The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 624 what is charm

Seeing Lin Tian's tone, heixueyu is even more competitive. "Your charm? What can I have? "

Lin Tian knew that the black snow jade was clearly ready to compete with himself, so he said with a smile, "let's go and see what these flower heads are like."

Heixueyu wants to see Lin Tian lose face. She continues to follow Lin Tian until Lin Tian comes to a yard.

At this moment, the yard is the paradise of Huakui people, what they want, but not everyone is happy.

Some people are sitting in the corner complaining, some are cheering, some are thinking about who will be taken care of by grandson tonight.

But Lin Tian and heixueyu appeared, which immediately attracted people's curiosity.

"How can there be outsiders?"

In everyone's eyes, this is Mr. Sun's private courtyard. What can come here is Mr. Sun himself or his servant.

But Lin Tian and heixue Yu are not servants at all, so everyone looks at them strangely.

When she saw that many people dressed up as amazing, heixueyu was a little envious. But when she thought that these people were trying to win the joy of the grandson, she was a little disgusted.

Lin Tian laughs at these Huakui, "you play with the you, don't look at me!"

People hissed and even looked down on her face, while heixueyu said with a relieved smile, "look, you are totally unattractive!"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's not money."

"Conventional!" Black Snow jade white one eye, but Lin genius doesn't care, even smile to see those women, "I have a million Lingshi, who wants it?"

As soon as this words came out, the women who had just despised became active one by one, and some of them even took the initiative to come forward, "this young man, are you a friend of grandson?"

Some people rushed forward and said, "it must be Mr. Sun's friend, otherwise it's impossible to come here!"

Someone took the lead, and suddenly countless women swarmed up, while heixueyu was squeezed out of the crowd.

This let heixueyu say, "some vulgar women are not attracted by your own charm!"

Lin Tian smiled but did not speak. Then he looked at the women and asked, "do you all come here voluntarily?"

"Of course! It's our honor to have the chance to come on Mr. Sun's birthday. " There is a woman's way.

There are also women joking, "yes, it would be more perfect if it could be seen by Mr. Sun."

"No, who is Mr. Sun? That is the young master of the city Lord's mansion! "

When Lin Tian heard these people's words, he smiled and said, "so, are you all voluntary?"

Everyone nodded, but in the corner of a pavilion, a woman cried, "what if it's not voluntary?"

People all looked at the past, just to see that the woman had cried red eyes, and the clothes on her face were all spent, just like a big cat.

But some kind-hearted women advised her, "are you going to die?"

"Shut up quickly, or you can't even leave the city Lord's house!"

"That's right, little girl. I'll be good here!"

Lin Tian walked over and smiled at the woman with a face of tears and asked, "which brothel are you from?"

"Ten li fragrance."

"By coincidence, that's where I came from." Lin Tian laughed, and those kind-hearted women thought Lin Tian was a bad guy.

So someone said to Lin Tian, "this young lady, she is still young, and she has just come to us for ten li to fragrance, so don't be angry with him."

"That's right, young man. If you are not happy, you can come to us to vent your anger. Don't report to Mr. Sun, or she will be abandoned."

Lin Tian smiled at these women. "What's your relationship with her? Why is she so protected? "

These women look at each other and dare not speak more. The onlookers are all from other brothels. Some people are still slandering, "this young man, these are said to have been rescued from a demon gate by the fragrance of ten li."

"Yes, they are. They come from far away waters."

"Look, there's a fishy smell on them!"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but heixueyu couldn't see any more. Especially she thought that these women were right because they were different. So she said, "fishy smell? Why didn't I smell it? "

Those women look at heixueyu and don't dare to say anything more. They are afraid of someone in Lin Tian.

But heixueyu said with a smile, "I see, your taste is heavy!"

These women began to be unhappy, but still worried about Lin Tianzi, so they dare not say a word.

Lin Tian, however, stared at the woman with the cat face for a long time and then asked, "are you really from the sea?"

"I was originally from a fishing village in the East Sea area. A few years ago, I met some people from the devil gate, took us away, and then I met another ten li fragrance man to save us and take us in."

But heixueyu objected, "what's to take you in? It's all about using you as a tool to make money! "

The crying woman shook her head. "No, you misunderstood me!"

Heixueyu didn't think he misunderstood anything, but Lin Tianxiao said, "what's your name?"

"My name is Xiaoqi."

Lin Tian understood and said with a smile, "so, you ten li fragrance people don't want to come here tonight?"

These ten li fragrance people dare not say, but this is called the small Qi woman nods, "I want to go back."

Lin Tian got up and smiled, "well, come with me."

Everyone thought Lin Tian was crazy, especially some other women in the brothel said, "this young man, this is grandson's birthday feast tonight, and every chief flower must be present and can't leave."

"That's right. If anyone leaves, the consequences will be serious."

Lin Tian didn't care. Instead, he said with a smile, "no one can stop me."

Those flower Kui Leng, do not know what to say, and Lin Tian looked at that little Qi, "go."

"I really can leave?" said little Qi


Xiaoqi got up and looked at the other sisters. "Sisters, can we really go?"

Those elder sisters are not so optimistic, and each looks ugly, but they dare not say more.

As for heixueyu, he was very impressed with Lin Tian. He murmured to himself, "he can help these women."

But then a voice came from the corridor, "who dares to destroy my birthday feast?"

Then a little fat young man appeared, followed by his own group of bodyguards.

No matter how ugly he is, other brothel women have surrounded him one by one.

"Mr. Sun, you are here at last!"

"Mr. Sun, we have been waiting for you all night!"

More people also smiled at the fat young man and said, "Mr. Sun, your charm is still so strong. I want to die!"

Seeing this scene, heixueyu was about to vomit, while Lin Tian smiled at heixueyu. "Look, the charm in your mouth is just like this, swarming up!"

Black Snow jade white one eye, "shut up!"

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