Jiang Yao said with a smile in full view of the public, "this young man is my royal doctor. I don't know where he offended your young lady, or do you think you don't want me to be ok?"

As soon as this words came out, the scene exclaimed. Some people murmured, "is this kid the doctor in the hospital today?"

The people present didn't see it with their own eyes, so they didn't know. But they all know that there is a miracle doctor in the medical school today, and the cultivation only changes the divine realm, which is basically consistent with the present Lin Tian.

In addition to Jiang Yao's words, we have more doubts that Lin Tian is the doctor.

Seeing Jiang Yao's saying that, how dare she rob Lin Tian, heixueyu can only say in embarrassment, "second miss, you misunderstood, our Miss, just wanted to invite him."

"Please? How did I feel like you were going to do it? " Jiang Yao said with a smile.

"I was just joking with him," she said awkwardly

"Oh? Is that right? "

"Yes, please don't worry about it." That black snow jade respectfully way, in the heart goes depressed to the extreme.

"That's good. I hope you don't embarrass him, or my illness will be over." Jiang Yao said with a smile.

"No, don't worry." "You go back and tell your young lady that this young man is my royal doctor. If anything happens to him, I will go to Yunzhou mansion."

When they heard this, they obviously knew that Jiang Yao wanted to warn Jiang Zhiruo, and heixueyu was not stupid. They immediately said, "I will tell her."

With that, heixueyu left in a gray way, but before she went inside, she saw Xialin Tian in particular, and finally disappeared.

Jiang Yao in the sedan chair laughed at Lin Tian, who was not far away. "Mr. Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. Can you go to the mansion?"

Lin Tian saw that there was nothing to do, and then accompanied by Xie Daotian, he went to Jiang Yao's mansion with the owner of the sedan chair.

However, after the news spread in the city, people wondered whether Lin Tian really cared about Jiang Yao's disease.

However, in Jiang Zhiruo's mansion, a woman, sitting there, like a queen, enjoys some people massaging her and swinging fans.

In front of her stood He Feng, who was sweating.

This woman is Jiang Zhiruo. She stared at Hefeng and said, "I said to you, you are the Lord of the city, or I helped you fight for it. I gave you the money these years. What's the matter? Now ungrateful? "

"Three, three miss, I, I am not ungrateful!" Hefeng explains in a hurry, but he is extremely depressed.

"Oh? Then why did you run to the capital of Yunzhou to say hello and let Xie Daotian go? " Jiang Zhiruo looks at Hefeng coldly.

"I, as I just said, I went to the doctor's office because I was in a bad mood and almost died. As a result, the people in shuimen cured me that day, and I couldn't put it on anymore. Besides, Dr. Xue was standing there, so I had to go to Yunzhou government to get rid of the accusation against Xie Daotian." He Feng explained uneasily.

Jiang Zhiruo said with half confidence, "doctor Xue? How can he scare you when he is not injured and is said to die at any time? "

"He, he's ready!" That and peak tight Zhang Dao, ginger Zhi if not channel, "he good?"

"Yes." He Feng nodded, and Jiang Zhiruo said coldly, "I've sent someone to invite someone from Watergate that day. When he comes, I'll interrogate him well. If you say there's a big way out with him, I'll make you live like death."

And Feng Leng next, "you go to invite that doctor?"

"What kind of doctor? It's just the arrogance of a declining school! " Jiang Zhiruo doesn't take Lin Tian seriously at all, but she just wants to teach Lin Tian a lesson and let him know the consequences of offending Zhuo's family.

But he Feng hesitated, "but doctor Xue and his disciples said that his skills were better than theirs."

"Doctor Xue and his disciples had a bad relationship with me. Naturally, they were just talking nonsense. Do you think what they said is true?" Jiang Zhiruo sneers and thinks he Feng is naive, so easy to be cheated.

He Feng didn't know how to explain it. He could only say, "three young ladies are wise!"

Jiang Zhiruo sneers, "wise? Didn't you sabotage my plan? I have to find a way to clean up that thank God. "

He Feng hesitated and said, "miss three, your goal is that miracle doctor. He has come to the city. Why do you want to thank God for that?"

"Do you forget who Xie Daotian is?" That ginger Zhi if stared, and Feng immediately embarrassed way, "I forget he is two young lady's royal doctor."

"Even if you know that, you should understand that I deal with Xie Daotian. Except for the Watergate that day, it's mainly because he's hard and doesn't go back to me."

He Feng didn't dare to say a word after listening. He could only stand in silence, and then heixueyu came back.

See black snow jade empty hand but return, that ginger Zhi if eyebrow is tight lock, "how? Didn't you bring it back? "

He Feng is also curious to see heixueyu. After all, heixueyu's means are very cruel. As long as Jiang Zhiruo orders, she will finish it.

But now heixueyu came back alone. Not only did he have an accident with Feng, but also other people who served Jiang Zhiruo were curious to see heixueyu.

"Black snow jade looks ugly way," three miss, you descend a crime me! "

"Convict you? what do you mean? Can it be a small divine realm, or can you bring it? " Jiang Zhiru is not happy.

"He's nothing, but the second lady appears." The black snow jade said gloomily.

Jiang Zhiruo stared, "what? She appeared? How can it be! "

Heixueyu also thought it was impossible, but she explained, "the second lady said that the kid is her royal doctor. If something happened to him, she would go to Yunzhou mansion, or even the original meaning, to blame you for eradicating all the Royal doctors around her."

Jiang Zhiruo's face changed greatly. Although she knew that she had great rights, it would be a big sin to let everyone know that she didn't want Jiang Yao to get better.

He Feng looked at Jiang Zhiruo's face, and said quickly, "miss three, before Xie Daotian was imprisoned, people in the mansion suspected that no one in the second lady was seeing a doctor. Now if you want to solve the problem in silence, people in the mansion will not be happy."

Jiang Zhiruo stares at Hefeng. "Do I want you to teach me?"

He Feng didn't dare to say a word at once, and heixueyu also said, "miss three, it's right to say something to the city Lord. In the past, thanks to the city Lord has made others doubt you. Now if you are fighting that kid, I'm afraid that Yunzhou government will think you want to eradicate the people around miss two."

"Go, call longfan!" said Jiang Zhiruo

Heixueyu knew that longfan was a ghost cultivator, and the fire in Jiang Yao's body was controlled by him, so she hurriedly went to find the man.

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