The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 561 the ancient soul, the ghost, the fairy and the fruit

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "I, I have been practicing again."

"Repair? Have you been abandoned? " The sleeping mother-in-law asked in surprise, and Lin Tian shook his head. "No, I gave up myself."

"What? Self abandoned? Why? "


The sleeping mother-in-law took a breath, "I've seen the bottleneck for the first time, and I've made myself useless."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "don't just talk about me, but about you. Why do you want to build a ghost tower, and make others sleep and send them out?"

"Here." Sleeping mother-in-law obviously has a hard word to hide, and Lin Tian says with a smile, "how?"

"It's about nine ghosts. I can't get in. Please forgive me." The sleeping mother-in-law said helplessly.

Lin Tian also knew the nature of sleeping mother-in-law and said, "I will not force you to do that."

The sleeping mother-in-law said, "I won't tell you, but you can go in and out freely, and you can meet and talk with me, which shows that you can get the approval of the Ghost Tower."


"Yes, people who get the approval of the Ghost Tower can get one of the three ghost skills, or ghost tools, or even pills." Sleeping mother-in-law stared at Lin Tiandao.

Lin Tian can't laugh or cry, "you know my character."

The sleeping mother-in-law was stunned and said with a smile, "are you going to take it all?"

"What do you say?" Lin Tian is not smiling, but her sleeping mother-in-law laughs after she is stunned. "People are afraid of me. They call me ghost mother-in-law. If you see me, you will rob me directly."

"I didn't rob. You said you could get in and out of here and get the tower's approval." Lin Tian said with a smile.

Sleeping mother-in-law helpless smile, "go, take you to see."

After a while, a ladder appeared, and Lin Tian went up the ladder, and came to a layer of space. In this space, Lin Tian saw many sleeping souls.

"These people?" Looking at these guys, Lin Tian asked curiously, and the sleeping mother-in-law said, "some spirits, nine ghosts all need, so let them sleep here, and the ones that don't need are sent out of the tower."

Lin Tian didn't expect these lost souls to be dead, but they were sleeping. But Lin Tian didn't understand, "nine ghosts need to live. You can catch them at will. Why bother? Get a tower out! "

The sleeping mother-in-law saw Lin Tian and said with a smile after testing, "boy, don't pry, I won't tell you!"

Lin Tian didn't expect the other side to see through and smile, "that line, don't say this."

"Let's go." Finish saying, sleeping mother-in-law bypasses these sleeping people and goes to the front path. Lin Tian stares at these souls and wants to see what characteristics they have. He is even stared at by nine ghosts.

When Lin Tian passed these people one by one, Lin Tian frowned, "ancient soul."

The sleeping mother-in-law stared at Lin Tian strangely, "can you see all this?"

Lin Tian replied, "the ancient soul has a special kind of soul, and it is the only one that can last forever without samsara. Therefore, the memory of this kind of person has many generations, also called multi world soul."

Sleeping mother-in-law nodded and said, "these ancient spirits have experienced several generations, and each of them has never been to nine ghosts. They all become dead spirits after death, and then the dead spirits slowly become living spirits in the Yin world."

"But the ancient soul can only gather the body in the Yin world and not in the Yang world. But this kind of ancient soul has existed since ancient times. Why do you want them to sleep?" Lin Tian is puzzled.

"Sleeping mother-in-law helpless way," this secret, I temporarily cannot tell you

Lin Tian looks at each other and is embarrassed to ask. Instead, he looks at each other and says, "I didn't expect that there were so many dead souls who became living ones."

"The Yin world has been accumulating all the year round, and there are many of them. They are no different from ordinary people outside. Only when they are sleeping can they find their differences. Therefore, there is the Ghost Tower and me." Sleeping mother-in-law has no choice but to smile bitterly.

Lin Tian finally knows what's going on, but he doesn't know why nine ghosts want to kill these ancient spirits.

This makes Lin Tian feel like something is going to happen, but her mother-in-law doesn't say it. It's no use asking Lin Tian, so she has to continue to follow her mother-in-law to a secret room.

