The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 614 perception of pain

However, heixueyu was holding back her anger, especially seeing Lin Tian's smiling face, she said to herself steadily, "be sure to hold back!"

Lin Tian didn't speak when he saw heixueyu, so he smiled at the little flower and said, "don't worry, sister, she is very kind."

"Really? That's great! " Xiaohua is very happy, and the villagers are also very happy. They welcome Lin Tian and his wife back to the village.

Then it spread quickly in the village, and the villagers who were prejudiced about Lin Tian and his wife took a bunch of special products to the village head's house and gave them to heixueyu.

Black Snow jade was surrounded by people, and Lin Tian was in his house, looking at the wound and dressing the old village head and said with a smile, "are these herbs useful?"

"It's a good healer, especially the demon wound." The old village head smiled and said that although Lin Tian could not rely on these drugs, he still left the old village head to apply the medicine.

Until the black snow jade came, and said to the old village head, "village head, this is for me."

"You?" The old village head was stunned. Heixueyu said with a smile, "he is my childe. I will serve him, of course."

The old village head suddenly realized with a smile and said, "well, come on."

Heixueyu took the old village head's medicine jar and said with a smile, "go down and let the villagers go, or it will be too noisy."

"Yes." The old village head went out clearly, and heixueyu closed the door, then turned his face to stare at Lin Tian, "you will enjoy it very much."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "come on, hurry to apply medicine to me, or I will die!"

"Dream!" The black snow jade put the medicine jar on one side of the table and stared at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "I'll do it myself."

Heixueyu took the medicine pot to his hand again and threatened, "I won't give it to you."

"If you don't give it to me, I'll get it from the village head later." Lin Tiansi didn't worry about it, but this black snow jade was not taken.

Lin Tian had to lie down and laugh and say, "I'll take care of the injury first!"

Heixueyu looks at Lin Tian dead, and doesn't give Lin Tian any chance to escape or pit himself.

Just like this, one person lies and one person stares.


but at the moment, only Jindan's horse path is left in a state of rage and desperation, "this revenge, I must repay!"

Then a leap on the horse road, first to a nearby village.

There is a formation here, and all of them are bandits.

Although these bandits have nothing to do with the eighteen thieves, people here regard the eighteen thieves as imitators and treat them as "gods" on the spot.

Therefore, the Taoist priest came here a long time ago to muddle through, but the people here are highly cultivated, intelligent and not easy to cheat.

So Taoist priest Ma left half a month ago. When he reappeared this time, the bandits exchanged greetings and asked, "Taoist Ma, why do you have only golden elixir?"

"On the horse road, what happened to you?"

"I want to see your stronghold leader!" said the Taoist priest

"The stronghold leader is in the hall." Someone pointed to a hall in the distance, and the chief Racer flew to the hall.

In this hall, there are many experts patrolling in the dark. At the same time, there is a middle-aged man wearing tiger skin and covering one eye, reading books there.

When the Taoist priest appeared, the man immediately doubted and stared at the Taoist priest, "Taoist priest, why are you so embarrassed?"

"Brother Ren, you must help me!" The horse road is long and urgent.

Ren Jiuyan, the stronghold leader of this bandit stronghold, is also a famous bandit nearby. His accomplishments have also crossed the border of robbery.

Taoist Ma wants him to take his brothers to deal with the black snow jade.

But Ren Jiuyan did not know what happened, but asked curiously, "what's the matter?"

Taoist Ma said all the things one by one, and finally returned to the airway, "that, that servant girl is so cheap that she even cheated on me!"

"A man in a plundered land? And go to the village for dinner? I said, Taoist priest Ma, are you kidding? " Ren Jiuyan frowned, but laughed at him. "If it were not for your master being the eighteen thieves, I would have blown you out as a fool."

Taoist Ma didn't know what Ren Jiuyan thought, but said gloomily, "I don't know what this woman is doing."

Ren Jiuyan doesn't want to waste time. After all, he still has something important to do, but he can't refuse it face to face. So he said with a smile, "well, how about I arrange my second brother and some people to follow you?"

"Your second brother? No, he's not the woman's match. " The chief immediately refused.

Ren Jiuyan naturally doesn't believe that there is such a powerful woman, and the reason why he let his second brother go is just to let him see the truth, so Ren Jiuyan said with a smile, "don't worry, my second brother is very powerful, and the people he brought, as well as the array master and the alchemist, they put their hands on and trapped a man who crossed the border of robbery, it's not a problem."

"Is it really OK?" said the Taoist priest


The Taoist priest had to thank him first and said, "well, you can let him go with me, and you'd better bring more people!"

Ren Jiuyan promised on the surface, but naturally he was perfunctory, so he asked a young man with a long gun to go to the village with some bandits.

"It's really a long riding track." Ren Jiuyan sighed helplessly when he saw people leaving, and then continued to read his book, but he murmured, "immortal mansion star rain, are those days ancient alliance, and people from all major doors really going to investigate those suddenly appeared immortal mansion?"

However, Taoist priest Ma didn't know that Ren Jiuyan was doing his own business, and now he smiled at the young people who distributed the hair and said, "Ren Erye, you must move quickly later, do you know?"

This young man, Ren Cang, is the second younger brother of Ren Jiuyan. His cultivation is perfect. He has a violent aura of fire. At the same time, the long gun he holds is very not simple. So he said crazily, "master Ma, my long gun started to be the best treasure, and these two, an array mage, an alchemist, the array they made, and the pills they used, match my ability It's not a problem to trap a girl in a robbery situation! "

When Taoist Ma saw Ren Cang's self-confidence, he was relieved. Then he swore to take the "army" to approach the mountain village.

The villagers of this mountain village are still calm and happy. They don't know the danger is coming.

Instead, Lin Tian lies there, watching the second petal fall off.

"And why this time?" Lin Tian looked at the petals curiously and muttered to himself.

When the petals fell off, Lin Tian felt a strange air flow in his body, which made his wound heal quickly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian doubted, "is it because I was hurt?"

Then Lin Tian felt the stabbing pain coming from the wound healing, and Lin Tian, who hadn't felt the stabbing pain for a long time, muttered to himself, "I didn't expect a small wound to hurt so much!"

At this time, the villagers downstairs said, "no! Here comes the bandit! "

"Many terrible bandits!"

"They kill everywhere!" Some of the surviving villagers swarmed into the old village head's house frantically, with all kinds of noises in their mouths.

Black Snow jade eyebrows a wrinkle, then looks out of the window, and opens the divine sense, as for Lin Tian also opens the divine sense, after seeing the situation at the village entrance, his face looks ugly, "these guys, unexpectedly kill so many people."

However, heixueyu suddenly stared at Lin Tian and laughed, "this time, the leader is a perfect combination. At that time, your expert must come out, or the village will be slaughtered because of you!"

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