The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 879 deviant after demonization

LAN elder heard Lin Tian 's words and frowned. "I won' t let Pi Changlao be fooled by you."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "you should discuss with him and tell me what's the use of these things."

Elder LAN knew that elder PI could not be persuaded. He could only stare at Lin Tiandao. "If I could persuade him, I would not stop you."

"But you can't stop me." Lin Tian's words made elder LAN frown, and elder PI knew that this was not the way to go, so he began to go mad, a black shadow appeared behind him, and then the whole person was demonized.

Everyone was shocked. The evil cloud elder couldn't trap the elder. But elder Lan said, "elder PI, calm down!"

"Let him go, or I'll fight you." This elder Pi is like a crazy devil at the moment.

The three elders don't know what to do, but Lin Tian stares at elder PI and says, "calm down."

"I can't calm down." Elder PI just wants these people not to embarrass Lin Tian.

It is precisely because of this persistence that the demonization of elder PI can not stop for a while, so that the next moment, elder Pi's strong air flow, directly shocked the evil cloud elder two.

LAN Chang is surprised and wants to help. Lin Tian says, "let me do it."

Then everyone saw Lin Tian go, and elder PI stared at Lin Tian and said, "I can't control myself."

"Peace of mind." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he cast the soul calming charm. The breath of elder PI recovered a little and finally calmed down.

All of them were relieved. After all, they didn't want elder pi to go crazy and get damaged everywhere.

The three elders looked at Lin Tian strangely.

Lin Tian stared at elder PI for a long time and said, "are you going to lose control of yourself

"I can control my consciousness, but once my body is demonized, it will always be magic Qi in my body. I don't know what to do." Elder PI explained.

Lin Tian understood what he said, "so, you are demonizing, you have your own consciousness, you just can't let it stop demonizing?"

"Yes, if you have good luck, it may dissipate in a short time. If you have bad luck, you may have to exhaust yourself, so it will dissipate." Elder PI said helplessly.

Lin Tian listened and looked at others. "Are you the same?"

Everyone looks embarrassed. Obviously, everyone is the same. Once they are demonized, their consciousness will stay awake. But the evil Qi in their bodies makes their bodies different. It's not so easy to calm down.

Seeing this, Lin Tian looked at PI Lao and said, "what's the reason that you have this ability?"

"Magic power?" Elder PI asked. After Lin Tianen's benediction, elder PI explained, "there is a magic snow mountain here. If you want to obtain the demonization ability, go to this mountain, and then worship three times at the top of the mountain, you can get this power."

Lin Tian said, "take me to have a look."

Elder PI was stunned and said, "you are going?"

"I want to see what makes you demonized." Lin Tian explained, and elder PI hesitated and said, "please follow me."

Finish saying, elder PI took Lin Tian to the distance, and everyone followed. As for the evil cloud elder two, they stared at elder LAN and asked.

"Elder LAN, what can I do now?" Evil black is curious to ask a way, cloud white also one face doubts, "this kid, seem not simple appearance."

Elder Lan said helplessly, "depending on the situation, we can't stop them."

"Evil black surprised way," so to say, really want to see elder Pi is fooled by this kid to deal with snow mountain temple

"Cloud white coagulates heavy way," this is to let them go to die

"Let's see first." Elder LAN is also helpless. He can only follow him silently to see what Lin Tian is going to do.

For Lin Tian, under the leadership of elder PI, he came to the foot of a mountain, which is surrounded by magic Qi.

Elder PI said, "in order to gain strength and survive under jiuxue mountain, we will go up the mountain and gain demonization ability, but this kind of strength will only be aroused when we encounter danger or are stimulated."

Lin Tian stared at the snow mountain with magic spirit and said with a smile, "it seems that this snow mountain is not so simple as he imagined."

"We don't know much about this magic snow mountain. We only know that if we go up to worship, we can gain the ability of demonization." Elder PI continued to explain.

"Well, let's go." Lin Tian wants to go on, but Su Yuanyuan and Baiyu mountain follow.

But elder Ke PI was a little worried. "Do you really want to go up?"

"You can all go up. Why can't I go up?" Lin Tian laughs at him, but elder PI really doesn't want his master to go up. After all, once demonized, it's easy to be grumpy.

So elder PI hesitated, "although the demonization gives us strength, once stimulated, it will be demonized, and if you want to stop, you have to consume your demonic Qi, or calm down for a long time."

"What? Will demonization be hard? " Lin Tian asked after seeing that elder PI was a little regretful.

"Although demonization can give us strength, there is always a strange voice in our mind once it is demonized," sighed elder PI

"Weird voice?"

"Yes, always ask me whether I need strength or not. Once I say that I need strength, I will improve my strength, but my consciousness will be more blurred." Elder Pi is afraid.

Lin Tian didn't expect the demonization and the ability. He turned around and looked at the people. But he nodded, "elder PI said it."

Some people familiar with the demonization said, "I asked for that voice three times."

"Three times?" Lin Tian looks at the man strangely, and the man says, "it's three times in a row, each time I improve a lot of strength, but the third time I feel that my body is not myself gradually, and it's good that my friend wakes me up later."

Others said that there was a similar situation, and Lin Tian had to look at the three elders.

Although the three elders didn't say anything, Lin Tian understood and said with a smile, "then I will experience the demonization."

The eldest brother of PI Chang was shocked, "never!"

Everyone wondered why elder PI cared so much about Lin Tian, just like his family members. Lin Tian didn't say much, but went to the snow road in the mountain, while others followed him silently to see what Lin Tian wanted to do.

Elder Pi is very anxious, but he doesn't know how to stop Lin Tian. He can only watch in silence.

Until a quarter of an hour later, they came to the top of the mountain.

At the same time, there is a huge stone statue on the top of the mountain, and there is a small stone tablet beside the stone statue.

It is written on the stone tablet that there is a passage in the snow mountain temple to leave jiuxuetian mountain.

We all know the news, but we all think it's false.

However, Lin Tian stared at the huge statue and found that it was different.

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