In the secret room, the sleeping mother-in-law looked around at the things, "this is my family. Take it if you want."

Lin Tian takes a look. There are a lot of ghosts, holy elixirs, Holy Level ghost skills and Holy Level ghost weapons.

Although Lin Tian doesn't use it now, other disciples may be useful in the future, so Lin Tian raids this place.

But at last Lin Tian asked with a smile, "sleeping mother-in-law, you are here. Then I want to ask you something."


"Guixianguo, do you have any?" Lin Tian laughs at her sleeping mother-in-law, who stares at her, "the fairy fruit?"

"Yes! It can let the flesh body which has been eroded by ghost gas for many years recover its original magical fruit. " Lin Tian said with a smile.

The sleeping mother-in-law stared at Lin Tian strangely, "what do you want this fruit for? Is your body in the Yin world? "

Of course, Lin Tian's body is not there, but Lord Qingshan, his apprentice has been affected by the ghost for many years, which has made his body totally different in the Yin world. Only the ghost fairy fruit can make him completely recovered, so Lin Tian wants to ask sleeping mother-in-law.

So he said, "I didn't, but a friend did."

"Sleeping mother-in-law after listening to sigh," this kind of fruit is very rare, even if nine ghosts are priceless


"But don't worry. I'll help you find out. If you know where there is, I'll tell you." The sleeping mother-in-law promised.

Lin Tian smiled with satisfaction. "Thank you very much."

Sleeping mother-in-law whispered, "don't tell people what happened here today, or those ancient souls won't be cheated."

Lin Tian can't help but smile, "OK, I promise not to say."

Sleeping mother-in-law was satisfied, and Lin Tian thought of another thing and asked with a smile, "by the way, do you know that Yinsha palace?"

"Yinsha palace? This is the palace that nine ghosts all speak for in the world of Yin. But what do you want to do? "

"Yinsha palace is after me and has ordered me to kill." Lin Tian laughed, and the sleeping mother-in-law stared, "what?"

Lin Tian looked at her mother-in-law sleeping, "if you don't want to see me and nine ghosts break up, I advise you to go to the Yin killing palace and ask them to cancel the Yin killing order. Otherwise, I'm afraid that a careless person will solve all the people in the Yin killing palace. That's a big trouble."

Sleeping mother-in-law hears this words to show strange expression, "how do you offend Yin to kill a palace?"

Lin Tian explained the matter once, and the sleeping mother-in-law took a breath after hearing this, "it's really not a small matter to destroy a ghost vein and a bone seeker."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "anyway, I've already said that if you don't want them to have something to do, let them not look for me, otherwise."

The sleeping mother-in-law's face was heavy. "I'm afraid I can't interfere with this."

"Then you mean, I can pick them up as I like?"

The sleeping mother-in-law hesitated and said, "in this way, you can pick up the people who kill the palace at will, and the nine ghosts are there. I will find a way to prevent them from coming out for a while."

"If you help me like this, I'm not afraid that nine ghosts will trouble you." Lin Tian couldn't help laughing.

Sleeping mother-in-law said, "I have been away from nine ghosts for many years. I can do whatever I want. Besides, I have a task now. How dare they bother me?"

Lin Tian couldn't help crying and laughing. "That's OK, I'm going."

"Don't tell me about it, boy." The sleeping mother-in-law admonished again, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "OK!"

Then Lin Tian left, and after watching Lin Tian disappear, the sleeping mother-in-law's smile began to fade away, and then she murmured to herself, "recently, don't send ghost to kill the palace! Saved by this boy! "

At the thought of Lin Tian's terrible appearance ten thousand years ago, sleeping mother-in-law knew that Lin Tian was not a person who could offend casually, so she turned around and disappeared there.

Then the Ghost Tower disappeared, and Lin Tiansan appeared in front of the crowd.

Ouyang ling'er and wolf laugh don't know what happened. They just feel like sleeping. When people around see them coming out, they immediately talk about it one by one, "look, they are not dead."

Some people are more excited way, "then I catch him to Yin kill palace to receive reward."

"He's mine!" The rude man came out again.

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