The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 646 is stuck, you can'st get out!

Sun didn't expect Lin Tian to laugh after saying this, "boy, you just changed the divine realm, and I, at the beginning of the robbery, do you know the gap between you and me?"

"And then?" Lin Tian only answered three words, and the sun demon said with a smile, "I want to kill you. It's very simple, not to play hide and seek with you!"

"Then try!"

Lin Tian replied again, letting sun Rubik's side start to kill, and the devil was very strong. At first, the whole body was full of evil spirit, as if the devil had come.

Sun Tianye and sun Chengzhu were shocked, but mujue hurriedly came to Lin Tian's side, "my Lord, give it to me."

"It's OK. Come on, save my time." Lin Tian once said, mujue immediately released a powerful spirit.

Sun was shocked and said with a smile, "five thousand years of demon."

When hearing that Lin Tian was surrounded by a five thousand year old demon, sun Zhou was scared to be silly, let alone sun Chengzhu and others.

Mujue said coldly, "I am 5000 years old, but I am different from other demons."

"The five thousand year old demon, in my eyes, is just like a master of the combination environment. It's nothing special." This Sun Demon square disdains a way.

The spirit in the body of Ke mujue is green King level, not to mention that his accomplishments are similar to those of the master in the body environment, and even comparable to those in the later period of Dujie.

Therefore, mujue doesn't pay attention to this magic cube at all, and when mujue makes a move, countless vines twine around this magic cube.

Sun thought that he could easily break away, so he gave a big drink, but found himself trapped there, unable to break away at all, which changed his face greatly, "impossible, why can your five thousand year old demon trap me?"

"I said, I am different from other demons." Wood Jue proud way, sun Rubik's Square is not willing, but the result can only be trapped to death.

Old sun and others took a breath, but Lin Tian smiled at the magic cube. "You lost."

"Well, he trapped me, and you didn't beat me? What are you proud of! " Sun Demon's Square is furious, and his eyes are even red.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "whatever you say, you are in my hand now."

"If I want to, I can burn yuan Shen and rush out directly," Sun said

"If you like, you'll have to wait until you talk to me?" Lin Tian thinks the other side is afraid.

As expected, the Sun Demon Fang hesitated, and then said, "did I tell you, and you let me go?"

"Look at the mood."

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't agree, he didn't say anything. Instead, a force in his body was expanding, and then he roared. In an instant, his whole body expanded, breaking all the vines of mujue.

Not only that, sun quickly took out a huge square, and the square directly inhaled sun into it, and then the square floated into the air and rotated.

"Ha ha! Fortunately, I have such a space magic weapon! " That Sun Demon square complacent way in this square.

Lin Tian looks at this square. It's black all over, and there are still some magic Qi left on it.

"Boy, what are you looking at?" After seeing Lin Tian staring at his square, Sun Demon square shouted to Lin Tian outside.

"Are you sure you can't come out?" Lin Tian asked, and the evil sun Fang said shamelessly, "I'll stay in it. What can you do with me?"

Lin Tian did not speak, but wood Jue airway, "out!"

That sun Rubik's cube is not to come out, still say there, "call, you call to break throat also useless."

Mujue is in a hurry. He looks at Lin Tian. "What can I do now, my lord?"

"Don't worry, he will come out later." Lin Tian said confidently, but sun Wufang laughed, "boy, do you think I will be obedient? Who gives you confidence! "

"Really, you'd better prepare yourself!"

"Funny, this space magic weapon, except that I can control it, no one can control it, let alone let me out."

Lin Tian stares at the square with a smile, then stretches out his hand, and then everyone sees a scene of shock.

The square narrows a little bit in front of Lin Tian. At last, it narrows to the size of only one palm and lands on Lin Tian's hand.

"You, what did you do to my magic weapon!" said the evil sun Fang

"Now you are my magic weapon!"

"Impossible! It took me a long time to refine it. How could it be yours? " That magic cube doesn't believe it.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I can make it bigger, I can also make it smaller, and even you in it, life is not like death!"

"You!" That magic cube began to be a little afraid, and when Lin Tian continued to let it shrink, the magic cube in the space felt his body was squeezed, gradually suffering.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "the ratio of this magic weapon and space is 1:100, that is to say, the smaller my compression is, the smaller it will become, and even you will not be able to bear a body."

This scares sun Rubik's cube. He asks quickly, "let me out!"

"Think about it? Have you thought about it clearly? " Lin Tian asked, and the magic cube replied, "I see. I think about it all!"

"Tell me first, who did you give the stone to!"

Sun did not dare to hide, said directly, "Sanmo, one eyed devil, Wei liemo."

Lin Tian didn't know who the devil was, but Sun Cheng was shocked, "what? Weiliemo

"Yes, he is." That demon side should say, Lord sun doesn't believe, "this demon never makes friends with others, and he is independent and ruthless. How can you know him?"

"I was fighting for something with him, and then fighting, but I failed. He asked me to give him the stone to survive, so." Sun Wufang had to explain.

Sun Chengzhu took a breath, while sun Laoye looked at Lin Tiandao, "this one eyed devil is said to have an eye that can only pierce the soul."

Sun Chengzhu also said, "yes, as long as his other eye is open and the person he sees is not an idiot, his soul will be destroyed, which is very terrible."

Lin Tian didn't think so. He laughed at the crowd. "Where can I find him?"

Sun Chengzhu and others don't know, but Sun Rubik's cube tightens, "he likes gambling, so if you want to find him, you'd better go to some gambling houses, and it's better to gamble on wild stones."

Lord Sun immediately looked at Lin Tian and said, "I will send someone to look for him. If there is any news, I will tell you at the first time."

After Lin Tianen said, "let me treat you first."

"Here?" Old sun had some accidents, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's OK, it's all the same!"

Old sun had to look at Lin Tian excitedly. Lin Tian asked Mu Jue to protect him. As for Lin Tian, he began to treat him there.

But in the box of the sun Rubik's cube is depressed, still that beg, "let me out, I dare not!"

Lin Tian still ignored.

That devil's cube can only stare at Lin Tian's every move in silence until Lin Tian finishes looking at old sun, "I will go to the mansion for the last time tomorrow."

"Yes, thank you!" Mr. Sun was very happy. After seeing the cube, Lin Tian looked at the people of the sun's family again. "This man, I've taken it, don't you mind?"

Old sun hesitated and said, "can you not kill him?"

"What? Pity him? " Lin Tian asked, and old sun sighed, "he's my brother, too. It's only because the magic skill that our family cultivates is quite special."

"Show me your magic skill. What's going on?"

Old sun did not hide anything. He took out a hide roll. Lin Tian opened it and looked surprised when he saw the contents.

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