Lin Tian didn't explain why, but said to the people, "everyone, I want to save people now. Go out first!"

Nangong Yan three people immediately advised everyone out, and then the door closed.

But Xie Daotian stared at the house. He was worried. He even looked at Master Zhang. "Can he really treat my son?"

"His medical skills are higher than mine, and he can quickly help my son gather his body. I think it's OK." Master Zhang replied that Zhang Lingling also believed Lin Tian, but she didn't understand why Lin Tian had to choose the most difficult soul chase.

Xie Daotian didn't think about Lin Tian's challenge at the moment, but was thinking about whether his son could survive.

Burning Qingqing laughed and looked at Xie Daotian, who was in a hurry. "Don't worry, as long as our ancestors say it's OK, it's OK."

"Yes, my elder brother's medical skill is very powerful." Nangong Yan also appeased.

But thank you, Daotian is a bit insecure. After all, he knows nothing about Lin Tian.

Lin Tian in the room doesn't care what Xie Daotian thinks. Instead, he stares at Xie's son on the bed. "Does it hurt?"

That Xie family childe two eyes are confused, whole body is afflictive way, "ache, whole body aches, whole soul wants to be smoked same."

"Tell me, where did you get poisoned by a demon beast!"

"In the soul chasing Valley, I found a spirit beast. I wanted to chase the spirit beast. Unexpectedly, a spirit beast suddenly appeared and bit me. If I hadn't run fast, I would have lost my whole soul." "Thank you family childe is afflictive way.

Lin Tian's eyes flashed, "is there a soul chaser in the soul chasing Valley?"

"Yes, Fengdu city is the first major gate, and in the ranking of the whole Yunzhou Prefecture, it is also the top 20."

Lin Tianming said in a white way, "it seems that there are ghosts and beasts hidden in this soul chaser!"

"The soul chaser? How could it be? " "Thank you childe surprised way.

"What? Do you know a lot about this spiritualist? "

Master Xie closed his eyes and said, "I'm a disciple of the spirit chaser."

"Oh? What level are you? "

"Inner disciple."

When Lin Tian heard this, he was deep in thought, but he thought about the information given by Ye Er. Because in this information, it was recorded that many ghost beasts had been found in this soul chasing sect, but others regarded these as hearsay and nothing serious.

This is also the reason why Lin Tian wants to challenge the soulmate, because Lin Tian guesses that the soulmate may be related to the ghost herd.

At the same time, Lin Tian also wants to cultivate his yuan baby through these ghost animals.

But these ghost beasts can not appear without reason. Lin Tian needs to lead snakes out of the cave.

But in front of him, young master Xie didn't know that there was a ghost beast in the soul chaser, so Lin Tian wondered in his heart, "is it really false news?"

"Young man, can you help me?" Young master Xie was excited when he saw Lin Tian's indifference.

Lin Tian said to himself, "what's your name?"

"My name is thank heaven."

Lin Tian nodded and said, "thank you, you are fine. I may let you sleep for a while later."

"Sleeping? Will I die? " Mr. Xie's face turned pale immediately. Lin Tian comforted him and said, "don't worry, I will not let you die."

"Then, please." Thank you childe gave the last hope to Lin Tian the same pray way.

Lin Tian didn't say much. Instead, he took out a piece of talisman and pasted it on the forehead of the other side. Then the young master Xie fell asleep gradually.

Lin Tian takes a deep breath, then sits down, and then the Yuanying flies out of the body and floats in the sky over this young master Xie.

I saw the reincarnation baby's eyes rotate anticlockwise, and all the ghost Qi of Xie Gongzi flew to Lin Tianyuan baby.


at the moment, master Tian, who is in the dungeon of the Lord's mansion, snorted after wandering there for a while, then took out the talisman of hiding and disappeared in the dungeon.

When master Tian reappeared, he had arrived to settle down, and the owner was dripping blood until master Tian suddenly appeared. The owner urgently asked, "master Tian, what should be admitted, I have admitted, my son?"

"Your son is very good." Master Tian said, the owner panicked, "master Tian, I am such a son, you must be injured."

"Don't worry, your son is not an ordinary man. How could he die at will?" Master Tian laughs.

"What about him?"

"When you do what I want, I'll let him go." Said master Noda.

The owner of the house was so depressed that he couldn't help it. He hadn't seen his son for many days, but master Tian always used to kill Lin Tian, so he said urgently, "now that kid is in the city Lord's mansion, how can I kill him?"

"I want to leave Fengdu."

"What? Leave Fengdu city? " The owner of the house was shocked, which means that master Tian abandoned himself, and master Tian took a white look. "What's the hurry? I just said to leave Fengdu City, but I didn't say to go far? "

"Then what do you mean?"

"I'll go to the villa near Fengdu City, but after I leave, the city Lord will send someone to find me, so you can't tell my whereabouts, let alone enter the villa. If I know what you said, your son won't live!" Master Tian stared.

The owner nodded wildly, "don't worry, I won't say anything!"

"Well, I'll go first."

"What about that kid?" Master Tian asked coldly, "I have my own way. Just wait for my order at any time."

"Yes!" Master Tian turned around and disappeared.

The owner of the house lost his mind and sat down on the chair. "What kind of cruelty do I make? How can I find this devil to be my son's master?"


in the city Lord's mansion, Xie Daotian is waiting in a hurry, and a guard suddenly runs, "city Lord, it's not good!"

Thank God for his impatience. "Say it!"

"Master Tian ran away!"

Thank you for your big eyes

"Me." The guard was embarrassed, but thanks for the hurry, "go, send someone to look for me!"


The guard hurriedly left, but Xie Daotian did not expect that Xie Daotian would choose to escape.

Zhang Lingling said unexpectedly, "I didn't expect this guy to escape."

Master Zhang knows that such a person is difficult to trap, so he didn't say much, but looked to thank God.

Xie Daotian was afraid that Lin Tian would treat his son because of this. So he looked at the three Nangong Yan and even said to Bai Meiying, "well, I'll go find that guy myself and give you an account."

The white browed Eagle shook his head. "Wait for you to talk to the adults."

"My lord?"

"Yes, the one in it." The white eyebrow Eagle old said, but Xie Daotian in the heart is dark frightened, "this guy unexpectedly calls that kid adult?"

Not only Xie Daotian, but also Lord Zhang and Zhang Lingling have some accidents. After all, they always thought that the white browed eagle was invited by Lin Tian or the people behind Lin Tian.

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