The island's owner, Xiuwei, also crossed the border of robbery, but Lin Tian was frightened as if he saw a beast. "A group of Pirates came in the morning and took her away."


"Yes, a famous pirate nearby." The island owner was in a hurry, but Lin Tian didn't expect someone to catch Tianluo ahead of time, so Lin Tian asked, "what pirates, where are they stationed?"

"Guluo Island, just to the west, is composed of three big islands, but all of them are pirates! And it's scary pirates. "

Hearing this, Lin Tian felt familiar. It seemed that he had heard three words about the ancient island. So he asked the island owner to give the specific location, and Lin Tian asked gongsunyuan to lead the way.

After Lin Tian and others left, the island owner sighed, "what a terrible man."

However, on the sea, Yan Shishi stares at Lin Tian, and when he finds out that he is silent, she doubts, "are you ok?"

"Nothing." Lin Tian returns to his senses, but with a straight face, Yan Shishi does not dare to speak more. Zhou Zhongtian says to Yan Shishi, "it seems that the woman is very important to him."

Yan Shishi says, "not really."

"I don't know what their relationship is." Zhou Zhongtian is curious. As for Yan's poems, he wants to know more.

Lin Tian didn't know what they said, but stared at the front.

About a quarter of an hour later, they came to the place that the island owner said, and now somewhere on the island, there is a group of people complimenting a young man.

This young man is no one else. It's Wenyan, who was taught by Lin Tian before, and he's already in the early stage of his ascent. He said excitedly, "look, I said I can make it."

"Elder martial brother Wen, in the future, your position in Gulao will go straight to the elder level."

"No, you are flying up in Gulao now, except for the elders and sect leaders."

Wenyan was very satisfied, and still smiled and said, "you should work hard. Sooner or later, you will be as good as me."

Everyone nodded, and then someone shouted from a distance, "there are four people near in front."

"Oh? Don't you have eyes? " In order to show off that he had just arrived at feisheng, Wenyan immediately flew up, and all the people followed him as small attendants.

When Wenyan saw Lin Tian's four people leaning on an island, he was surprised and pleased. "It's you!"

Some people from Guluo Island apparently saw Lin Tian, so they shouted excitedly, "elder martial brother Wen, it's that bastard."

"Elder martial brother Wen, go and shoot him."

"I'll be right there." Wen Yan laughs, and then brings people down to the four people in front of Lin Tian.

Wen Yan's eyes brightened at the sight of Yan Shishi beside Lin Tian. "Hey, boy, you can change women fast enough."

When Lin Tian saw Wen Yan, he remembered that it was the bandits, but Yan Shishi and other people all gathered together. As for those who had low accomplishments, they could not understand their accomplishments at all.

Therefore, these people totally regard Yan Shishi as a weak person.

But Lin Tian stares at Wen Yan, "who is the boss here?"

Wen Yan heard this and said, "why? Looking for our boss? "

"Say it." That Gongsun yuan didn't have Lin Tian's patience. He just stared at him. At the beginning of Wenyan's ascent, he thought that the world was invincible. "Little guy, look at my accomplishments."

With that, Wenyan intentionally released his accomplishments, while gongsunyuan said two words, "garbage!"

The pirates went off one by one, and some even urged, "look, elder martial brother Wen, this guy even scolds you."

"Brother Wen, kill him."

Wenyan finally broke through, and even was scolded and immediately stared, "it seems that I want you to know my strength."

But this Wenyan just took out a piece of Sea King stone. When Lin Tian and others were going to be crushed, gongsunyuan waved one hand, and a strong airflow hit this Wenyan face directly.

Wenyan felt as if he had been slapped, and the whole man flew out, and finally lay on the beach spitting blood, "you!"

Everyone was stunned, but Wenyan knew how terrible Gongsun was.

Gongsunyuan glared, "ask you! How can there be so much nonsense! "

Wenyan airway, "come on, give me up, take them all down."

Those people immediately gathered a lot of people to come over, and then they were ready to attack Lin Tian and others. However, Yan Shishi twisted all the people one by one.

Wenyan suddenly stutters up, "all, are not human!"

Lin Tian comes to Wenyan and says coldly, "I'll ask you again, who is your boss!"

"I'm here." There was a sound not far away.

When they turned around, they saw a middle-aged man appear. He was wearing a cotton padded jacket in the hot weather, and at the same time, his mouth was cold. It seemed that he was ill, and it seemed that he had practiced some skills.

When the bandits saw him, they respectfully said, "sect leader."

This middle-aged man is the gate owner of Gulao Island, and he said seriously, "boy, my name is Gulao, the gate owner of Gulao Island, I don't know what's the matter?"

Lin Tian takes out the picture of Tianluo and asks, "did you catch her?"

Gulo looked at the woman and immediately frowned, "what's the matter? Are you her friends? "

"Yes." Lin Tian said, but drew Guluo's ridicule, "boy, I'm sorry, she has been sent away by me."

"See you off?"

"Any questions?" That ancient Luo sneers, but Lin Tian ice cold way, "to which?"

"Why should I tell you?" Gulo joked.

Lin Tian didn't open his mouth, but Yan Shishi did. He grabbed the ancient Luo and said, "little girl, you'd better put away your magic, or you'll all die when I explode."

Yan Shishi ignored, and the pirates shouted, "kill them!"

Wenyan complains to Guluo, "sect leader, this guy is the kid who killed a lot of us last time."

Wen Yan said, pointing to Lin Tian when he came to that ancient Luo, and after hearing this, he said, "I will clean them up today."

After that, Guluo was cold, and then all the vines of Yan Shishi froze there. Then Guluo had a big drink, and all the vines were broken.

Guluo's accomplishments exploded completely, reaching the peak of the soaring realm.

One by one, the pirates cheered up, but Yan Shishi wondered, "how strong is the peak of the rising state?"

Lin Tian, however, said to Yan Shishi, "it's a great surprise for different people to achieve different accomplishments, so his peak is comparable to the fifth and sixth levels of Sanxian."

Yan Shishi didn't expect that the other side was so fierce, and that Guro sneered, "I can become a pirate here and dominate one side. That's all capable!"

"I don't care what you can do, you have to tell me right away, or I'll do it, and you'll have only one body left."

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