After a while, the behemoth completely disappeared into the snow.

Lin Tian uses "divine eye skill" to catch up madly, and the red bear can't keep up, so he has no choice but to leave.

When Lin Tian appeared again, he came to an ice cave, and the cold everywhere in the ice cave seemed to freeze people to death at any time.

But Lin Tian was not afraid. He looked around and walked forward step by step.

Soon, Lin Tian came to an ice wall, and there was also an ice wall behind him.

"Ha ha!" the giant's voice sounded there, but Lin Tian looked around and said, "you think a few ice walls can stop me."

"These ice walls are not ordinary ice walls." the voice said proudly, but Lin Tian disdained, "then you really despise me."

"Belittle you? It's ridiculous!" the voice laughed at Lin Tian. After Lin Tian saw the other party laughing, Lin Tian put his hand directly on an ice wall.

As a result, Lin Tian was frozen there, and the voice joked, "now, freeze yourself here?"

"It's not difficult for me." Lin Tian said confidently, but the voice laughed, "Oh? Are you sure?"

"Of course."

With that, Lin Tian began to absorb the surrounding power crazily, and the ice wall was smashed little by little.

"This." the thing in the dark was frightened and turned into a huge white ball in the dark.

Not only that, there is cold air around the white wool ball.

Lin Tian stared at the white wool ball with a smile, "still, continue?"

"You, who are you?" this thing began to fear, and Lin Tian said, "I just want your blood, and not much, just a little."

"I, I won't give it to you!" the thing was afraid, and Lin Tian had to say, "if I don't give it, I have to take it myself."

Then Lin Tian walked over step by step, but at this time, a pair of eyes appeared in the dark, and then a vortex appeared to suck this thing away directly.

Lin Tian was shocked. When he was about to rush over, the vortex disappeared, and his eyes smiled at Lin Tian, "what's up, didn't you expect?"

"Who are you?" Lin Tian felt that the other party was not good, so he was on alert, and the man smiled and said, "everyone, like to call me shadowless adult."

Lin Tianbing said, "you are shadowless?"

"Yes, what? Are you surprised?" the other party smiled, and Lin Tianleng said, "you'd better not provoke me, otherwise you'll regret it."

"Regret? Many people told me so, but in the end? They didn't die in my hands or be controlled by me and become my men?" the shadowless man said proudly.

"So you really want to fight me?"

"No, you are against me." the shadowless man stared at Lin Tian, but Lin Tian sneered, "it seems that you have always been against me. How can I be against you?"

The shadowless man smiled and said, "shadowless seven, originally these people did things according to my instructions, but you cleaned them up. Isn't it against me?"

"If they don't annoy me, I'll deal with them?"

"So, don't you think you're wrong?" the shadowless man asked, and Lin Tian replied, "what do you think?"

"OK, good! But you'll regret it." the shadowless man said and was ready to disappear.

Lin Tian shouted, "don't go!"

"If you want to find that thing, go to this place." the other party said, threw out a token, and the other party disappeared.

After Lin Tian takes the token and injects power, he can see that the token guides a place, and Lin Tian's horse doesn't stop and leaves here directly.

When Lin Tian appeared again, he came to the bottom of a ladder, and on this ladder was a floating palace.

Lin Tianhu wondered, "is that guy in there?"

After thinking about it, Lin Tian went up the stairs and came to the palace.

After entering the palace, Lin Tian saw many stone statues, which were motionless but lifelike, as if they were going to rush out at any time.

At this time, a voice came from the shadowless man in the hall, "I thought you didn't dare to come."

"Come on, what about that thing?"

"That guy, I've taken its blood. If you ask me, I'll give you the blood, otherwise, you know." the shadowless man said proudly.

Hearing this, Lin Tian stared at the dark place, "so, do you want me to beg you?"

"Yes, it's very simple, please." the shadowless man laughed, and Lin Tian closed his eyes and performed "peeping and stealing" while paying attention to the changes around him.

The shadowless man saw Lin Tian in a daze and said with a smile, "why? Do you still have to think?"

"Let me see." Lin Tian also sat down deliberately, and the shadowless man smiled strangely in the dark, "this guy, really."

But then something unexpected happened.

A part of Lin Tian suddenly stood in the dark and attacked a man. After he was suddenly hit, he flashed in the air and disappeared.

At the same time, the shadowless man scolded, "boy, do you believe I'll kill you?"

"Kill me, are you sure?"

Lin Tian opened his eyes and looked at a pair of eyes on the other side, which were obviously seriously injured.

"Do you think I can't help you like this?" the shadowless man said angrily, and Lin Tian released the Golden Dragon and divine sword.

Seeing Lin Tian, no one disdained to say, "garbage."

With that, the surrounding stone statues moved, and these stone statues were terrible one by one, and exerted a strong force to fix Lin Tian in an area.

Not only that, Lin Tian couldn't move his whole body, and the shadowless man said proudly, "what? Are you afraid?"

"Do you think I'll be afraid?"

"Nonsense! Of course you should be afraid!" the shadowless man sneered, but Lin Tian's separation and evil shadow appeared, and then dealt with the stone statues one by one.

These stone statues were broken one by one, and the shadowless man scolded, "Damn it!"

When Lin Tian completely cleared those people, Lin Tian stared at the shadowless man, "is there any other means?"

"Then I'll fight with you!" after that, the other party's eyes flashed, and Lin Tian felt very sleepy. Finally, he fell down and slept.

For those eyes, it closed as if it were asleep.

At the moment, Lin Tian was like in a dream, and there was a fog everywhere, but he could feel his eyes peeping at himself in the dark.

"Where is this?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking, and the shadowless man smiled and said, "this is my dream technique!"


"Yes, let you enter my dream!" the shadowless man laughed, and Lin Tianhu wondered, "so, I'm in your dream now?"

"Yes, in my dream, I can do whatever I want, and you are powerless to resist."

Hearing this, Lin Tian said, "your dream is more interesting."

"Funny? Aren't you afraid, boy?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of!" Lin Tian said completely.

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