When Lin Tian heard this, he just smiled and spread his hands. Then he was surrounded by wind and thunder.

Seeing that Lin Tian is the Huakui who uses this strange skill again, he said in the dark, "it's useless. You can't break it if you cooperate with the well this time."

"You look down on me." Lin Tian finished, a leap, it fell to a place, and a palm hit past.

The wind and thunder entangled power, gathered directly from that hand, hit heavily on a tree.

This tree looks very common. It's just an ordinary tree. But Lin Tian suddenly attacks it and makes Du Tian look puzzled. "Are you kidding me? Attack tree? "

The masked woman stared at the tree. "This is not an ordinary tree."

As expected, after the tree was hit at that moment, the surrounding environment disappeared, and then a mouthful of blood fell on Lin Tian's hand.

At the same time, the tree in front of Lin Tian turns into Huakui, and then stares at Lin Tian in shock, "you."

"What? Are you shocked? " Lin Tian laughs at the Huakui.

Hua Kui, pale, stepped back and stared at Lin Tian in horror. "How did you find me?"

Not only Hua Kui, the masked woman and Du Tian are curious about how Lin Tian found her. After all, they didn't feel it at all.

Lin Tian stared at Hua Kui. "Everything has its own life. Even if you turn into a tree, I can find your difference."

Hua Kui stared at Lin Tian like a monster. "See you next time, I won't let you find out."

Another blood flowed from the flower's mouth, and then the whole body was like a blood light, flashing until it disappeared completely.

Then the surrounding area was restored to a courtyard, and the well was still there, but the swordsman and the big men were gone.

"You just shot too hard." That ferry day says to Lin day, and Lin day sneers, "put away your this set."

"She's a woman. You fight like that."

"As a monk, do you have any pity for her?" Lin Tian suddenly couldn't help joking, and that Du Tian immediately explained, "I'm du you."

"You'd better cross yourself." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he ignored him, but came to the well and began to absorb the power released by the well.

"This guy, it's hard to deal with," said the man

But the masked woman looked at it silently, and her heart was not strange for a long time.


at the moment, in a mountain not far away, Hua Kui's face was ugly, as if he had lost too much blood, and the whole Qi was weak.

The swordsman held her and said, "Miss, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Then a dark figure appeared and stared at them and said, "you run very fast."

Flower Kui see, immediately kneel down way, "adult."

The swordsman's face was ugly. "It's nothing to do with miss."

"It's clear that you're not as skilled as others. Doesn't it matter?" The dark figure hummed, and Hua Kui said gloomily, "Sir, I admit it's my carelessness, but that guy, it's not easy."

"I am an ancient demon. There is no pity or mercy in me, so you can say, how do you want to punish me?" The dark figure stared at the two men's icy path.

The swordsman panicked, and Hua Kui said, "if I could, I would like to go to the blood hell valley of the South wasteland hall."

When he heard this, the swordsman was shocked. "Miss, never."

"If you lose, you have to be punished." Huakui had already done the same, but the swordsman was in a hurry. As for the dark figure, he said with a smile, "I'm very responsible, I appreciate it, so I'll spare your life for the time being."

"Thank you."

"In the blood hell Valley, ten volunteers will die. Are you ready for it?" The dark figure stared at Huakui and asked.

Huakui nodded heavily. "I'm ready."

"Well, let's go, two." After dark shadow finished, a leap disappeared, and Huakui looked at the swordsman and said, "this time, maybe I will die, but it is also possible that I will become stronger, so this is an opportunity."

"But as we all know, nine dead, this one." The swordsman was more worried at the moment, but Hua Kui said meaningfully, "I must go and revenge!"

With that, Huakui began to make his way, and the swordsman had to follow him.


Lin Tian is in the yard at the moment. He doesn't know what happened not far away, but focuses on the power of breaking the well. Until half a day later, Lin Tian stops.

Only the strength of the wellhead disappeared, and Lin Tian had got the fifth piece of hide and collected it.

However, Du Tian looked around and said, "I can finally leave this place of right and wrong."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, and starts to walk outside the brothel. The brothel girls, as soon as they see the sky crossing, go crazy as they see the God of wealth.

Du Tian immediately guards his body with golden light, and then cries, "I've given it to you. What are you pestering me for?"

But they didn't believe it, so they continued to entangle until Lin Tian and the masked woman walked away, and then the genius came out.

But there are more red lip marks on his face. As for his clothes, they are rotten. But Lin Tian doesn't understand, "you've opened the golden light to protect your body, how can it become like this again?"

"I was afraid of hurting those people, so I put away the golden light protector." That cross day one face grievance.

Lin Tian wryly smiled, "golden light body protection is a defense ability, not an attack ability. How can it hurt people?"

"Me." Du Tian doesn't know how to explain it, but Lin Tian laughs, "I see you, enjoy these women."

"If you don't, how can I?" Du Tian immediately apologizes, and the masked woman on one side can't look down, "fake monk."

"I didn't. I was really afraid of hurting them."

But Lin Tian and his wife didn't believe it. They were so angry that they went crazy and explained everything.

In this way, the three men walked for a few more days, and Du Tian wondered where Lin Tian would go this time.

But Lin Tian came to a small desert area this time.

At a glance, there is sand everywhere, even no personal shadow, no building.

"No, it's all sand?" After a while, Lin Tian said, "the sixth source of power is in the desert."

"So we're going to the desert?" he said

"Let's go."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he went on, but Du Tian and the masked woman had to keep up, until half a day later, the three came to an inn.

This inn is called Nanhuang Inn, which sounds very imposing, but in such a desolate place, there should be no one crossing the sky.

But when they opened the door, they found many people sitting around.

These people were eating their own food and drinking their own, but when Lin Tiansan came in, everyone's eyes turned away.

Some of them are still gnawing a leg of mutton, and the leg of mutton is still in the middle of the air, and the whole person is fixed there.

Du Tian took a look and whispered, "here, why so many people?"

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