The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 39 I'sll let you guys suffer enough

"You!" Tian Bing was so angry that her ears were flushed, but Lin Tian just continued to laugh.

drug walking did not expect Lin Tian to say that after laughing, "What? You think I can't? Or can't my Yao Family do it? "

"You really want to stand up for her?" Lin Tian's eyes swept across the proud Lin Shan, and the drug walking waved his fan, proudly saying, "That's right, whoever provokes her will be fighting my drug walking, and I will make it difficult for him to move in the Medicine City! Until you get out of Medicine City! "

However, Lin Tian smiled at the two of them, "Let's go and play."

"You're still in the mood to play?" Tian Bing didn't understand. After all, he should be giving this drug walking a slap on the face at this time.

But Lin Tian felt that the slap wasn't enough, especially when he was walking out of the tavern, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned and smiled at the drug walking, "Go back well, let your Yao Family prepare for future events."

Tian Bing became excited after hearing that, she did not care about who the drug walking was, and continued to speak proudly, "Did you hear that? Let your Yao Family prepare for future events! "

drug walking laughed out loud and said to his henchmen, "Did you hear that? This brat made my Yao Family prepare for the future. "

"That's right, why aren't you looking at yourself?"

"This kid really doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

However, Lin Shan was not happy, because he did not see Lin Tian kowtow and admit her mistake, so she scolded the laughing drug walking, "What are you laughing for, I do not think much of it."

Only then did drug walking stop smiling and said, "Let's go and see where they go. We'll make them scram out of the shop."

"How long will that take?" Lin Shan was dissatisfied, but drug walking started to become anxious: "That Miss Lin, what ideas do you have?"

"Let's see where he's going first." Lin Shan felt that chasing them away would not work, so she decided to find another way, but drug walking had to follow behind.

To Tian Bing who was on the street, he would turn around from time to time and say, "Ancestor, they came."

"What industry is this Yao Family involved in?" Lin Tian looked around with a smile and asked, but Tian Bing did not understand, "Ancestor, what do you mean?"

"Just say it."

Tian Bing hesitated and said, "This Yao Family is mainly used to make medicine, and it is also the biggest medicinal herb merchant here, known as the Hundred Medicine King.

"What else?"

"This gambling workshop, is rumored to be owned by quite a few other gambling workshop s."


"It seems like there are only two. I don't think I know anything else." Tian Bing shook her head helplessly.

However, Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Let's go to the medicine store, then the casino."

"Ancestor, what are you doing?"

"I already said it, if Yao Family dares to provoke me, I will make them disappear." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he did not say anymore.

However, Tian Bing didn't know why Lin Tian was going to another medicine store, so she wondered if she could go and fight all of them single-handedly.

Since Lin Tian wanted to go, she couldn't say anything, but Lin Tian chose to buy the largest medicine store in the Yao Family.

Here, there were five stores in a row, and there were dozens of service providers. The customers that came in and out of them were even more numerous, and there was no sign of them stopping.

"This is the largest room of the Hundred Medicine King." Tian Bing looked at the people coming and going as she spoke.

"Come, let's go in." Lin Tian gave a strange smile, and Tian Bing said in surprise, "Isn't this like a lamb entering a tiger's den?"

drug walking who was rushing over asked in bewilderment, "Why is this kid going to my shop?"

Inside the store, Lin Tian was looking at the same thing as the others. In the end, he chose a 500 year old Spirit Grass for a price of a million spirit stone.

Just then, the people inside the shop saw drug walking and immediately greeted him respectfully, "Young Gongzi!"

drug walking pointed to the so-called location of Lin Tian, "Go, blast these three people out!"

Those people did not know the reason but they still did as he said. Therefore, five or six people walked over to the side of Lin Tian and the other two.

drug walking was still laughing oddly, "Do you think I won't dare to kick you out just because you came to my shop?"

Lin Shan stared at Lin Tian like he was a fool, "Brat, don't think of buying anything today!"

In the end, the few attendants who were about to take action were sent flying by something and they fell to the ground.

This time, Lin Tian purposely showed them that he was doing it, with his palm still playing around.

"You dare to make a move in my shop?" The drug walking seized the opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

Lin Tian, on the other hand, stared at the surrounding medicine and laughed, "Don't you, the Hundred Medicine King, claim to be a fake 1: 10? But if you sell fake medicine, can I not do it? "

Initially, the spectators thought that Lin Tian was here to cause trouble, but after hearing the fake medicine, they all became alert. After all, all the medicine here were very expensive, if they bought wrongly, it would be very troublesome.

As a result, it became lively and many people started asking, "Manager, what's going on?"

At this time, a shopkeeper came from the backstage, and he was bald. When he saw drug walking, he first greeted respectfully, "Young Gongzi."

"Baldy Elder, this kid is here to cause trouble, drag him to City Lord's Mansion!" The drug walking couldn't find any excuse to attack Lin Tian, so he started to laugh strangely as if he was seizing the opportunity.

Lin Shan snickered, "This fool, he actually dared to make a move on someone else's territory. He really doesn't know his place."

Tian Bing was also a little worried. After all, sending it to the City Lord's Mansion, coupled with the influence that the Yao Family had, once it went in, it would be impossible to get it out.

But Lin Tian pointed to the 500 year old spirit grass and laughed, "You want to capture me? Then I also want to say the truth of wearing the fake drugs that you all are selling! "

"What do you mean?" The bald old man asked, while the drug walking thought that Lin Tian was stalling for time before he sneered, "Ignore it."

However, Lin Tian pointed to the Spirit Grass, "Look, the Spirit Grass is already withered, it does not have any spirituality, so how can this be called five hundred years?"

Many of the onlookers were pharmacists, so they naturally knew a lot of things. They went over to take a closer look. Sure enough, the spiritual energy of the spiritual herbs was very weak, almost no different from weeds.

"This, what is going on?"

"Could it be that the Hundred Medicine King is really selling fake medicine?"

Not only that, Lin Tian pointed to some of the precious medicinal ingredients as he said, "This is also fake, fake, all fake!"

Everyone went over and found that they were all really spiritless. At the same time, someone took out the herbs they had just bought and screamed, "My, my herbs don't have spirituality either."

"This, what is going on?" Suddenly, countless people took out the medicinal ingredients to take a look and discovered that their spiritual consciousness had become very faint.

One could imagine the result of this. The entire store was in an uproar as they all began to collect debts.

The bald old man instantly turned pale, "No, that's impossible!"

"Then take a look for yourself!" Some people who bought the fake medicine started shouting in anger, while the bald old man began to check them one by one, and sure enough, all of them became weaker.

"This!" Sweat poured from the bald old man's forehead.

However, Lin Tian looked at drug walking and laughed, "Their Young Master is right here, whoever wants to compensate him will have to find him!"

With that, countless of people surrounded drug walking and the rest, causing drug walking to scold angrily, "What does it have to do with me, get lost!"

Not only did these words not let those people leave, it even made them angry. After all, these were all consumers, and some were even from outside the store. In an instant, the entire store erupted into chaos.

Lin Tian, on the other hand, retreated after achieving success. Looking at the people who were rushing over from all over, he smiled, "Hundred Medicine King, you will have to turn into a fake medicine king next!"

However, Tian Bing had a look of adoration on her face, "Ancestor, how exactly did you do it?"

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