The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 688 reappearance of heartburn powder

People didn't expect that Jiang Yao would come up with such a suggestion, but Jiang Zhiruo thought that Jiang Yao had been taken by himself, and he quickly laughed, "yes, I hope you don't regret it then!"

"No!" Jiang Yao smiles confidently, while Jiang Zhiruo sneers and stares at the two people on the stage.

At the same time, Jiang Zhiruo also said to Xiao Jintan, "if you defeat her today, I will make you an official!"

Xiao Jintian is very happy, especially embracing Jiang Zhiruo's thigh. In the future, the cultivation resources will be continuous, and he has great power in Yunzhou Prefecture.

So Xiao Jintian told Jiang Zhiruo, "don't worry, miss three!"

For the burning Qingqing standing there, he was very calm, and Xiao Jintian stared at the burning Qingqing after regaining his mind. "I will give you a chance to surrender, or you will die miserably if you start later."

"We Tianshui gate, never admit defeat!" said burning Qingqing

"Dying." The golden light on Xiao Jintian's body twinkled immediately, and then it began to turn golden around, just like gold ice, all of a sudden, the floor was golden.

Not only that, but also a little bit spread to that burning cyan body, and burning cyan wanted to fly, but found that a huge golden cover was formed around her, and trapped her there.

People exclaimed, and some worshipped, "this Xiao Jintian is really powerful."

"No, it's terrible."

Nangong Yan is in a hurry. "Burn sister, you must not become a golden statue."

Jiang Zhiruo was very happy. "It seems that one of them lost."

But Jiang Yao was calm. "Maybe, it's just beginning!"

People don't think so, but Lin Tian loses a thousand fold skill to burn Qingqing.

The power of burning Qingqing immediately expanded, making her look like crossing the peak of robbery, but the power of eruption is very huge, which will shatter all the golden gas hoods.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that burning Qingqing had such a powerful power. Jiang Zhiruo's smile was closed, and he said to Xiao Jintian, "what's the stupidity? Hurry up! "

Xiao Jintian is ready to attack again, but those golden lights are shaken away by the power of burning Qingqing before they encounter it.

That Xiao Jintian was very upset, and still went on a rampage there, "Damn it."

Burning green but looking at Xiao Jintian, "it's my turn!"

Burning Qingqing immediately gathered all kinds of strength. The target was Xiao Jintian, and Xiao Jintian gathered the golden aura mask all over his body. Then he said proudly, "my defense, but the first person of Jin Department in Yunzhou Prefecture!"

Voice down, burning green ordinary fly for that golden cover has no effect, and Xiao Jintian is very happy.

The people present exclaimed, "it's a strong defense."

Jiang Zhiruo said with a smile, "this is the strength gap."

Nangong Yan was upset and said, "Damn it."

Lin Tian was very calm, until that burning Qingqing took out some purple flying needles, and people were curious about what burning Qingqing was going to do.

Xiao Jintian said arrogantly, "it's useless, you can't be my opponent!"

Burning Qingqing was curious about the power of the needle, so she took out a needle and hit it directly.

Xiao Jintian still doesn't care, but when the needle touches the other side's golden mask, a huge voice sounds, "boom!"

Xiao Jintian's aura mask was blown up on the spot. Not only that, but also a purple cloud wrapped around Xiao Jintian.

When Xiao Jintan was about to scold this flying needle, he felt that there was a strange ghost gas in his body, which made him very uncomfortable and even grim, "you, what are you?"

Everyone was shocked, especially the power just now, so that everyone around could feel its horror.

Nangong Yan cheered, "burn sister, mighty!"

Burn Qingqing takes out another one, then stares at Xiao Jintian and says with a smile, "aren't you very powerful? Then try again! "

Xiao Jintian is frightened, especially the golden cover that condenses out is much weaker than the strength just now.

When Jiang Zhiruo finds out something is wrong, he immediately looks at Tong Yan, who immediately tells Xiao Jintian, "use that thing!"

Xiao Jintian knew that this was the only way, so he took a deep breath and held together a golden light with a black liquid in it.

When xiaojintian threw it out, the golden light spread out in front of the burning blue, and then the black liquid suddenly turned into a huge black flame.

Not only that, the black flame also turned into a black gas, which was directly sprinkled around the burning green.

In addition, after encountering many places on the body of the burnt green, it immediately burns.

Tianyin steward and Dugu Yishan said in the same voice, "heartburn

For the power and effect of heartburn powder, they have learned it for a long time, but this time, they were shocked to see it again.

Jiang Yao immediately got up and said, "this competition will stop!"

Jiang Zhiruo laughed, "I said second sister, are you afraid of losing?"

"You know what it is?"

"I don't know." Jiang Zhiruo pretends to be silly, and Jiang Yao sneers, "two hundred years ago, someone broke into the library of Yunzhou mansion and stole the most important thing of our Yunzhou mansion. What that person used was heartburn powder! That's it! "

Jiang Zhiruo smiled, "I said that two elder sisters, 200 years ago someone would have this poison, and now someone would have this poison, what's the connection?"

"It's hard to refine the poison, so I suspect it was made by the same person." Jiang Yao concluded.

Not only Jiang Yao but also Lin Tian thought so, and he suddenly wanted to know how the heartburn powder came from each other.

But before that, Lin Tian had to teach burn Qingqing how to detoxify.

At the beginning, Huo Qingqing was still in a panic. However, under the voice of Lin Tian, she immediately started to save herself. Moreover, with Lin Tian's true medical skills, she immediately restrained the trend of poison emission.

But in the eyes of outsiders, burning Qingqing has been "poisoned", and burning Qingqing still sits there.

Jiang Zhiruo laughed at Jiang Yao. "Second sister, there are many people who can refine poisons in this world. You can't be so arbitrary. Otherwise, it's not good to treat people 200 years ago on the spot."

Jiang Yao was about to attack, but Lin Tian said, "let's continue the competition."

But Jiang Yao was worried, "but."

"Don't worry, my man, he is immortal." Lin Tian said confidently, but Jiang Zhiruo laughed, "boy, heartburn powder, what do you know?"

"Yes, but my men, they can't die." Lin Tian is still confident.

Jiang Zhiruo chuckles, "does poison not kill? Look at your people, how to die later! "

At the moment, Xiao Jintian thought that the victory was in hand, so he went to burn Qingqing step by step happily, and stared at it with a strange smile, "you're damn."

Burning Qingqing didn't speak, still closed his eyes, and Nangong Yan was in a hurry. "Big brother, what can I do?"

Tianbing also looks at Lin Tian and wants to know what remedial measures he has, while heixueyu sees Lin Tian motionless and mutters, "what is he thinking?"

Jiang Zhiruo was so happy that he smiled at Lin Tian and said, "boy, against me, that's how it ends!"

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