The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 926 five areas of Xiantai

Lin Tian smiles but doesn't speak, and the masked woman and Nangong Yan and others wonder if Lin Tian can really hurt the immortal.

But the follower of Dongming was at that place, and some of them said in a loud voice, "just you, dare to attack our adults with the spirit method?"

Some people also joked, "how strong a soul can be to cross the plunder."

But at the next moment, these people saw a scene of shock. They saw countless black whirlpools directly passing through the gold shield and hitting the hole Ming.

Dong Ming's face is ugly at first, then his eyes are wide. "Boy, you!"

"Comfortable?" Lin Tian asked, the hole was so angry that he bit his teeth, "you forced me!"

After that, Dongming takes out some golden immortal crystals, inhales them into the body, and begins to use the immortal method.

Only the golden light in the sky flickers, and then these golden lights turn into countless golden sword streams. The target is Lin Tian.

All the people watching at the side were stunned, even beaten by the waves generated by the torrent.

On the spot, Nangong Yan and others fell not far away, and the masked woman stepped back several steps before staring at the golden light in front of her. "The immortal method is really extraordinary."

But who knows, Lin Tian is in the golden light, let these sword Qi attack himself.

Not only that, Lin Tian doesn't even use the technique of dividing Qi, but lets these sword Qi enter the body.

"Here." The people at the scene were stunned, and Dongming even stared, "what's the matter?"

"Go on, don't waste time!" Lin tianxie smiles, and then looks inside at the hard "fruit shell" of Dantian.

There is only one crack in the shell, and now these immortal methods are slowly creating a second crack after they have penetrated into the body.

"The last time Tianlei produced the first crack, now this immortal method is not so strong." Lin Tian is a little lost.

Because only after nine cracks are generated, can we cross the calamity and impact the rising state. Originally, we thought the immortal method could be easily done by ourselves, but Lin Tian overestimated the power of these immortal methods.

But Lin Tian knew that the other side was only a star and a fairy, and his power was only stronger than the Ninth level of Sanxian, so he quickly said calmly, "OK, don't waste time."

Dongming is not willing to take it out, so he continues to take out Xianjing and make all kinds of attacks, but he can't do anything about Lin Tian.

Lin Tian went to Dongming step by step, "you are really weak."

Dongming retreats a few steps, turns around quickly, turns into a golden light to escape.

"That's boring." Lin Tian says helplessly, and those attendants are scared to be silly one by one, and run away one after another.

Nangong Yan and others are happy to surround Lin Tian.

"Big brother, you are so powerful that you can even carry the immortal method."

"Grandfather, how did you do it?" Tianbing was full of adoration, but the masked woman said strangely, "boy, are you a monster? Can all the magic carry it? "

Lin Tian said with a smile, "first of all, they have replaced the immortal spirit with the immortal crystal, which has greatly reduced the power of their immortal method. Second, he is only a star and an immortal, which is really rubbish, so he is not really the power of the immortal method."

Everyone suddenly realized, but even so, the masked woman still can't believe the way, "although so said, but how to say is immortal, immortal method, but you scared away."

But Lin Tian smiled and didn't say much, but continued to walk on his own.

The Hun yuan tiger was very excited, because he knew that he could kill the immortal if he followed Lin Tian.

However, at the moment, Dongming fled to a mountain in a mess, and many immortals gathered here. Obviously, these immortals are what he called the alliance.

When those people saw Dong Ming coming back in a mess, they were joking.

"No, it's such a mess?" A middle-aged man carrying a stone sword joked.

"Have the ability, you try!" The man laughed and said, "isn't it a big guy who has crossed the border of robbery? What's the big deal? "

Dong Ming hum, and then a man with black feathers woven mask.

When they saw this man, they said respectfully, "my Lord."

The man looked at the lower hole and frowned, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Dong Ming explained the matter, but people didn't believe it, especially the man with the stone sword said, "I think you have been in the world for too long, and you don't understand how to use the immortal method."

"Shimang, shut up!" The man named Shimang said with a smile, "believe it or not, I'll cut his head off with a sword?"

Dong Ming refuses to accept it, so he quarrels with Shimang. The adult frowns, "there are many immortals in Xiantai, so if you can unite, you can unite. If you don't want to unite, go away."

The two men were immediately quiet, and the adult hesitated for a long time and asked, "who would like to bring the boy?"

"Me." The stone awn raised the stone sword and said, and the man said, "go ahead, let's go to the road outside the beheading platform."

"Yes." That stone mans finish saying, then smile to see hole Ming, "you see."

Then the stone awn left, and Dongming secretly scolded, "you wait to suffer."

"All right, let's go." Said the man with the black feather mask, and everyone left.


now Lin Tian, who is walking in the mountains, asks, "where will all the immortal Qi and the immortal grass be?"

Nangong Yan people naturally don't know, after all, they don't know about the Xiantai, but the masked woman said with a smile, "the Xiantai is generally divided into five areas."

"Five areas?" Nangong Yan's several people are curious to see the past, while Lin Tian doesn't see the past, but listens in silence.

The masked woman shows her way, "cut the immortal Road, cut the immortal mountain, cut the immortal palace, cut the immortal Qi, cut the immortal soul."

"Where is it? It sounds strange! " Nangong Yan's face is confused, and burning Qingqing doesn't understand very well.

The masked woman said with a smile, "it's said that the road of beheading immortals began to be full of immortality everywhere, and it's also the place that immortals like to go to, and beheading immortals mountain is a fairy mountain, and that beheading immortals palace is hidden in this beheading immortals mountain."

"Is there anything special about this beheading palace?" Nangong Yan asked curiously.

"You can find the way to the fairyland by cutting the fairyland." The masked woman smiled.

Nangong Yan suddenly realized, but Tianbing was curious, "what does it mean to cut the spirit of immortals and the spirit of immortals?"

"The spirit and soul of beheading immortals belong to special places, and they are distributed around the beheading platform."

"Is there anything special about these two places?" Tianbing continues to ask.

"The power of immortals will be bound in the place where the spirit of immortals is cut, so it's the easiest place to kill immortals. As for the place where the spirit of immortals is the weakest, it's also the place where ghost cultivators are the easiest to deal with immortals."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

But the masked woman said with a smile, "so many ordinary people like to ambush in the two areas of cutting immortal Qi and soul."

"That fairy will be deceived?" Nangong Yan didn't think it was credible, but the masked woman said with a smile, "there is a lot of Qi soul grass in the place where the immortal Qi and the immortal soul are cut."

"Spirit grass? What is it? " Nangong Yan was confused, and the masked woman smiled bitterly. "I don't understand that either."

Nangong Yan and others look at Lin Tian, but the masked woman teases, "how can he understand?"

Who knows Lin Tian to say, "spirit grass, this is fairy grass, even if fairy world has very few."

"I know fairy grass, but what we want to know now is its specific function." The masked woman Tucao.

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