The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 889 gods of the sea and mountains

Lin Tian laughed and said, "villain? Are you and I friends of gentlemen? "

"You." Kong Youqi glared angrily, and Lin Tian smiled, "if you don't want to die, listen to me."

"What if I don't listen?"

"If you don't listen, your soul power will be bound forever, and you, only physical body, won't work, because you can't exert your power at all." Lin Tian laughs at Kong you.

Kong Youqi stares at Lin Tian, "boy, are you trying to control me?"

"No, I just want to ask you something." When Lin Tian finished, he started to laugh at the corner of his mouth.

"This smile depressed Kong you," he said

"It takes a lot of ghost Qi to make those talismans. How do you get these ghost Qi?" Lin Tian stares at Kong you and asks.

"In jiuxue Tianshan, there is a place full of ghost gas, and that place is my private residence. No one dares to approach it, so I made it there."

"Oh? So good? "

"What do you want to do, boy?" That Kong you feels that Lin Tian is plotting against the plan, and Lin Tian smiles, "of course, I want to visit you."


"But not now." When Lin Tian finished, he asked the other party to leave an address, but Kong you said, "you have to help me to untie some power, or I will encounter a terrible spirit beast or some people to avenge me?"

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "if I untie it, you'll be out of the trouble."

"Do you want me to die?" Kong you was so depressed that Lin Tian smiled, "if you are afraid of death, follow me and go back with you."

With that, Lin Tian turned to the valley ahead.

That hole is angry, but he has no choice but to follow Lin Tian in silence.

However, all of a sudden, the people of the xuemiao Temple died, and all of a sudden, it reached the xuemiao mountain, and the xuemiao mountain sent the law enforcement team to investigate what happened.

At the moment, Lin Tian came to a place where there were no snowflakes, and there were only bare stones everywhere.

Not only that, there are heat waves everywhere.

At the moment, elder PI and others are waiting there. When you can see Kong you behind Lin Tian, everyone is staring.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "don't be nervous. Now he listens to me."

"Who will listen to you? I'm just following you for a while." That Kong you still has a little personality, even very dissatisfied appearance.

Lin Tian smiles, but Su Yuanyuan and others wonder what happened and why.

Lin Tian didn't explain much. Instead, he stared at the front and asked, "what's the matter?"

"The beasts stopped here, as if afraid to move on." Su Yuanyuan explained, and Baiyushan said, "look, there are no snowflakes in front of us, but we can feel the heat flow."

Elder PI hesitated, "if you have guessed correctly, this is the valley of fire in the hearsay spirit beast field."

"Valley of fire?" Lin Tian didn't know where it was, but elder PI said, "flaming Valley, the only place in jiuxue Tianshan that doesn't snow."

Kong you said, "there is a fire in it. It's strange that it snows."

"What fire is in it?" Lin Tian is sure to listen to Kong you, but Kong you is bored and unhappy, "some spirit fire."

When Lin Tian heard that it was Linghuo, he didn't care much, but he went on, but Kong you said, "it's said that Whoever enters the flame valley will die, boy, you can think about it."

Lin Tian was stunned and then smiled bitterly, "and so on?"

"Don't believe it? You ask your friends. " Kong you laughed strangely, while Lin Tian looked at elder PI and others.

Elder PI nodded. "It's a rumor."

Su Yuanyuan also said, "I've heard about it, but I didn't expect that this flaming valley was in the spirit beast arena. It's really strange."

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously. He said calmly, "no matter what is ahead, it will not affect me."

Finish saying, Lin Tian wants to go in, that hole swim is depressed way, "you boy want to die, don't pull me."

"It's up to you to go or not. I'll go anyway." Lin Tianbian said as he walked, the soul of Kong you was sealed, and he could only keep up with it.

The old three of PI Chang followed in silence, but they were wary of the surroundings, while Lin Tian was calm.

After a while, a flame came out of the ground and rushed to the people. Those people were crazy to put out the fire. They wished they could put out the flame.

At first, the fire was easy to attack, so everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, a stronger fire appeared.

The soul power of Kong Youhun is comfortable. The whole person runs to Lin Tian and jumps for help. "Boy, you, untie me quickly."

As soon as the fire king shook off, the flames on the people disappeared. Everyone looked at each other and wondered what the flames flashed in front of them.

Lin Tian stared at them and said, "OK, stop looking. This is my spirit fire."

"Your spirit fire can swallow other spirit fire?" Kong you looks at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian asks, "why? Any questions? "

Kongyu regained his composure. "It's a big problem."

Lin Tian ignored him, but went on, but Kong you was curious, "boy, tell me how you put out those fires just now."

Lin Tian is still OK, but suddenly a bird comes, and there is a flame on the bird.

People are curious about what kind of bird it is, and Lin Tian frowns, "the beast of the mountain and sea, the Phoenix bird."

"Phoenixes, what is it?" Kong you is suspicious, and others are curious to stare at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian explained, "fire phoenix bird is the descendant of Fire Phoenix. Although it is not as domineering as the beast fire phoenix, it is not ordinary, but I didn't expect to see it in the world."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what a beast was. After all, they had never heard of it, but Lin Tian made a leap and was ready to subdue the Phoenix.

But the Phoenix suddenly opened its mouth, and a huge flame directly covered Lin Tian.

"That hole lucky disaster happy disaster way," boy, was bullied by the bird

"Do you dare to laugh at him?" said elder PI

Baiyu mountain also stared at Kong you with one face, "believe it or not, we will clean you up?"

Kongyou knew that he was not as good as them at the moment, and he could only look depressed. "I'm just talking about it, why is it more true."

Elder PI and elder PI are back to their senses, but Lin Tian is surrounded by the flames of each other.

Not only that, the bird made a strange call, which was very fierce.

"What now?" Su Yuanyuan was worried to look at the three, while elder PI congealed and said, "I believe in my master."

Baiyu mountain also believed in Lin Tian, but Kong you said, "this fire is so strong that he can fit into the environment. Are you sure there is a way to carry it down?"

"If he can't resist, he'll throw you over." The elder PI threatened, and Kongyu said gloomily, "you will bully me now that my soul power is bound."

People ignored him, but worried and stared at Lin Tian.

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