The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 698 double return

The old man was so angry that his beard changed from black to red, and his robe changed from black to red. The whole man was as red as if he had changed his face.

"Discoloration! It's interesting! " Lin Tian saw that the other side was like this, but he laughed. The old man's eyes widened, "do you know how to change color?"

Lin tiansmilingly said, "chameleon is a kind of mysterious magic among the five elements, and once it is cultivated, it can make the body and even the magic weapon turn into corresponding attributes, and then increase the overall ability."

The old man's eyes twinkled with strange light. "Boy, I learned this. No one knows except my master. How do you know it?"

"Want to know?"


"Return my money, plus the money I want to answer you, is also five billion yuan. Give me one billion yuan, and I will tell you." Lin Tian said to the old man, "you are blackmail!"

"Tit for tat!" Lin Tian is unmoved, and at the moment, he is just like a mortal "quarrel", without giving each other any face.

"You want to die." The old man flashed a flame before he died, and then it turned into a flame rope, and entangled Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looks at the flame, but he doesn't care. He looks at each other and says with a smile, "why? So that I can be trapped? "

"You're a little mortal. See how I can kill you." The old man seemed unwilling to kill Lin Tian.

Lin Tian sighed helplessly, and the fire rope disappeared immediately, and the old man was stupefied, even his eyes were wide open, "it's impossible, you have no cultivation."

"No accomplishments, who told you?" Lin Tian looks at the old man. He doesn't believe it. He tries again.

As a result, the flames flashed around the forest and disappeared.

"See clearly?" Lin Tian stared at the stunned old man and asked, but the old man was in a hurry. "I'm going to cross the plunder. I can't believe I can't kill you!"

The old man was about to start. Suddenly a wall appeared in front of the old man, and the wall was very hard.

Plus thousands of stacks of skills, the old man can't be shattered at all. He can only stare and shout, "you."

Not only that, the temperature around decreased, and the old man's robe changed a little bit, and the red on his face also faded.

"Here, my chameleon." When the old man found that his discoloration had disappeared, his brow furrowed. Obviously, he did not expect such a result.

Lin Tian smiled at the old man. "Are you still here?"

The old man was out of his power, so he had to compromise and say, "500 million yuan is enough for you."

"No, I want a billion."

"You, you didn't answer my question just now. Why do you want a billion yuan?" The old man was in a hurry, but Lin Tian smiled. "That was the price just now, now, and it will change later."

"You." The old man was so angry that he could only throw out a heaven and earth bag, "there are one billion in it."

"No!" The old man is going crazy, especially these things he collected with difficulty, but now they are robbed by Lin Tian.

Lin Tian asked strangely, "really not?"


Lin Tian had to ask, "tell me, how did you come to Tianya Pavilion, and what was your position in Tianya pavilion?"

"There are many Sanxian and feishengjing people in Tianya Pavilion, and they can send back the information collected every day, and then send it to different people through sorting."

Lin Tian said, "what's your name?"

"My name is Senyan."

Lin Tian stared at him and said with a smile, "next, it's time."


"Surrender to me." Lin Tian's finger is on his forehead. When he is ready to make a soul seal, there is a red light flashing on his forehead, which seems to be frantically resisting Lin Tian's soul seal.

Lin Tian looks puzzled. "Defense?"

"Yes, this is unique to Tianya Pavilion, so no one can control us, and we only belong to Tianya Pavilion."

That forest smoke confident full way, but Lin Tian sneers, "I want to break, or can."

"You can't, it's hard to break." That forest smoke frightens Lin Tiandao, but Lin Tian ignores it and directly reincarnates yuan Shen to open it.

When the Senyan gradually felt that the defense was weakened, the whole person became frightened. "This, what's the matter?"

Lin tianxie smiles, and finally marks his soul, which makes Senyan panic, "why is this so?"

"Isn't it good to follow me?" Lin Tian smiled at Senyan, who was so depressed that he said, "what do you want to do?"

"Pass on the information collected by Tianya pavilion every day to me through that soul seal." Lin Tian's words made Sen Yan have to pass all he knew to Lin Tian.

In this way, Lin TIANLIAN knows what wind is around and when it will appear, and there are also some big and small events around.

"Well, good." Lin Tian is very satisfied, then turns around and leaves. Senyan hurriedly sends Lin Tian, the God of plague, away.

The black snow jade outside asked curiously, "did you spend five hundred million to ask questions?"

"Five billion." Lin Tian smiled, and the black snow jade looked puzzled. "How about making five hundred million? What do you mean? "

"First find a boat to go out to sea, then speak slowly." Lin Tian said to heixueyu, and heixueyu said, "there must be a ship to go to sea. After all, the sea is too slow to fly, and the specially built ship can be very fast at sea."

"That's right." That's what Lin Tian meant, and then let black snow lead the way.

But as soon as she got out of the Tianya Pavilion, heixueyu felt that someone was following them in the dark, and her eyebrows were wrinkled, "ancestor, someone is following us."

"It's OK. Some clowns don't know what to do." Lin Tian doesn't take those people seriously.

"Yes, grandfather."

Heixueyu went to buy an expensive boat nearby. When those who followed him secretly saw that Lin Tian was so rich, their saliva left behind and said, "five hundred million to buy a boat, one hundred million to buy a boat. This guy must be a fat sheep."

"Elder martial brother Wen, when are we going to start?" Someone looked at the man in blue and asked.

The man named elder martial brother Wen laughed, "this is the city. You can't do it."

"What does elder martial brother Wen mean to do after going to sea?"

"Look at him like this, he must be out to sea." The young man grinned.

Everyone nodded, and the young man saw that Lin Tian and heixueyu were indeed going out of the city, and immediately followed them.

But when Lin Tian and others were going out of the city, there was a sign at the gate of the city, and many people came to see it.

Some people shouted excitedly, "is this ten thousand year old sea animal true?"

"It's true. You can't catch it!"

"Yes, ten thousand year old sea animals, it's terrible!"

But heixueyu stared at the ten thousand year old sea animal and muttered, "I didn't expect that this ten thousand year old sea animal is still so domineering."

"What? Is it famous? " Lin Tian asked curiously, staring at the design of the sea animal that looked like octopus.

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