This is a middle-aged man. He looks like forty or fifty, and his back is raised as if he is carrying a turtle shell.

At the same time, several different colors of flames were flying behind the man.

Shen Qingyu was shocked. "Tu Feiyang!"

Crossing the sky is also very accidental way, "hearsay, you are not dead?"

Tu Feiyang has not appeared for many years. Seeing someone else know him, he said coldly, "are you three young people stealing my six star fire spirit king?"

"Six star fire spirit king?" Shen Qingyu and this cross sky look at each other, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "six star fire spirit, as for the king, it's not enough."

Tu Feiyang didn't expect that a golden realm would dare to challenge him and stare at him, "boy, six star fire spirit king, can produce different fire. What do you know?"

"I'm afraid you haven't seen the real six-star king of fire, but you think that one who can produce different fires is the king of fire."

Lin Tian bluntly attacked the other side, and Tu Feiyang said, "boy, when I started, you were not born!"

"Is it?" Lin Tian is smiling.

Seeing that Lin Tian is so funny, Tu Feiyang releases a strong breath and stares, "what? Don't you agree? "

Lin Tian sighed, "I really don't want to kill people."

When Du Tian heard this, he knew there was going to be a problem. He hurriedly looked at TU Feiyang and said, "master Tu, you'd better put your breath away."

"Put it away? What do you think of me? Just you? Want to order me? "Said Tu Feiyang, glaring.

"He's terrible. I advise you not to provoke him." That day to Tu Feiyang warm reminder.

But Tu Feiyang laughed, and finally laughed, "you little guys, you're going to scare me, aren't you?"

Du Tian knows that Lin Tian is terrible and doesn't scare people, so he says in a hurry, "what I said is true."

"Is it? What do you think a golden realm can do to me? "

"Master Tu, he, he is really terrible." Tu Feiyang said proudly, "it's terrible, isn't it? Well, if he can resist my fire, I'll let you go. "

With that, Tu Feiyang thought that he was beating Lin Tian with all the strange fires twining from one star to six stars.

Tu Feiyang thinks that this can make Lin Tian compromise and be afraid of something, but Lin Tian can't help shaking his head.

When Du Tian saw Lin Tian's look, he knew that the flames were invalid for him. As expected, the flames that twined Lin Tian were all "destroyed" and disappeared at once.

Tu Feiyang was stunned. He hurriedly controlled the fire, but found that his control of the abnormal fire was invalid, and no matter how he controlled it, he could not get the abnormal fire out.

"Boy, you, what did you do to my fire?" Tu Feiyang was frightened and began to shout wildly.

Du Tian and Shen Qingyu on one side also wanted to know, but Lin Tian laughed at TU Feiyang and said, "don't toss about. It's useless. I've killed all those strange fires."

"What?" Tu Feiyang stared.

Lin Tian ignores his shock, but turns around and leaves. Tu Fei is so angry that he uses a fire spell to keep Lin Tian in place.

"Boy, want to go? Did you ask me? " Tu Fei was so angry and defeated that Lin Tian smiled, "do you think you can stop me with this fire?"

"Well, this is my magic. If I like, I can make more magic and burn you to death."

As a result, Lin Tian ignored the flame, walked out of the flame, and stared at TU Feiyang, who was stunned. "Do you want to continue?"

Both Du Tian and Shen Qingyu were shocked. They didn't expect Lin Tian to ignore the attack.

Tu Feiyang is not willing to fight with his palm, and then he hits Lin Tian with a huge palm technique.

Lin Tian smiled strangely. He also made a burning palm. The two palms collided, and then the two forces disappeared in the air.

Three people were surprised on the spot.

In particular, Tu Feiyang said, "it's impossible. My power is a complete distraction!"

"Don't deal with me in your way, because you're not my match at all." Lin Tian left a word and turned to leave.

Shen Qingyu hurriedly followed, and Du Tianze looked at TU Feiyang, who was full of surprise and said, "master Tu, I know you are powerful, but this guy is not an ordinary person. You'd better not provoke him."

"I don't believe in evil."

At this time, all of a sudden, the surrounding ground shook, and then the fire rain fell in the air, and then the fire rain flew to the forest.

Lin Tian stops and looks at the fire rain in the air. "Where did you learn the fire technique?"

Lin Tian turns around curiously and stares at TU Feiyang. Tu Feiyang doesn't explain. He just controls the fire and rain and hits Lin Tian one by one.

I thought that the fire rain could easily destroy Lin Tian, but when the fire rain hit Lin Tian, it was like ordinary rain hitting Lin Tian. Lin Tian was OK at all.

Tu Feiyang looks at Lin Tian in shock, and Lin Tian looks at him and doubts, "fire lotus emperor, who are you?"

"How do you know her?" Tu Feiyang looks at Lin Tian suspiciously, and Lin Tian naturally knows that the fire lotus emperor, one of her female disciples, is also a fire spirit root with amazing talent.

So Lin Tianchuan gave her a magic, that is, Tianhuo magic, and it's not external.

But now someone even knows how to use fire, which makes Lin Tian curious.

"Just tell me how the fire technique came this day." Lin Tian stared at TU Feiyang quietly.

Tu Feiyang said strangely, "Tianhuo is a magic that is not spread outside our Tianhuo gate, and no one can break it. Why can you resist it?"

"Tianhuomen?" Lin Tian didn't hear of this, and Tu Feiyang said proudly, "yes, our heaven fire gate was founded by Emperor Huolian, and Emperor Huolian is the great disciple of Lin Di! How can you know each other! "

When Lin Tian heard this, he could be sure that the gate of heaven fire was established by Emperor Huolian, but he was curious and said, "Tianshui gate, I know, but it's the first time for him to hear the gate of heaven fire."

"Emperor Lin Fei Sheng and Emperor Huolian created the heaven fire gate. How can you know that, you little generation?"

"Is the sky fire gate still there?" Lin Tian's words made Tu Feiyang look ugly, and Shen Qingyu said to Lin Tian, "Mr. Lin, tianhuomen, was defeated by Tiangu alliance ten thousand years ago, and finally became a hidden sect."

Lin Tian didn't expect that tianhuomen was also crushed and frowned, "now who else is there in tianhuomen?"

Tu Feiyang thought Lin Tian and Tiangu alliance were together and then glared, "boy, I will not betray the secret of tianhuomen."

"What? Afraid I'll let it out? "

"Nonsense, if I didn't hide from those tortoises and grandchildren, I would run to the forbidden area forest for cultivation?" The butcher hummed.

"Then let's have a good chat." When Lin Tian made a leap, he flew into the cave again. Du Tian and Shen Qingyu didn't know what happened, but Tu Feiyang said angrily, "dare you talk to me? Watch me kill you! "

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