The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 680 this array, not bad!

At the next moment, the cold air of blue water flying and fire dragon disappears, and Lin Tian puts up the ice king for ten thousand years, and laughs at the sky cloud flying, "OK, we need to talk."

Sky clouds fly to see dragon on fire and blue water fly, "what's wrong with you?"

At the moment, the fire dragon two people have been branded with soul marks, so they frown and dare not say more.

Lin Tian stared at the angry Tian Yunfei and said, "don't shout, it's useless. Now they have turned to me."

When Lin Tian said this, those who were frozen looked inconceivable in their eyes.

Sky cloud flies not to believe, still stare at those two people to ask, "say, exactly how to return a responsibility!"

These two people still don't say a word, but Lin Tian looks at that day Yun Fei, "talk."

"Well, there's no talk!" The sky cloud flies to be angry, but Lin Tian has to say, "that line, if not chat, we went to the array."

Hearing that Lin Tian is going to the array, LAN Shuifei and huoshanglong look surprised, especially that huoshanglong said, "this array, you can't get out."

"Don't worry, it's just a small array." After Lin Tian finishes, he takes Tianbing directly to the array.

Tianyunfei laughed, "I don't know the height of the earth, even dare to enter this array."

LAN Shuifei and huoshanglong don't know what to do. They can only wait there until tianyunfei stares, "should you explain?"

Blue water flies helplessly way, "he, fell the soul seal on our soul."

The fire dragon also nodded, "yes, ally, he is too powerful for us to resist."

"His soul is so weak, can you be controlled by that little soul seal?" Sky cloud flies not to believe.

But LAN Shuifei and her husband said that the spirit seal of Lin Tian was very powerful, which was not like the spirit state.

The sky cloud flies not to be reconciled, still stare at that array hum way, "anyway, he will die here."

At the moment, Lin Tian sees a piece of wood in the array, and there is a woman's breath on the wood.

Tianbing took the wood and said excitedly, "this is my sister's."

"Then she escaped." Lin Tian says, Tian Bing doubts, "escaped?"

"Yes, this wood, called the double wood, can replace the master to stay in an instant, while the original one can disappear far away."

Tianbing was shocked and said, "so, my sister, she is not here already?"

"Well, don't go. Go out." Lin Tian's words, let Tianbing relax, "she's OK."

Lin Tian put up the double wood and walked out of the array.

On that day, Yunfei saw Lin Tian and others coming out. After he had nothing to do, he stared at the avenue. "How can this be possible?"

Lin Tian stared at the sky and said, "are you going to surrender?"

"Well, unless you can beat me, you can't expect me to surrender!" This sky cloud flies not to matter, but also a leap up, continue to float in the air.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "if you don't come back, I'll guess your old nest!"

"Funny, my old nest, but the complicated nine star array, let alone you, is the people who are flying up the border, can't find the old nest." Tianyunfei said as he went crazy, he obviously didn't take Lin Tian seriously.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "then you can watch it!"

At this time, Lin Tian leaped into the air and disappeared in front of the crowd, while the blue water and the fire dragon wondered what was going on.

But Tianbing looked suspicious. "Where's the ancestor?"

Tianyunfei looks around in the air. "What are you doing, boy?"

"Your array is a combination of many trapped array, killing array, confusion array and even multiple array combinations." Lin Tian explained in the dark.

"What do you know, boy?" Tianyunfei's eyes widened, and Lin Tian smiled, "this array, obviously, is not something you can work out."

Tianyunfei didn't expect Lin Tian to see the clue. He said proudly, "yes, this array is left by a immortal. But I came here by chance and occupied it."

"You're dominating, but you don't know a lot about this array." Lin Tian smiles and laughs.

Sky cloud flies to immediately stare a way, "who says I don't understand?"

"Is it?" As soon as Lin Tian's voice fell, suddenly a red fire rope came into the air and directly caught the sky.

Sky cloud flies to stare big eyes, "what is this?"

"This is the fire entanglement array in the array. Once entangled, even if you are flying up, you can't get rid of it."

After Lin Tian finished, he flew out from the dark, and that day Yun Fei didn't believe in evil. Then after the crazy struggle, he found that the spirit in his body was still sealed.

This made Tian Yunfei lose his color. "No, it's impossible! Why does my array have this thing! "

"I've said that this array hides a lot of arrays. Although you occupy this array, you only know part of it." Lin Tian smiles and sees the clouds flying.

Tian Yunfei began to panic, even staring at Lin Tiandao, "boy, have a word to say."

"You are the head of the eighteen thieves?"

"Yes." At the moment, tianyunfei has no pride at all. For the people looking down, one by one, I can't believe that their leader has been subdued.

For Lin Tian, he also knew that he was lucky. He came across such a good array.

But sky cloud flies but depressed pole, until Lin Tian stares at him to say, "turn to me."

Tianyunfei doesn't want to, but the spirit can't be used, which means it's useless to burn Yuanshen, but he doesn't want to say, "I'm flying up!"

"What's the matter with feishengjing?"

"I have a strong soul!" Tianyunfei threatened, but Lin Tiansi was not at ease, and put his hand on his forehead.

Tianyunfei thought that he could get rid of the soul seal. After all, he was flying up. But when the soul seal hit his soul, tianyunfei knew how stupid he was.

For Lin Tian, he made a leap, rushed into the dark, pulled out the fire chains, and then returned to the sky again.

"How could it be?" said Tian Yunfei

"Now, give me your life." Lin Tian patted him on the shoulder, and that day Yun Fei stared at Lin Tian like a monster, "you."

"Come on, I'll show you how to use this array." Lin Tian's words, let tianyunfei's resentment disappear in a flash, but suddenly changed his personality, "do you know how to use this array?"

"Well, there are nine nine nine star arrays. I'll show you how to use them." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he rushed into the darkness.

Tianyunfei thought that he could not get rid of Lin Tian anyway, so he might as well understand the array thoroughly. After all, he has been trapped for many years.

But when Yunfei and Lin Tian rushed into the dark, they found that they came to a palace.

"How can there be a palace?" Tianyunfei's eyes widened, especially on the surrounding walls, and he could see the whole array.

Even everyone's every move can be seen in detail here.

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