The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 531 the appearance of the king of the orcs

Lin Tian looked at the ghost forest and said, "there is a relatively strong ghost gas here, and ghost gas is what Tian Guiguo needs. Just add those ghost gas to it."

Ouyang ling'er is stunned. Lin Tian arranges the array, but needs materials.

So Lin Tian's Yuan Ying blinked and took the magic bag of heaven and earth.

The Ouyang ling'er who saw that Lin Tian could take things from Yang boundary at will took a breath, "here you are."

"The magic weapon can also penetrate the Yin and Yang, but it needs strong control!"

Ouyang ling'er is shocked. Obviously, he doesn't know much about it. Lin Tian has already started to set up the array.


at the moment, Cheng Gang, who escaped from the ghost forest, turned into a human figure again and walked on the path gloomily, "Damn it, how can it be so unlucky!"

At this time, Lin Shan appeared not far away. She saw Cheng Gang and said, "Cheng Xuechang."

"Isn't this Lin Shan's sister?" As soon as Cheng Gang Saw Lin Shan, he immediately smiled.

Lin Shan asked, "Cheng Xuechang, I have a little trouble. I need you to help me solve it."

"Oh? What trouble? " Cheng Gang asked curiously, and Lin Shan explained, "there is an enemy who has also come to the Yin world, and his cultivation is lower than that of the combination, but I am very hard to deal with it. If you can help me, I will be fine."

When Cheng Gang heard this, his heart began to murmur, "I've been hurt by Yuan Shen's burning. You can find her to cheat something to mend it."

So Cheng Gang went back to the way of God, "Lin Shan, how about me? In recent practice, the yuan Shen was hurt. If you can find something for me to raise the soul, I will help you."

Hearing this, Lin Shan took out a ghost device, which was given by a conch one by one, even blackened.

Cheng Gang saw this and said, "is this the ghost snail you got?"

"Yes, this thing is specially for cultivating souls. If you get hurt because of cultivation, you can enter it. As long as you cultivate for a while, you will recover." That Lin Shan complacent way.

"Well, I'll go first. How about you! Take me to your enemy. If you find him, tell me. I will kill him. "

"Yes, thank you very much, elder martial brother!" Lin Shan is very happy, and Cheng Gang is not polite to enter the snail.

As for Lin Shan, she hurriedly went to look for Lin Yan, and Cheng Gang, who was in the ghost conch, sat there quietly and smiled, "I don't think I will be able to recover completely in a few days."


at the moment, in the forest of ghosts, Lin Tian's array has been arranged, and the surrounding ghost gas goes crazy to the fruit.

Only see the day ghost fruit a little mature, until the day ghost fruit thoroughly one by one black, that green pretty excited way, "mature?"

"Well, when it's ripe, take it off first." Lin Tian said.

Qingman takes them off one by one and then gets into a ghost space, while Ouyang linger wonders, "don't you, Mr. Lin?"

"Give it to him first." Lin Tian says lightly, Ouyang ling'er doesn't understand, "you're trying your best to come here, aren't you just looking for something to strengthen yourself?"

"Enhanced. They'll be delivered to the door later." When Lin Tian said this, countless powerful breath appeared everywhere.

Ouyang ling'er was shocked. "What's the matter?"

Lin Tian explained, "when the fruit appears, all the people in the forest are hiding. They are afraid that it will be absorbed by the fruit. But when the fruit matures, the attraction disappears. So these people want to come out and grab the fruit."

Hearing this, Ouyang ling'er suddenly trembled. "No, we don't have hot things."

Wolf laughed and knew that the problem was a little big. Sure enough, for a while, there were huge monsters around the valley.

There are some big bats, some big ghost tigers, some lion kings and some leopard kings.

It can be said that the king of the ghost herd appeared here one by one.

Ouyang ling'er, seeing these monsters, can't help shivering.

The wolf laughed, not to mention that he was too scared to say a word, and the tiger king looked at other monsters. "I'm the king of all monsters. I should have one of them."

Other monsters also said they should have one.

But bat king said, "everyone, the problem of fruit distribution will be solved after killing them."

All the animals thought it was reasonable, so the tiger king looked at the bat king, "this little man, it doesn't take much to destroy."

"Tiger king, don't look down on this kid. He's not easy." Bat king has listened to his subordinates' report, so he is very wary of Lin Tian.

But the tiger king didn't believe it, and he stared at Lin Tiandao? What's not simple about a human being in the yuan infantile realm? "

"He's just turned away a bunch of ghost school geniuses." Bat King explains one by one, all animals feel inconceivable, then discuss one after another.

But the king of tiger said proudly, "ghost school, as long as it's not those old guys, others are not very powerful?"

"But he's the first child. Even if those guys are not fierce, they are at least the existence of an integrated environment."

Other monsters agreed with the bat king, but the tiger king said, "I'll show you how weak he is!"

Other ghost animals watched the play, and the bat king wanted to see Lin Tian's ability with his own eyes, so he didn't stop it, but looked at the tiger king there.

The King Tiger stood there, staring at Lin Tian like a small hill, and then he opened his mouth and flew out with a flame.

Those ghost beasts thought that Lin Tian would be easily shaken to fly, and that Ouyang ling'er and wolf laughed and watched the strong flame fly, their eyes could not open.

Qingman quickly uses the green mountain earth soul formula. A small mountain covers him. Then he stands in front of Lin Tianshen and directly blocks the flame.

Ouyang ling'er and wolf laugh and open their eyes, then they know what's going on, and those ghost beasts are shocked by Qingman's ability.

"What kind of soul method does this guy use?" There are ghosts and beasts in doubt, and the bat king said in a strange way, "it's the green mountain earth soul formula."

The monsters seemed to know this magic very well. They all looked surprised. The tiger king said angrily, "Damn it, it's this thing again."

Qingman stared at these monsters and said, "I won't let you hurt my benefactor."

The tiger king knew that this green was hard to deal with, so he glared at him and said, "little guy, I advise you to get out of the way, or we can still break your soul method when we work together."

"I won't go." Qingman insisted, and the tiger king had to look at other ghost animals, "let's work together to break the soul method."

Those ghost beasts know that this is the only way at present. Otherwise, it's hard to break through the green mountain and the earth. So these ghost beasts concentrate their strength one by one.

I saw that the breath was very strong, and Ouyang ling'er and wolf could feel the horror of those breath after laughing.

Lin Tian, however, looks at Qingman and says, "step back. I'll play with them!"

"But." Qingman knows these guys are terrible, so he worries about looking at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian leaped into the air and looked down at the monsters. "Don't you want to deal with me?"

Seeing Lin Tian dare to fly out, those ghost beasts just hit Lin Tian one by one, especially the tiger king hummed, "look for death!"

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