian smiled strangely.

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