The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 538, if you want to smoke, you can smoke!

The devil commander lashed the whip hard, and then the end of the whip became longer and turned to Lin Tian.

Seeing that the whip was about to hit Lin Tian, the whip suddenly turned around and hit Cheng Gang heavily.

Cheng Gang suddenly made a pig like cry, "ah!"

People were confused and curious about what happened, but Lin Tian was very calm and said, "how about that? Is it fun? "

The commander was stunned. "What's the matter?"

Chenggang was totally taken out of his soul at the moment, and he was very sad to see that he was wronged and said, "commander, why do you want to hit me?"

The commander wanted to explain, but he still wanted to try, so he whipped Lin Tian, and then the people saw that the whip flew to Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang was pale again, and he was still jumping back and forth in place. "No, I'm going to die!"

At the moment, Chenggang's soul is very weak, as if it is going to be destroyed at any time. The onlookers wonder what happened.

Ouyang ling'er looks at Lin Tian and asks, "are you doing this, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Tian didn't answer, and the demon commander stared at Lin Tian angrily, "boy, are you kidding?"

Then they saw a scene of shock. When Lin Tian waved, the ghost whip on the commander's hand came to Lin Tian.

"Here." The commander stared, and Lin Tian said with a whip in his hand, "although the holy level is not high, it's OK to smoke the weak one!"

Finish saying, Lin Tian a jilt, this time vigorously hit that Cheng Gang body, Cheng Gang immediately painful lie on the ground beg for mercy, "don't, don't kill me."

Ouyang ling'er said, "aren't you cheeky?"

Cheng Gang wanted to cry but didn't dare to say anything. He could only stare at Lin Tian and hurriedly said, "please."

But the commander of the devil said, "boy, give me back my whip."

"It seems that you want to try." As soon as Lin Tian shakes the whip, it grows, and then shakes it to the demon commander.

The commander of the devil was ready for that. He stretched out his hand with red gloves, grabbed one end of the whip, and hummed, "I have a magic weapon of restraint."

"The magic weapon of restraint? Is this the only one? " Lin Tian seemed to laugh, but everyone had a sense of foreboding.

As expected, at the next moment, the commander's glove flew to Lin Tian's hand, and the commander was scared, "boy, you!"

"Without this, can you still resist your own whip?" Lin Tian asked with a whip in his hand.

The commander was so angry that he clenched his teeth. Then he turned into a black shadow, which was very fast. He reached Lin Tian at once and shouted, "go to die!"

People thought that the devil commander was so fast that he could kill Lin Tian with one stroke, but what they didn't expect was that the devil commander fought down with one stroke, and Lin Tian's Yuanying had no effect.

Not only that, Lin Tian smiled, "if you are so close to me and don't smoke you, aren't you sorry about the whip?"

The commander was shocked, but it was too late. Lin Tian hit the commander with a whip in his hand.

The commander immediately screamed, then quickly flew out, and then saw a burning red mark on his body.

This is so angry that the devil leads the way, "boy, wait, I will not let you go!"

After that, commander Mo was scared to leave, and Han Hao was stunned, and the onlookers were also stupid.

Lin Tian took the whip. "Is there anyone else to stop him?"

Han Hao was so scared that he flew away, and the people on the scene were stunned. Some people still couldn't find the channel, "he even scared the guard away?"

"More than that, it scared the commander away."

Lin Tian stares at Cheng Gang, and Cheng Gang wants to burn yuan Shen again. But Lin Tian throws out his whip and pesters him with a smile and says, "it can't burn now."

Cheng Gang was terrified. "Please, don't kill me!"

Seeing Chenggang's recognition and advice again, the onlookers pointed out, "I didn't expect this genius to be so rubbish."

"It seems that ghost school is just like that."

These words make ghost college people look ugly, but they dare not resist and can only stare at it.

Lin Tian is merciless. He throws it hard. Cheng Gang runs into the air in full view of the public. Then Lin Tian controls the whip.

The whip crackled, dozens of times in a row, and the last one fell to the ground, and was covered with burning red marks.

Seeing this, Ouyang ling'er couldn't help but tut said, "it's miserable."

The wolf smiled and sighed, "it's too miserable."

The onlookers didn't have to say that one regarded Lin Tian as a "devil".

Lin Tian looked at Cheng Gang and around him. "Isn't there anyone in your college willing to come out and save him?"

"Help?" Those present thought that no one could take Lin Tian, so they looked at each other one by one, and then continued to take him silently in the crowd.

Cheng Gang was dying. "Help, help!"

Lin Tian put up his whip and walked to Cheng Gang step by step. Everyone wondered what Lin Tian was going to do.

At this time, Lin Tian stared at Cheng Gang and asked with a smile, "do you want to live or die?"

"Live, live!" Cheng Gang desperately asks for the way, and Lin Tian says, "well, as long as the ghost academy takes out the ghost holy pill, I'll let you go."

"What? "Ghost Saint Dan?" Cheng Gang's eyes widened, and everyone in the nearby college was shocked.

Lin Tian got up and looked around at the people of the college and said, "today, I just want ghost Saint Dan. If you don't give it to me, I will tear down your college today."

At the moment, Lin Tian was surprised to say such a thing. Ouyang ling'er was shocked. "The college that is called the best ghost training college, is scared by him?"

At this moment, not only Ouyang linger, but also countless people in the field who are free to mend, are all suppressed by Lin Tian's means.

Cheng Gang was frightened. "That ghost Saint Dan, only the Dean has the right to see. I, we really don't have it."

"Oh? What about your Dean? " Lin Tian stared at Cheng Gang, who stammered, "the holy land behind the college."

Lin Tian didn't know where the holy land was, but he rolled it up with a whip and said, "lead the way!"

"Yes." Cheng Gang drags his heavy body and nods, then gets up and walks with difficulty, while those scattered practices talk about it.

"Don't you really want to go to the holy land

"Don't he know that the holy land of Ghost Academy is a forbidden area for outsiders?"

"No, as long as it is an outsider who comes there, there is no doubt that he will die!"

"It seems that he really doesn't know anything."

Hearing this, Ouyang ling'er interrogates Cheng Gang, who is seriously injured, "do you want to pit Lin, young master?"

Cheng Gang said hurriedly, "I really don't have one."

At the moment, Chenggang dare not lie at all, and he is pitifully staring at Ouyang ling'er.

Ouyang ling'er is worried to look at Lin Tian. "Mr. Lin, this place sounds terrible!"

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