The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 640 special weather

Lin Tian looked at the little tree demon and said with a smile, "there is such a good spirit. Cultivate it in the way I gave you."

The little tree demon's grace sound, then sits down, then he turns into a little tree, and Lin Tian guides at the edge.

Seeing that Lin Nai was ok, the grandma said, "Damn it, I don't believe you can keep going."

Lin Tian ignored, but continued to help the little tree demon there.

But the black snow jade outside the country is in a hurry, because an hour is about to pass, and the cold thinking month exclaimed, "if you don't come out again, you will die."

"I'll go in and have a look," said heixue

Flower you Ji also says, "I also go in."

Liangsiyue looked at them and said, "this secret place can only be entered by one person at a time, so you can't enter now."

Heixueyu didn't believe it, but also rushed to the vortex, and it was rebounded at the next moment.

This let black snow jade depressed way, "is he really going to die in it?"

Liangsiyue said helplessly, "no exception!"

The black snow jade eyebrow wrinkles, stares at the whirlpool and says, "he won't die so easily."

Flower you Ji also does not believe, but that white Luo actually in that big joy chuckles, "deserved!"

In this way, people are waiting for the vortex to disappear completely, and the stone platform to be completely calm. At that moment, the cold thinking moon lost its way, "it's really a failure."

At the moment, not only Liang Siyue, but also the elders are depressed. Obviously, they also want Lin Tian to tell them how to cross the robberies. But who knows when Lin Tian enters, he will not come out.

But heixueyu asked, "when can I open this again?"

"A new day." "That liangsiyue said, and the black snow jade eyebrows lock way," then I wait here, tomorrow invite you to come

Liangsiyue can feel the mood of heixueyu, so she says helplessly, "flower Youji, you stay with her."

"Yes, Lord." Hua Youji takes the lead, and the liangsiyue immediately takes people to leave here.

Black Snow jade then asks that flower you Ji, "he, can you be ok?"

"I don't want him to do anything, but in the past, once closed, there is no possibility of survival." Hua Youji looks ugly.

But heixueyu shook his head and said, "no, this guy is so terrible, how could he die?"

Although Hua Youji is very sad, she is not as exaggerated as heixueyu, so she asked curiously, "this girl, what's your relationship with Mr. Lin?"

"Me? It doesn't matter. " Black Snow jade says casually, flower you Ji does not believe, "I see you care about his appearance very much, Murphy do you like him?"

The black snow jade stands the horse to stare big eyes, "like him? You're kidding! I want to catch him and kill him! "

As soon as heixueyu was excited, she said, "kill him? Aren't you glad that he died? "

"Black snow jade Leng under murmur way," right, I can go back to report to the young lady

But heixueyu didn't want to leave. She always wanted to see if Lin Tian could be seen tomorrow, so she picked up her mood and said, "I'll reconfirm tomorrow. If I die, I'll be very happy."

Hua Youji said with half confidence, "I don't think you are happy, but sad."

"Nonsense." Heixueyu stared, then sat down and closed her eyes, but she knew herself too well.

Especially at the moment when she knew that Lin Tian might die, heixueyu did feel that she didn't want Lin Tian to die for a moment. She wanted to go in and find him out.

This kind of feeling lets Black Snow jade depressed way, "I come to take his life, how can have idea to him?"

Lin Tian didn't know what happened outside, but he was still there to help the little tree demon.

The cultivation of the little tree demon has been soaring, and half a day later, his cultivation has reached five thousand years of demon cultivation.

This five thousand year demon cultivation is not a common demon. It's a demon with Green King spirit.

Therefore, the breath of the little tree demon frightens the flower demon in the dark, "monster!"

Lin Tian smiled at the little tree demon and said, "OK, the spirit here has no effect on you."

The little tree demon changed into an adult, and the little boy became a young man in his twenties. At the same time, he was very handsome, but he looked at Lin Tian and said respectfully, "thank you, adult."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "not bad!"

"Thanks to the help of adults, I have achieved this." He said with an excited smile, while Lin Tian laughed, "it seems that I don't know your name yet."

"Tree demon embarrassed way," my father likes to call me little demon

"Oh? No name? "

"Yes!" The little tree demon was very embarrassed, and Lin Tian hesitated and said, "you are so big, you should have a name."

The little tree demon asked, "please give me your name."

Lin Tian thought about it and said, "you are called mujue."

"Wood Jue?"

"Yes." Lin Tian gave a name at will, and the little tree demon cried excitedly, just like a child, "I have a name!"

Seeing mujue's reaction, Lin Tian reluctantly smiles, "let's go."

"Yes, my Lord."

Lin Tian walked out of the demon vein easily. However, after he walked out, the flower elves around him seemed to disappear.

Not only that, the exit is also missing, which makes Lin Tian wonder, "all gone?"

The grandmother's voice rang, "here, for you, every time you open an hour, and after an hour, you will see nothing, and will be swallowed by the strange forces around you."

Lin Tian laughed, "I'll see what power can eat me."

Finish saying, Lin Tian continues to move forward with Mu Jue, and then snow begins to fall around, and the temperature around drops sharply.

Even though mujue has five thousand years of cultivation, these snowflakes make him shiver all over. "Adult, what's the matter?"

Lin Tian said, "it's Fairy snow."

"Xianxue? What is it? " Wood Jue doubts, and Lin Tian explains, "fairy snow is a unique snowflake in the fairy world."

Wood is not very understanding, but Lin Tian doubts, "why this kind of snowflake will appear here!"

But grandma in the dark smiled and said, "boy, I didn't expect you to know what this is."

"How could they be here?"

"This is what makes this secret place unique!"


"Yes, as long as you human beings come in for an hour, they will certainly become like this, and then as long as the people who are still here will be frozen to death, and then the next time you open it, the people who are frozen to death will turn into countless gases and disappear without trace!" The grandma said proudly.

Lin Tian didn't expect this secret place to be so unique, but at this time, the little tree demon couldn't resist it and began to freeze all over.

Seeing this scene, grandma was very happy, "ha ha, you are finished!"

But Lin Tian didn't do anything. He said to grandma, "this kind of snowflake can't freeze me!"

The grandmother stopped laughing and asked strangely, "Why are you ok?"

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