The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

580 woodcutter, strange Valley

Seeing the cover of the extradite, Lin Tian said coldly, "do you think a cover can protect you from my attack?"

"Boy, don't just come if you have the ability!" The extradition person still doesn't pay attention to Lin Tian, and Lin Tian makes a leap and directly falls in front of the ark.

Seeing Lin Tianfei's extradition person is even more disdainful, "little Yuanying, in front of my extradition person, is an ant!"

"Ants?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, went straight through the cover, landed on the ark, and met the extradition man face to face.

Extradite people to be surprised, then a palm condenses a water blue flame, and pushes quickly to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian doesn't hide or dodge, but directly lets that palm hit his own yuan baby, while the powerful yuan baby mask makes the extradition person stare, "how can it be?"

"This is the ant in your eyes!" Lin Tian laughs, and then lashes at each other.

Even if the whip is fake, Lin Tian's going on like this, the extradite will hurt, and he shouted, "asshole!"

Then the extradition man and the ark suddenly turned into a shadow, and gradually disappeared into the distant sea area. But before leaving completely, the extradition man's airway, "sooner or later, I will catch you in Ghost Island."

Lin Tian didn't go out, because the ghost sea is full of so many unknowns, especially when he was in Yuanying, he didn't dare to rush into it. He could only float by the sea and stare at the disappearing figure. "If you dare to come, I will dare to die!"

After hearing this, the extradite hummed, but he was unwilling to disappear into Lin Tian's sight.

Lin Tian then looked around and sighed, "it's a trouble to go back!"

I saw Lin Tian looking for the whirlpool that just came out, but the whirlpool was long gone, forcing Lin Tian to go to the neighborhood to find out how to get to the Yinsha palace.

But after walking for a long time, Lin Tian didn't see a figure. It was like coming to a deserted place.

"Force me back to the Yang kingdom?"

Lin Tian knows that it's very simple to return to the Yang realm. As long as he chants a mantra, he can go back. However, once the Yin and Yang realms enter and exit, they consume a lot of power. Moreover, there is a strange law between them, that is, they can't enter within a year after they enter and leave.

This is also the reason why those ghost practitioners didn't leave immediately after they came in, unless they met with the catastrophe of life and death.

So if Lin Tian leaves at this time, he can wait for a year to come back, which is not what Lin Tian wants.

But then Lin Tian saw a woodcutter in the distance.

It's a bit strange to meet a woodcutter in the Yin world, but at least he's a living man. Lin Tian rushes forward.

When Lin Tian was near, the woodcutter also found Lin Tian, and then he looked at Lin Tian curiously, "young man, how do you come to such a place?"

Lin Tian looked at each other and found that the axe and the "wood" on his back were not ordinary things. Then he asked, "are you from the nine ghosts capital?"

The woodcutter smiled and said, "I'm just a sinner."


"Well, let's not talk about me, let's talk about you. How can you come to such a place alone?"

When Lin Tian saw that his voice was not the same as that of the nine ghosts, he explained everything one by one.

After hearing this, the woodcutter looked at Lin Tian in surprise. "You said you were brought here by the ghost crow? And then you beat the extradition man away? "


The woodcutter took a breath. Although Lin Tian didn't know what the other side was coming from, he was sure that the woodcutter was not simple, so he asked curiously, "can you tell me how to leave here and go to the Yinsha palace?"

"To go to the Yin killing palace, it's easy to say, but hard to say." The woodcutter made a strange remark.

Lin Tian looked at the woodcutter curiously. "What do you mean?"

"There is a strange Valley nearby, and this strange Valley has an ancient transmission array, which can lead to all parts of the Yin world. But there is a terrible ghost beast. If you can subdue it and let it help you start the transmission array, you can go to the Yin killing palace."

Lin Tian hears that there is a teleportation array. The whole person comes to the spirit and says, "please let me know."

The woodcutter stared at Lin Tian for a long time and said, "that ghost beast eats people without blinking, and there are a group of strange people. If you want to go, you should not only persuade those people, but also face the ghost beast."

"You don't worry about it. Just take me there." Lin Tian said sincerely, and the woodcutter said, "come with me."

Seeing that the woodcutter was leading the way, and Lin Tian followed him, stared at his steps, and his breath was very strange, he murmured to himself, "what kind of sinner is this woodcutter? Why dress up like this. "

The woodcutter did not know what Lin Tian thought, but half an hour after leading the way ahead, he came to a valley.

The valley is very "lively". At a glance, there are many people and many buildings.

Among these buildings, there are teahouses, pubs, various shops, etc. and those people, one by one, are wearing weird clothes.

There are also ghost charms on these clothes.

Ghost talisman is similar to spirit talisman, just a symbol used in Yang world and Yin world.

Lin Tian takes a look at these talismans and finds that most of them are shackles, as if some powerful guys are compressed to be like general Sanxian.

At the moment, these people just stare at Lin Tian, and a drunkard, with a black gourd in his hand, smiles and says, "what do you mean, old woodcutter? Bring outsiders here? "

The woodcutter was obviously popular here. When the drunkard asked him something, he smiled, "this young man wants to use the teleportation array, so I'll show him."

"Transmission array? Just him? I said old woodcutter, don't you know our strange Valley rules? " The drunkard stroked the mustache and asked strangely with his big stomach.

The woodcutter hesitated and said, "he said he has no problem."

But the drunkard laughed, and the people around watching the "bustle" laughed one by one, and Lin Tian wondered what they were laughing at.

Until many people said, "young people, we strange Valley, non powerful people, are not qualified to enter here, let alone to break into the transmission array."

"Powerful?" Lin Tian didn't know what it had to do with mightiness, but the woodcutter looked at Lin Tian and said, "here, only mightiness can be respected, if not mightiness, only can be driven out."

"Then how can I prove that I am strong?" Lin Tian thought this strange valley was too weird, and the drunkard laughed, "it's very simple, there is a pillar, and there is a suit of clothes on this pillar, only to wear that clothes, but not die, that proves you are strong."

Lin Tian looked at the place pointed by the other side. There was a huge stone pillar, and the stone pillar was black. There was a faint fire light on it, and a suit of clothes did float on it.

This dress is the same as those on these people. There are ghost Charms around it.

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